O Removedor de Pelos e Lint Conair é a solução ideal para quem busca manter suas roupas e estofados sempre impecáveis. Com um design portátil e operado por bateria, este removedor de tecidos é perfeito para eliminar fiapos, pelinhos e bolinhas indesejadas de uma variedade de tecidos, desde meias até sofás. A sua operação sem fio proporciona conveniência e liberdade de movimento, permitindo que você cuide das suas peças favoritas em qualquer lugar.
- Removedor de Pelos Operado por Bateria: Este removedor de tecidos remove com segurança fiapos, pelinhos e bolinhas dos seus tecidos favoritos, sendo seguro para uso na maioria dos tecidos domésticos. É alimentado por bateria, o que garante praticidade e potência portátil.
- Operação Fácil: Com um design ergonômico e confortável, este removedor de fiapos possui três configurações de profundidade, permitindo que você ajuste a intensidade do “barbear” de fiapos, bolinhas e pelinhos em suéteres, roupas e móveis. Os fiapos são coletados em um coletor de pelinhos destacável, facilitando o descarte.
- Design Versátil: Ajustável para uma variedade de tipos de tecido, este removedor de tecidos conta com uma cabeça de barbear grande de 5 cm, garantindo eficiência no uso, além de um coletor de pelinhos destacável para uma limpeza fácil. Requer duas pilhas AA (não incluídas).
- Ótimo para Viagens: Com seu tamanho compacto e operação sem fio, este removedor de fiapos é portátil e perfeito para uso em viagens ou em casa. Armazena-se facilmente em uma gaveta, mala ou kit de viagem.
- Cuidado Inovador com as Roupas: Desde removedores de tecidos e ferros tradicionais até vaporizadores de roupas, tanto manuais quanto de tamanho completo, oferecemos ferramentas de cuidado com as roupas de alta qualidade para todos os usuários.
- Remove com Segurança Fiapos, Pelinhos e Bolinhas
- Controle de Distância com 3 Configurações para um “Barbear” Personalizado
- Ajusta-se ao Tipo de Tecido
- Coletor de Pelinhos Destacável e Cabo Confortável
- Duas Pilhas AA Necessárias (não incluídas)
1. Praticidade: O funcionamento sem fio permite que você use o removedor em qualquer lugar, sem a preocupação de encontrar uma tomada.
2. Versatilidade: Com três configurações de profundidade, é possível adaptar o uso para diferentes tipos de tecidos, garantindo um cuidado personalizado.
3. Facilidade de Limpeza: O coletor de pelinhos destacável facilita o descarte dos resíduos, tornando o processo de manutenção muito mais simples.
4. Portabilidade: Seu design compacto o torna ideal para viagens, permitindo que você mantenha suas roupas sempre apresentáveis, mesmo fora de casa.
5. Durabilidade: A qualidade dos materiais e a eficiência do produto garantem um uso prolongado, representando um bom investimento para o cuidado das suas roupas.
Para utilizar o Removedor de Pelos e Lint Conair, comece selecionando a configuração de profundidade adequada ao tipo de tecido que você deseja tratar. Posicione a cabeça do removedor sobre a área afetada e mova-o suavemente em linha reta, evitando pressionar excessivamente para não danificar o tecido. Após o uso, verifique o coletor de pelinhos e esvazie-o conforme necessário. Lembre-se de que o produto requer duas pilhas AA, que não estão incluídas, então certifique-se de tê-las à mão antes de iniciar o processo. Com esses passos simples, você garantirá que suas roupas e estofados permaneçam livres de fiapos e com aparência renovada.
Haley W. –
I must admit, I was skeptical about this. I’ve also used cheap razors to get lint off of clothes and it has been convenient enough. I saw this and bought it for my mom and she really enjoyed it, but didn’t try it myself. I finally did and WOW I am impressed! It fits easily in hand and works even better than a razor. I was able to get clean and even lint removal on even my lumpiest of sweaters. The one thing to note is that the chamber that holds the lint fills up but does not look like it’s in there. It started to slow down and I thought it was dying, but removed the lint and it worked just fine. Once I realize that, I started to remove the lint after a certain amount of fabric had been cleaned up, it worked like a dream!
R. Hoxsie –
Funciona al 100% lo pedí porque me urgía quitar pelusa de mi ropa, y efectivamente quita pelusa, tamaño del compartimiento igual excelente, al igual que la potencia, excelente producto
Anna grace ferguson –
I have used the Conair Fabric shaver on my couch, sweaters, blankets and it works great every time. This shaver is not only compact, but easy to use. I love the different color options that are available, and the price point is great. Hope this product lasts a long time.
Eduardo –
My cross body bag left a line of fuzz and small cotton balls across my hoody the size of the with of it’s strap. I used this in hopes of making my hoody look wearable again, and it got the job done. Easy to use and comfortable to hold while romoving all the pilling and fuzz. I can’t comment on the batter life because i haven’t been using it consistently since added batteries. The batteries that i added are still good. The blades are close
Pratyusha –
If you’re like me buying $25-$40 sweaters take the adjustable cover off to really get the pills off, for more expensive sweaters you probably want to leave the adjustable cover on.
If it starts slowing down, unscrew the grate face and you might have to pull the razor fan off to take the lint out from behind the fan to make it work right again. (Don’t worry it won’t work without the protective grate face, so you can’t turn it on and cut yourself)
Works great, refreshed all my sweaters, but it barely does the job if you leave the adjustable cover on. Seriously try it both ways first thing and you’ll see.
Honestly Bro … –
Did a great job of removing fuzz from a sweater. Made it look new again.
Honest reviewer –
This is a quality little machine. It is able to remove lint and pilling with ease. It is light weight, efficient and the batteries are rechargeable. I’m impressed with the ease of use.
Terry –
Honestly bro, we’d been looking at one of these fabric shavers for a while, but they always seemed too good to be true. Last summer, we bought a set of pretty expensive couches and our girls have spent quite a bit of time on them to the point that they quickly became covered with “pills.” Initially, we just flipped the seats over, but eventually, the “new” side also became covered with pills.
We came across this item while browsing Amazon and for the price (given the brand) we though we’d give it a try. Right out of the bow, the shaver was very easy to use. It included a series of “levels” that could be changed depending on what was being shaved. We used the closest shave setting on one of our seat cushions and were amazed with the results. After about 2-3 minutes of shaving, our couch cushion was completely pill-free. Needless to say, we went crazy with it and shaved the entire couch – the result literally a new-looking couch.
The shaver does fill with material very quickly, so we were emptying the thing out every could of minutes, but in terms of use, it was super-easy and didn’t damage any of our couch. The problem we had was that after 3 uses, the darn thing stopped working. We though initially the batteries had given out, so we replaced them, but had no luck. Because we waited so long to return the shaver, we were no longer eligible to do so.
Our other couch is now covered with pills, so we plan to buy another of the same shaver – let’s hope this one last longer than 3 uses.
KJ –
I recently purchased the Conair Fabric Shaver and Lint Remover, and overall, I’m impressed with its performance, though there are a few things to keep in mind.
Effective Lint Removal: This shaver works great for removing lint, pills, and fuzz from clothing, upholstery, and blankets. It quickly restores fabric to a fresh, clean look, and I love that it can be used on a variety of materials.
Easy to Use: The shaver is lightweight and easy to maneuver, making it simple to use on everything from sweaters to couch cushions.
Portable: Being battery-operated, it’s portable and convenient for travel or quick touch-ups at home. No need to worry about finding an outlet!
Affordable: It offers good value for the price compared to other fabric shavers I’ve seen.
Battery Life: The battery life is decent but doesn’t last too long on a single set of batteries, so you may need to change them more often than expected for larger projects.
KJ –
I was thinking of throwing a few old winter beanies away because of how terribly pilled they had become, but I’m glad I didn’t! This tool is easy to use and renewed all my winter hats and sweaters. See my before and after photo!
Glad to keep my stuff out of landfills and save money instead of buying replacements.
The machine is a little noisy and I can imagine it would eat up batteries but I’ve renewed about ten pieces on the same battery. The rechargeable version may be worth the investment if you have a big family with lots of items to fix up.