Reset 7 Energy Electrolytes é um suplemento inovador que combina Methyl B12, Methyl Folate, Sal Rosa do Himalaia, Magnésio, Super Complexo B e Chá Verde, oferecendo uma solução natural e energizante para quem busca aumentar a performance física e mental. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, as cápsulas proporcionam uma ação rápida e fácil absorção, garantindo que seu corpo receba os nutrientes necessários para um desempenho otimizado. Os ingredientes naturais não apenas elevam os níveis de energia, mas também melhoram o humor, suportam o sistema imunológico e ajudam na redução do estresse, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para quem leva um estilo de vida ativo.
As cápsulas Reset 7 Energy Electrolytes são especialmente formuladas para se adequar a dietas de jejum limpo e cetogênica. A mistura de 7 eletrólitos de alta qualidade, juntamente com extratos naturais como folha de chá verde e grãos de café verde, proporciona um impulso energético significativo. O Super Complexo B Metilado garante que suas células recebam oxigênio e energia suficientes, enquanto as vitaminas B naturais ajudam na absorção adequada de magnésio e potássio, essenciais durante regimes de restrição calórica.
Além disso, Reset 7 apresenta uma combinação poderosa de eletrólitos, incluindo sal rosa do Himalaia, potássio, magnésio, fósforo, cálcio e bicarbonato de potássio, todos projetados para repor as deficiências de vitaminas B solúveis em água. As cápsulas são ideais para fornecer energia pré-treino, especialmente em estilos de vida que priorizam o jejum e a dieta cetogênica, garantindo que você esteja sempre pronto para enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia.
- 1. Aumento significativo da energia e melhora do humor, proporcionando um impulso necessário para o dia a dia.
- 2. Garantia de absorção adequada de magnésio e potássio, essenciais para a saúde durante dietas restritivas.
- 3. Ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, como extratos de chá verde e grãos de café verde, que oferecem benefícios antioxidantes.
- 4. Formulação ideal para estilos de vida de jejum e cetogênica, atendendo às necessidades energéticas específicas.
- 5. Produzido nos EUA, assegurando altos padrões de qualidade e segurança no consumo.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Reset 7 Energy Electrolytes por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, antes do treino ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada para garantir a eficácia e segurança do produto.
I’m not new to intermittent fasting. Unfortunately, this product seemed to have the opposite effect on me. It gave me energy, but it did not help suppress my appetite. In fact, it increased my appetite. I craved carbs when I took them. I gave it six weeks to give it a chance and nothing changed. Disappointed considering the good reviews. I’ll stick to hydroxycut.
Kenneth Carleton –
I use this product for Intermittent Fasting. I take 4 a day and spread them out during the day. I have noticed more energy & its’s easier fast. I like that it has many different minerals in it. The previous electrolyte brand that I was taking is very salty and does not have the minerals and vitamins in it like this one does. Also, the capsules are much more convenient.
I was about 40lbs over weight so I decided to fast and exercise more and I lost weight consistently with no issues.
I would take 3 to 5 a day in place of meal time, so like 3 in the morning and 2 late afternoon for dinner. (And my daily multi vitamin)
Then only water, black tea or black coffee.
For 15 days straight and I felt pretty good again though I did have a lot of fat for my body to burn for energy.
So please consider your personal health before taking anyone else’s advice. Health is a personal thing everyone has different needs.
Anyways, I feel they work as advertised and went 15 days without food hardcore fasting but again I was fat so please don’t over do it.
Hannah M. –
I’ve been fasting 24-36 hours once per week for awhile, and have started limiting my eating window most days about two months ago. Sometimes I am pretty hungry, and I don’t want to think about food all the time, so thought a supplement might help. It’s possible as bought the wrong one; apparently this product is more for longer fasts, but you’d think if it was going to help for a 48 hour or longer fast (usually I’m not that hungry past 24 hours, it’s getting to that point that’s hard,) it would help for 24 hours, but as I say, I couldn’t feel any difference. It didn’t do me any harm though, either. What I have discovered does help is a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water at the beginning of the intense hunger pangs. Initially, like for 10 seconds, I’ll wonder if I can keep it down, but then, my appetite/hunger really does seem to quiet. I’ll keep this product on hand for when I am ready to go past 36 hours, and we’ll see.
Nursecole –
I decided to try these supplements for a couple of reasons. First reason is the obvious. I wanted to extend my fasting range and needed something to replenish me after the depletion of my electrolytes which I will say this does. Secondly, I was looking for a supplement that had properties of an appetite suppressant which I am on the fence about this one. This suppresses my appetite to a certain extent. What I have noticed is it’s best to take this when you start your fasting schedule as opposed to those who stated they take them before having eaten anything. So basically, eat and then when it’s time to fast pop these bad boys in and you should be fine. Lastly, I was looking for something to give me a little energy. I read one review that said she was on phentermine and it gave the same energy. This is absolutely not true. I was once on phentermine so I can attest to this statement. If you are buying this supplement to replace your phentermine don’t expect the same energy or appetite suppressant. Remember phentermine is a controlled substance for a reason. I will say unexpectedly I used this when I had a slight hangover and it worked like a charm. Overall, I would not say don’t buy this product because I believe the properties and benefits are true. I just want ppl to be aware that you have to find your own routine on when to take these supplements to improve your fasting times. If you’re on the fence about purchasing them I say just go ahead and try them out and give them a chance. If it doesn’t work for you then try something else.
Mya Ishman –
This supplement is great for fasting. Appears to even suppress my appetite which is helpful for prolonged fasting.
Shelby –
Should have read ingredients before purchase. Why would anyone buy a product containing chloride and willingly take it? It’s a chemical which can in turn cause kidney issues? Stay away from product.
Cindy Lutz –
I was struggling with my energy level before starting these. I now take them in the morning and feel great all day. I can work without feeling sluggish. A fantastic way to get those electrolytes!