Remedy Organics Reset Program | Programa de Limpeza Holística de 3 Dias
O Programa de Limpeza Holística Remedy Organics é uma jornada transformadora de 3 dias que visa revitalizar seu corpo de dentro para fora. Composto por 18 shakes de bem-estar e 12 shots de imunidade, este programa foi meticulosamente elaborado para inundar seu organismo com superalimentos ricos em nutrientes, ervas botânicas e adaptógenos. O foco principal é melhorar a digestão, apoiar a saúde imunológica e aumentar a energia, proporcionando uma experiência de bem-estar completa.
Os ingredientes são 100% à base de plantas e deliciosos, garantindo que cada gole seja uma explosão de sabor e nutrição. Os shakes e shots são enriquecidos com ervas adaptogênicas para suporte imunológico, prebióticos para a saúde digestiva, MCT para energia cerebral e proteínas orgânicas de alta qualidade, promovendo saciedade, recuperação muscular e muito mais.
Pronto para beber, sem complicações ou preparações, o programa oferece shakes de bem-estar que satisfazem suas refeições de café da manhã, almoço ou jantar. Cada porção é carregada de proteínas e superalimentos, ideal para se encaixar na sua rotina agitada, seja pela manhã, antes ou depois do treino, ou como um lanche revitalizante no meio da tarde.
O Programa Remedy Reset ilumina mente, corpo e alma, adotando uma abordagem cuidadosamente personalizada para sua dieta. Cada dia e cada refeição são projetados para proteger, curar, energizar e desintoxicar seu sistema. Através de ingredientes selecionados, o programa visa fazer você brilhar de dentro para fora, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar integral.
– Melhora da Digestão: Ingredientes prebióticos que favorecem a saúde intestinal.
– Apoio Imunológico: Ervas adaptogênicas que fortalecem o sistema imunológico.
– Aumento de Energia: MCT e proteínas que fornecem energia sustentada ao longo do dia.
– Praticidade: Shakes prontos para beber que se encaixam em qualquer rotina.
– Desintoxicação: Ingredientes que ajudam a eliminar toxinas e revitalizar o corpo.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Programa Remedy Organics Reset, consuma um shake de bem-estar ou um shot de imunidade a cada 2-3 horas ao longo do dia. Comece o dia com um shake nutritivo no café da manhã, seguido por um shot de imunidade para impulsionar sua defesa natural. Continue com shakes durante o almoço e o jantar, garantindo que seu corpo receba uma variedade de nutrientes ao longo do dia. Mantenha-se hidratado e ouça seu corpo, ajustando a frequência conforme necessário para atender às suas necessidades individuais.
Jackie Bob –
I did juice cleanse (Blueprint which unfortunately went out of business during COVID) a few times and always dreaded it. I have purchased this set twice and plan to keep going. Unlike others, however, I used this primarily to skip breakfast and lunch. Skipping 3 meals is great (purpose of a fast) but I’m just not there yet. I feel like using this as meal supplement (which lasts me 4 days) still helps without the torture. Hope over time I can skip even dinner with this.
As for the drinks they are absolutely delicious. They taste so good my ten year old would drink them during snack time. Our favorites are coco, berry, and matcha but to be honest I like almost all flavors except Chai (purely personal taste). It’s hard to find organic drinks that taste good. This is definitely a gem.
Keke –
This is by far one of the best cleanse that I have done. I have done several off of Amazon. What I lovrd is that mot once did I get hungry or have a headache. I also had energy all three days. The energy shots were a nice bonus. All the drinks were delicious, some more than others but delicious none the less. I also loved that it came with a little journal so you can document how you’re feeling for that day. I know people complained about the price point but I feel you are literally getting your moneys worth. Trust me try ordering the exact amount of products at your local juice shop. I think you would reconsider lol. I highly recommend. This will definitely be my go to. Fyi of you have an allergy to nut such as almonds or coconuts this is NOT the cleanse for you.
Keke –
Listen don’t get me wrong, I love remedy with a passion and all their drinks (expecially matcha oxidants) make me feel great. But I went on this 3 day reset, and boy by day 2 I was feeling rough. I have severe stomach problems so I was hoping this could improve things and make me feel a little better, I was wrong. A drink or two a day in addition to other foods is the way to go for me. I feel rude rating anything under a 4 star as this is just my personal experience.
I recommend giving it a shot but listen to your body.
Jackie Bob –
Bravo! Bravo! Im so happy i snagged this up on Prime Day. Absolutely the best tasting shakes I’ve ever had. Love the variety and clean list of ingredients.
Did I mention the taste? I mean, come on! Every single flavor is delicious. I’m not a huge fan of cocoa and was smacking my lips after every sip! This is a must try to me. I wish I could set up alerts for special offers because I’d snag them up every single time (especially since they aren’t not sold in-store in my area).
11/10 recommend if you’re looking for a reset or something new to try and enjoy cleanses that aren’t just coldpressed juices.
The journal included is so thoughtful as are the one pagers on the reset along with their additional products. I also had a cute tote in my box making it so easy to take the bottles along with you and for those in the go, this is like a hug in a box.
Overall I’m obsessed and this is the best Prime Day buy ever.
Emma –
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I participated in Remedy Organics three day reset. Day one was difficult, this was my first time doing a program like this one. By day two, my hunger pains lessened and I really looked forward to the shakes and shots. By day three, I was thinking how I could have gone a few more days, that’s how much I enjoyed the program and my progress. The only down side for me was not having access to the mgs of “superfoods” in each drink. Yes, they have what’s in the drinks listed, Maca, spirulina, etc… but you don’t know how much of each, like is it enough to make a difference or just enough to say it’s in the bottle? I reached out to Remedy Organics via Tiktok and instead of answering my question about the mg of each superfood listed on the bottle, they referred me to the ingredients list 🤷🏻♀️.
I loved the flavor so much and I wanted to believe in the integrity of the product, so I went to the store to buy a few more bottles and next to Remedy Organics was another brand called REBBL. I noticed on their bottles are listed the mg of each superfood in the drink!!!!!
I bought a few of their flavors as well as my favorite Remedy Organics flavors. I don’t like the flavor/ consistency of REBBL as I do Remedy Organics, but I returned my Remedy Organic shakes and switched to REBBL because at least I know how much of the good stuff is in what I’m consuming and that’s far more important to me.
Cold Weather Dweller –
I’ve done this program twice as a way to deal with some GI issues and reset my sugar cravings. It worked well both times.
You get 6 shakes and 4 “shots” per day, spead across 3 meals and a snack.
The shakes are filling and with the exception of the turmeric one (Golden Mind), taste great. But even the turmeric one was drinkable. The shots are shots for a reason. They are a little too harsh for sipping, but I liked them. Their predominant flavor is ginger. So if you hate ginger, I’d get the shake collection instead.
I felt good both times I did this cleanse. After the first day I wasn’t hungry, though I missed eating. I was able to keep working out too. I will probably do this again in a year.
Kyle Bagley –
This was the first time I had ever done anything like a cleanse. I was expecting to be hungry and miserable. I couldn’t have been more wrong! The smoothies are actually filling and all of them taste good – I think my favorite is the cacao one. Tasted like thick chocolate milk. Yum. Shots are a bit crazy but they are about what you expect from 2 oz of lemon juice, cayenne and ginger.
I had plenty of energy and finished it feeling really good. I thought I’d be ready to devour everything in sight but nope. I actually wanted to just continue putting nutrient rich food into my body. I liked this so much I’m going to fo it again and this time my husband is doing it with me, curious to see if his experience will be the same. Anyway, if you’re on the fence, I really do recommend this.