Remédio para Tosse Canina – Xarope Hound Honey (Calor de Fleuma) – 5 fl oz
A tosse canina pode ser um sinal de desconforto e preocupação para os tutores de pets. O Xarope Hound Honey é uma solução eficaz para cães que apresentam tosse alta e honkante, especialmente aqueles que demonstram sintomas de calor e fleuma. Este remédio foi desenvolvido para aliviar a tosse persistente e proporcionar conforto ao seu amigo de quatro patas.
Os sintomas de uma tosse excessiva e honkante podem incluir:
- Respiração Rápida: O cão pode apresentar um padrão respiratório acelerado, indicando desconforto.
- Sons de Chiado: A tosse pode ser acompanhada de ruídos agudos, sinalizando a presença de obstruções nas vias respiratórias.
- Tosse Gagging / Tosse Secativa: O cão pode ter episódios de tosse que parecem forçá-lo a vomitar, o que pode ser alarmante para os tutores.
- Sinais de Calor: O animal pode demonstrar sede excessiva, ofegação e buscar lugares frescos para se acomodar, indicando um estado de desconforto.
O Xarope Hound Honey é formulado com ingredientes naturais que ajudam a acalmar a irritação na garganta e a reduzir a inflamação, promovendo uma respiração mais tranquila e confortável. Com sua fórmula única, este xarope não só alivia a tosse, mas também atua como um expectorante, ajudando a eliminar a fleuma acumulada.
1. Alívio Rápido da Tosse: Proporciona alívio imediato para tosse alta e honkante, permitindo que seu cão respire mais facilmente.
2. Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma fórmula à base de ingredientes naturais, é seguro para uso em cães de todas as idades.
3. Ação Expectorante: Ajuda a soltar e eliminar a fleuma, promovendo uma respiração mais clara e saudável.
4. Fácil Administração: O xarope é fácil de administrar, tornando o processo menos estressante tanto para o tutor quanto para o animal.
5. Conforto Geral: Melhora o bem-estar do seu cão, permitindo que ele retome suas atividades normais sem desconforto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, administre o Xarope Hound Honey conforme as instruções do rótulo. A dosagem recomendada é de 1 colher de chá para cada 10 kg de peso corporal do cão, podendo ser administrada duas a três vezes ao dia. O xarope pode ser dado diretamente na boca do animal ou misturado à comida. É importante observar a resposta do seu cão ao tratamento e consultar um veterinário caso os sintomas persistam ou se agravem. Mantenha sempre água fresca disponível para o seu pet, especialmente se ele estiver apresentando sinais de calor.
Sparkle242 –
My 5 year old yorkie has a collapsed trachea. He developed it at 3 years old and it progressively worsened. He was not able to go on walks because he would gag for air the entire way. I couldn’t even put a leash on him because he would start honking and gagging from excitement before we even got out of the door. He also couldn’t be outside in the yard for more than 5 min without gagging for air as well. He could no longer play tug-of-war with his sister and whenever he had a flare-up he would gasp all night. It was so sad and frightening, I thought he would have to remain indoors for the rest of his life. I tried everything I could over the years before I found this wonderful product! He is 9 pounds so I started out with 1/4 tsp 3 times a day. After the first day of treatment I took him on a walk the following day and there was ABSOLUTELY NO HONKING on the walk! I could not believe it. Nothing when putting on his leash, nothing when we got back home and he slept like a baby. I continued to feed it to him 3 times a day for a month, (he licks it right off a plastic spoon) and he is now back to himself. Playing outside, running at the park, tug-of-war with his sister. He doesn’t make a sound except for his bark 🙂 I am so thrilled! I am now able to maintain his health with 1 dose every few days. Or if I hear heavy breathing, which isn’t often, I’ll give him a dose right away.
I hope this review helps someone with a situation like mine. To the makers, thank you, please continue to make this amazing product. My little pup has his life back!
Michelle –
My Chihuahua was diagnosed with a collapsed trachea. After several medications,the cough just got worse.All night long,she would cough,and I would feel so bad for her.It got to the point where we considered putting her out of her misery,which just broke my heart .I was reading about your product,and it was my last ditch effort to help my little girl.after the third day,I noticed she was not coughing as much,now she gets a little bit every day,and only coughs when she chases the birds outside. thank you so much for saving her life for a bit longer.its a miracle syrup.
douglas haner –
Wow! My bulldog had some nasal crude from dust/mite/pollen allergies that created a phlegm response. I ordered this at the suggestion of other bulldog people. This works. It also is something that evidently tastes great because a 3 month old hears the bottle shaking and sprints to my feet sliding in on his bum waiting to get a squirt. I have been giving it three days now at 3X per day: immediate improvement. Backing down to 2x per day for the next three days to see how he responds.
This was such a blessing that I went to the company’s site and looked at the other products they offer. As a result I ordered a powder for my Pekingese who has hind end weakness from IVDD, which is a better way then renal damaging steroids, and I also ordered a heart syrup for my Japanese Chin with CHF.
***CHF(Congestive Heart Failure) Dogs***
Phlegm Heat is not the answer for CHF dogs. There is no panacea to your dog’s heart problems. There is a product PawHealer makes that helps with the symptoms of CHF; however, it will not totally eradicate CHF or the associated symptoms. You still need your DVM to monitor, do bloodwork and prescribe necessary pharmaceuticals that address CHF. You also need a low sodium balanced diet to help with the congestion part of CHF.
There are several “companies” promoting natural remedies on the market that promise you do not need pharmaceuticals prescribed if you purchase “X” products; stay away from companies like that as it is about money not your dog’s health. This company DOES NOT claim that erroneous statement.
My Japanese Chin has CHF, ascites and lethargy associated with this condition. Phlegm Heat WILL NOT ADDRESS CHF. Heart syrup is the add-on recommended for CHF canine sufferers. Have a conversation with PawHealer, they can address your concerns. They can also custom make blends for your dog in line with what they need via their survey and customer support response team. As always inform your DVM on your intent to add on any herbal/vitamin/mineral supplement. Best of luck…
Jenny Gross –
I ordered this for my dog, she had prescribed meds from her dr and we finished those and she fought and spit and threw a fit when I gave it to her. Since we were out of prescription meds I ordered a bottle of this out of desperation! I opened the bottle and Oh My Goodness THE SMELL!!! It’s unreal!!! HORRIBLE SMELL!!! I thought Oh My Goodness there is NO WAY Daisy is taking this willingly! So I measured her dose and sat her down. She LOVES IT!!!! She licked her lips and wanted more!!! It’s so great to not have to fight her every time she needs medicine!! It’s a touch pricey but BELIEVE ME IT IS WORTH EVERY SINGLE PENNY!!!!! It is a miracle in a bottle!!!!! Stops a cough like no body’s business!!!!
Charley Valera –
This product is truly amazing. We were feel ok ng so sad for our 13+ year old mix. Why our vet didn’t tell us about this product is shameful.
This works as advertised. THANK YOU!
Didn’t work for my dog. Have tried several things in addition to taking him to the vet but he is still coughing. Don’t know if I would fault the cough syrup. He may have other issues due to his age. But it was worth trying.
pete luchka –
After the coco and Luna throat syrup was no longer available I thought I’d give this a try. At first it seemed to have no effect at all so I tried another stoppel of it and the dog just got worse. Added water to an old bottle of the cocoa and Luna shook it up gave it to the dog immediately stopped coughing. Can’t imagine plain honey and water would be any worse than this very poor product, a complete waste of money… I would have given it zero stars but it wouldn’t let me