Rejuvica Health Healthy Essentials Melatonin – Suplemento Avançado de Melatonina Líquida – 3mg para Apoiar o Sono
Descubra o poder do sono reparador com o Rejuvica Health Healthy Essentials Melatonin, um suplemento avançado de melatonina líquida que oferece 3mg por dose, projetado para proporcionar o suporte ideal para um sono saudável. A melatonina é um ingrediente essencial que ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, permitindo que você se sinta mais descansado e revigorado ao acordar. Este produto é livre de GMOs, álcool, glúten, laticínios, nozes, leite, lactose e sabores artificiais, garantindo uma opção segura e saudável para todos.
Os suplementos líquidos têm uma série de vantagens em relação às formas tradicionais em cápsulas ou comprimidos. Você já viu uma pílula na natureza? Nós também não. E, sinceramente, estamos cansados dos arrotos desagradáveis e dos goles difíceis de engolir. Os líquidos não precisam viajar até o estômago antes de começarem a ser absorvidos; eles são imediatamente biodisponíveis e agem rapidamente. Além disso, nossas tinturas sem álcool têm um sabor incrível, tornando a experiência ainda mais agradável.
Com um sabor delicioso e fácil de usar, nossos clientes ficam impressionados com a palatabilidade desta fórmula 100% natural. Basta apertar o conta-gotas na língua – sem pílulas desajeitadas, sem necessidade de água! O Rejuvica Health Healthy Essentials Melatonin é a solução perfeita para quem busca uma maneira prática e eficaz de melhorar a qualidade do sono.
– Suporte ao Sono Saudável: A melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
– Fácil Absorção: A forma líquida permite uma absorção rápida e eficaz, proporcionando resultados quase imediatos.
– Sabor Agradável: A fórmula é deliciosa, tornando a experiência de tomar o suplemento muito mais agradável.
– Sem Ingredientes Indesejados: Totalmente livre de alérgenos comuns e aditivos artificiais, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Praticidade: A aplicação com conta-gotas elimina a necessidade de água e facilita o uso em qualquer lugar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 ml (equivalente a 3mg de melatonina) cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Agite bem antes de usar e aplique o líquido diretamente na língua utilizando o conta-gotas. Evite ingerir alimentos ou bebidas imediatamente após a administração para maximizar a absorção. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
D. Fowler –
I like that it has minimal ingredients and isn’t flavored. I couldn’t find any other liquid product without a bunch of additives. I actually got this for topical use on my scalp due to hair loss (products I found marketed for that were super expensive and some had irritating ingredients like alcohol). But it apparently does absorb through the skin and makes me sleepy, so I stopped taking my melatonin capsules at night. I also used it orally once and it wasn’t gross like some of the flavored ones on the market. I just ordered a second bottle. Just be warned- any liquid melatonin is going to wear off quickly, so it would be good for falling asleep, but not if you need help staying asleep. If you need something that works all night, get time release tablets. I don’t like time release because I’m often still groggy when I wake up when I take them. This is perfect for my needs.
J. Allen –
I received this product as a thank-you gift from the company in April 2024 after using another product of theirs, UriCell (which I use for gouty arthritis). At first, I was hesitant to try it, but I’m so glad I did!
This is hands down the best melatonin I’ve ever used. Since receiving the initial bottle, I’ve purchased it twice more on Amazon because it works that well. I take two droppers about 30 minutes before bed, and without fail, I’m asleep within that window every time.
If you’ve struggled with restless nights or trouble winding down, this product is a game-changer. Highly recommend!
East –
Treats symptoms NOT the disease. My 3 year old female ferret has adrenal disease and has started going bald at the base of her tail and back. I gave her between 0.5-1.0 ml of melatonin once a day, 7-8 hours after sunsrise for two months and have had amazing results. It is unflavored, but she still does not like to drink it plain. I measured out the melatonin then added it to an eyedropper of liquid ferret food before she eats and it works great. After much reading, I have found that this is not a cure for ferret adrenal disease. In order to reverse the disease they do need a chip implant between the shoulders which blocks certain growth hormones released by the brain. So, don’t expect this will extend your ferret’s life and cure them. They do still need to see a vet, but this is still HUGE! It’s winter now and she at least has her coat back while we seek her treatment.
D C Rose –
My husband takes a pill form of melatonin nightly and was willing to try this one. The difference can be huge for the elderly population who have difficulty swallowing pills. He can manage what he is taking now, but the liquid was much easier for him. He didn’t mind the taste and a couple of droppers full of this essential liquid melatonin was enough. He does, at times, have difficulty swallowing pills so we were pleased to see melatonin in a liquid. The outside of the bottle was sealed and the bottle was packed well.
I asked him in the morning how well this Rujuvica melatonin worked for him. He said that he “didn’t notice any difference.” That sounds negative in a way, but actually isn’t. What it means is that this liquid works as well as his physician recommended pill. I like the fact that it’s in an amber glass bottle, something that will keep UV rays out and the melatonin fresh. There are a full 48 servings in this bottle, which makes this a cost-effective alternative to the pills. Recommended.
D. Fowler –
Amazon Customer –
These do make me tired – I use 4 every night though.
Brandi –
I was excited to try this product but when I received it today (7/5/24) the expiration date was 5/2024 and it is not eligible for return. Very disappointed.
East –
Love this melatonin, I’ve used it for a while now. Good quality product!