Descrição do Produto: Renue By Science Nicotinamide Riboside
O Renue By Science Nicotinamide Riboside é um suplemento inovador que oferece 1000mg de nicotinamida em pó, formulado para proporcionar suporte essencial à saúde celular e ao bem-estar geral. Com um sabor cítrico refrescante, este pó sublingual é uma maneira prática e eficaz de aumentar os níveis de NAD+ no organismo, um coenzima vital que desempenha um papel crucial na produção de energia celular. À medida que envelhecemos, os níveis de NAD+ diminuem aproximadamente 1% ao ano, o que pode impactar negativamente a saúde do coração e do cérebro. O uso de Nicotinamide Riboside como um precursor do NAD+ pode ajudar a proteger essas funções vitais, promovendo vitalidade e energia em todas as idades.
- Suporte ao NAD+ – Os suplementos de Nicotinamide Riboside apoiam a função celular e a saúde do coração e do cérebro, promovendo vitalidade e energia em todas as idades. O suporte a níveis saudáveis de NAD+ à medida que envelhecemos é fundamental para a proteção da saúde cardiovascular e cerebral.
- Ativação de Sirtuínas – O Nicotinamide Riboside, como precursor do NAD+, promove a ativação das enzimas Sirtuínas, que são importantes para a reparação do DNA e a expressão saudável dos genes. Estudos demonstraram que ele pode promover a atividade juvenil das células-tronco, essencial para a função saudável dos tecidos durante o envelhecimento.
- Função Mitocondrial – As mitocôndrias são essenciais para a produção saudável de energia celular e são a fonte de várias moléculas sinalizadoras. O uso de um suplemento de Nicotinamide Riboside para proteger os níveis de NAD+ promove uma função mitocondrial saudável, o que pode levar a uma energia otimizada, melhor cognição e desempenho.
- Ativação de Vias de Longevidade – O NR interage com as vias NRF2 e mTOR através do aumento da produção de NAD+. Essas vias metabólicas estão ligadas à longevidade e à saúde em diversos organismos modelo, incluindo estudos em humanos.
- Qualidade e Segurança Garantidas – O pó de Nicotinamide Riboside NR é livre de alérgenos, fabricado em uma instalação registrada nos EUA e em conformidade com as normas GMP, passando por rigorosos testes de terceiros para garantir os mais altos padrões de qualidade.
1. Aumento da Energia: Melhora a produção de energia celular, ajudando a combater a fadiga e promovendo um estilo de vida ativo.
2. Saúde Cognitiva: Apoia a função cerebral, melhorando a memória e a clareza mental, especialmente em idades avançadas.
3. Reparo do DNA: Promove a reparação celular e a expressão saudável dos genes, contribuindo para a saúde a longo prazo.
4. Longevidade: Ativa vias metabólicas que estão associadas à longevidade, ajudando a manter a vitalidade ao longo dos anos.
5. Segurança e Pureza: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se dissolver uma dose de 1000mg de Renue By Science Nicotinamide Riboside em água ou sob a língua, permitindo a absorção sublingual para uma eficácia otimizada. O uso diário é sugerido para manter níveis saudáveis de NAD+ e maximizar os benefícios associados à energia celular e à saúde geral. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
AmazonCustomer –
My husband and I have been researching the thoughts & science behind NR supplements. We have been reading about the possibility of this helping to slow down the effects that aging has on us. He has had many health problems in the past and has overcome many of them. The thought of something like this has really peaked his interest.
The opportunity to try Renue By Science with 1000mg NAD was very timely and exciting. He has only been taking it for 10 days so far. Of course not long enough to know if he will truly benefit from the ideas and science behind this research. So far what we do know. The product is easy to take and he has no noticeable side effects.
We also found, the Renue brand is a large United States based research company that actually manufactures the products they sell and doesn’t outsource to some other country. They have done extensive research on the bioavailability of the supplements and their specialty is age related supplements.
I had to look it up to be sure, the simplified definition of bioavailability is how to get what we need ( food / vitamins / supplements ) to where it needs to go in our body without our stomach acid or other parts of our body trashing it.. The method they use, uses liposomes to get the NR (Nicotinamide Riboside ) in their powder into my husband’s bloodstream.
For the sake of comparison, that’s why their stuff is expensive compared to others. Renue is not just selling us the product but putting the research behind it to try to insure that our body is actually getting the benefit from taking the supplement.
So to round it up, based on our own online research and the information available to us on the Revue website, ( they have videos and lots of info on this product ) my husband and I both feel very comfortable with this Nicotinamide Riboside supplement. We like the possibility it will benefit him. He will continue to take the NR powder and see what science and Renue might be able to do for him.
Our Rating is 5 Stars.
Thank you for reading our review!
We are not experts.
Our review is based on the price, quality and our overall experience using the product.
We hope our thoughts and photos are helpful.
AmazonCustomer –
Most reviews here so far focus on the purported anti-aging benefits of this product, but I’m solely trying it out for the claimed energy benefits. After trying this product about a half dozen times in recent weeks, I can say that it has noticeably increased my energy on a consistent basis. Partially because I have the MTHFR gene mutation, I consume a host of B vitamins each morning. Nicotinamide riboside is in the vitamin B3 family. While I already consume 2000mg of niacin every night, nicotinamide riboside serves another purpose, changing in the body into a chemical called NAD+ that the body needs for many processes to work normally, with low levels causing health problems. I typically prefer supplements in capsule form, but because this product is effective for me I plan to continue taking it. The supplement facts state that a serving size is two scoops, but I’ve only been consuming one scoop. Every human body is different, so never blindly follow serving sizes until getting familiar with a given supplement. Some might be interested in knowing that despite the citrus flavor of this powder, I choose to mix it into other drinks because the taste is otherwise very weak.
Silmarwen –
I recently started taking this powder to help with anti-aging benefits and was delighted to feel an improvement in energy and focus. I feel that they are also helping my immune system and am hoping they do help with metabolism, too! I love that there are so many great benefits in a single supplement. NAD supposedly helps support cellular function and heart and brain health to promote vitality and energy. As someone in their late 40s, I want to keep feeling vital and youthful and ready to tackle anything in the years to come!
I typically take 2 scoops of powder in the morning with my protein smoothie. I find it dissolves easily in water and is easy to blend in my shaker bottle. I have not experienced any negative side effects or stomach upset with this powder. The recommended dose is 2 scoops a day so each jar is a 2-month supply. I feel that the price is quite high for this supplement. It is about $1.70 per serving a day at this time. It is working great for me so far and I will try it for a few months to see what the long-term benefit is. If you can afford it, I say go for it and see if this works for you!
C M. –
This powder dissolves easy in your drink, has no flavor. Seems to give me an extra boost of energy!
Amazon Customer –
Well, I can’t say it tastes great. But it’s good quality. Very expensive. Not something I would purchase again as it’s beyond my budget. But it mixed easily enough. I found it difficult to drink but that’s me. It seemed helpful and gave energy. I can’t say it’s helped my skin health but I haven’t really noticed.
Intrigued and Intriguing –
I like this company, and I like what I see regarding the nutritional content on the tub. It is expensive to take, but I’ll pay extra for a product made in America that ascribes to GMP and is made in an FDA-registered facility. I didn’t have any negative side effects from taking this, and I didn’t find it unpleasant to take either.
Bags –
I was thinking about getting a fresh batch from the Revenue by Science website. My powder was clumpy and rocky upon opening, I’m not sure if that’s normal. I don’t know if I noticed any significant results at over $1 per serving I would like to try again however,
Maybe a snake oil salesman thing going on, university of Missouri just discovered some interesting results. Think I’m going to just stay with b3 I expected a much better quality of powder than lumpy and clumpy at $109