Descrição do Produto: Dr. Scott’s Natural Sleep Remedy
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a agitação do dia a dia podem roubar nossas noites de sono, o Dr. Scott’s Natural Sleep Remedy surge como uma solução eficaz e natural para aqueles que buscam um descanso reparador. Este remédio para dormir, formulado por médicos, combina a sabedoria das ervas com a ciência moderna, oferecendo uma experiência de sono mais profunda e tranquila. Composto por cinco ervas potentes, incluindo Extrato de Ashwagandha, Raiz de Valeriana, Erva Skullcap, Flor de Maracujá e Camomila, este auxílio natural ao sono é a chave para noites serenas e revigorantes.
Uma das grandes vantagens deste produto é a ausência de sonolência no dia seguinte. Infundido com glicinato de magnésio, o Dr. Scott’s Natural Sleep Remedy promove noites de sono reparador, permitindo que você acorde renovado e pronto para enfrentar os desafios do dia. Além disso, a presença de L-Theanine ajuda a aliviar a tensão mental e física, favorecendo um sono mais tranquilo e profundo.
Este complexo herbal não apenas acalma os sentidos antes de dormir, mas também é um excelente suplemento de GABA, essencial para alcançar uma noite completa de sono REM. Com rigorosos testes de qualidade e consistência realizados nos Estados Unidos, você pode confiar que está utilizando um suplemento de sono que foi meticulosamente pesquisado e desenvolvido.
– Sono Profundo e Reparador: A combinação de ervas potentes promove um sono mais profundo, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
– Sem Efeitos Colaterais: A fórmula não habit-forming garante que você não desenvolverá dependência, permitindo o uso contínuo sem preocupações.
– Acorde Renovado: Com a ausência de grogginess, você se sentirá revigorado ao acordar, pronto para um novo dia.
– Alívio da Tensão: A inclusão de L-Theanine ajuda a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse, facilitando a transição para o sono.
– Qualidade Garantida: O produto é testado por terceiros, assegurando que você está consumindo um suplemento de alta qualidade e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Dr. Scott’s Natural Sleep Remedy, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o produto com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo e relaxante, para maximizar os efeitos calmantes das ervas. Evite o uso concomitante com outras substâncias que possam interferir no sono e consulte um profissional de saúde se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
A P. –
I had mixed results. On the one hand, it did relax my mind to be able to fall asleep, which I credit to the Theanine. I also slept more soundly on SOME of the nights. However, many nights I woke up with bloating and gas, nausea, sometimes causing pressure on my chest, so I had to sit up for several minutes to clear the bloating and gas. Very unpleasant, and defeated the purpose of a good night’s sleep. I read that Tryptophan could cause bloating and gas, so I am not purchasing this product again. Going forward, I will try the melatonin-theanine only product instead.
Susan –
I have taken these for about a month now. I could never stay asleep through the night. But now I can. I normally have a very high tolerance to medication or remedies but this worked. I could only take one caplet, if I took the 2 recommended caplets my stomach was a little upset. But the one caplet works fine and I sleep sound. I feel fine in the morning no hung over feeling at all. Thank you.
Amazon Customer –
These do help make me sleepy and fall asleep. However, I’ve found that when I take the recommended two of these I SNAP awake around 4am. This doesn’t happen if I take one, but doesn’t help me fall asleep as much. I suspect this has something to do with how I react to melantonin, as I’ve read this happens to others, and will be looking into extended release, or a brand with more magnesium. Also, these are pricy for the dosage.
SouthsideLady –
This works really well but a bit of a hangover effect. I think this is due to the valerian root. I am still not sure if the melatonin that is manufactured in the U.S. is completely safe and healthy. It is banned in many European countries.
Krissy Liz –
I bought three melatonin based products recently; gummies, quick dissolving, and this product. The gummies by another company actually helped, along with the quick dissolving from another company. This product was the culprit to my severe migraines. This product is actually harmful. Melatonin can be beneficial in the right format, yet other forms can lead the brain to having a severe reaction such as headaches/migraines. As a healthcare provider, I would never recommend this product to my patients with sleep difficulties. This product will yield a debilitating reaction in the morning, that actually sets you back far worse than lack of sleep. I would recommend the gummy melatonin products first.
phil vos –
I have used many sleeping pills and saw this recent one being sold. I said, “what the heck” since I’m deprived of much sleep. To say the least, it didn’t work the first night. However, on the 3rd night, I slept like a baby and didn’t wake up feeling groggy. I don’t know what makes this work, but it seems Dr.Scott did his research. This is a must try!!
MJ –
My background:
I was skeptical about this product after a long history of trying other sleep supplements. My biological clock had permanently shifted since college and I’ve been living with 2 to 3 am bed times and forced 7 am mornings for many years.
My experience:
After taking this product, I find that I am tired (to the point where I must sleep) within 45 minutes of taking this supplement. I especially love that it’s far easier to wake up and get myself out of bed the following day, which has me convinced my sleep is deep and of quality. Because I’ve been able to get on a consistent sleep routine of 11 pm – 7am, I am not reliant on this medication after 1-2 weeks of consecutive use. However, it’s an easy thing to want to turn to during travel (where I often lose hours), and the days where I know I won’t get a full 7-8 hours (because the sleep is deep, and the mornings far easier to wake up to). I especially recommend it for sleep prior to early flights — it seems far easier than ever to peel myself out of bed at 4 am.
Things that may be helpful to know:
2 white, odor and flavorless, standard-sized, vegan capsules are taken with water 45-60 minutes before bed time.
Dr Anita Sabeti –
I have been taking pharmaceutical medication for insomnia for a few years now and it is starting to affect my memory. So I tried this natural product. Usually, herbal sleep supplements do not work for me, but not this product. It made me fall asleep after 30 mins of taking it and I slept soundly and restfully all night!
I felt more relaxed and calm in the morning. I did some research and I think its the theanine that helps you feel calm. Good product, I recommend it!