Descrição do Produto:
O Rejuvica Health BloatX é um suplemento avançado de suporte ao inchaço, formulado para proporcionar alívio rápido e eficaz. Com uma entrega líquida que garante melhor absorção, este produto combina ingredientes naturais poderosos, como funcho, dente-de-leão, alcachofra e gengibre. Cada um desses componentes foi escolhido por suas propriedades benéficas que ajudam a reduzir o inchaço abdominal, melhorar a digestão e promover um bem-estar geral. O funcho é conhecido por suas propriedades carminativas, que ajudam a aliviar gases e desconforto. O dente-de-leão atua como um diurético natural, auxiliando na eliminação de toxinas e excesso de líquidos. A alcachofra é rica em antioxidantes e pode ajudar na digestão de gorduras, enquanto o gengibre é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e digestivas. Com BloatX, você pode desfrutar de uma sensação de leveza e conforto, tornando suas atividades diárias mais agradáveis.
1. Alívio Rápido do Inchaço: Fórmula líquida que age rapidamente para reduzir a sensação de inchaço abdominal.
2. Melhora da Digestão: Ingredientes naturais que promovem uma digestão saudável e eficiente.
3. Ação Diurética Natural: Ajuda a eliminar o excesso de líquidos e toxinas do corpo.
4. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
5. Conforto Digestivo: Reduz gases e desconforto, proporcionando uma sensação de leveza.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 30 ml de Rejuvica Health BloatX uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. Agite bem o frasco antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água, conforme sua preferência. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde em caso de dúvidas ou condições específicas de saúde.
Amazon Customer and Reviewer –
I think this company has a good quality product. I like each of the herbs in this mix, with just glycerin and water added. I like that there aren’t any fillers. I like that it is alcohol free. I like how easy it is to use–just 6 drops. The taste isn’t bad to me either.
TeaandBooks –
I tried a few times and don’t feel it helps me at all…maybe somebody has a better luck …
I’ll try a few times again, if I notice different results of course I’ll change my review…
Roses_Are_Rosie –
Item: “Rejuvica Health BloatX- Advanced Bloating Support Supplement – Liquid Delivery for Better Absorption – Fennel, Dandelion, Artichoke, Ginger & More!”
I’ve been trying to figure out for a while if this is helping, and I’m still not really sure. It’s hard to tell the difference between when something helps, and when I would’ve felt better anyway just due to time passing.
I hope it helps; it seems like it should. I’ve read about all of the individual ingredients more than once in the past, aside from artichoke leaf, as things that help with various digestive issues when they’re part of tea, so they should be more potent in this format. (And that isn’t to say artichoke leaf doesn’t – I just hadn’t come across it before.)
To me, it tastes good. It’s kind of cinnamon-y, almost? It’s a little different than actual cinnamon, but it reminds me of a milder, more layered cinnamon-range flavor.
It came with a tamper seal around the dropper lid, and was all wrapped up in bubble wrap to protect it.
The one I got in May 2023 expires in March 2025.
M.Besonia –
I couldnt get past the smell so I haven’t even tasted it to be honest…
Amazon Customer –
It took me a bit of testing and paying attention to see if I felt this supplement was actually helping with my bloating.
Ultimately I realized that yes, it is making a difference. I’ve been splurging a bit too much on food that would normally result in a bloated ugh feeling and yet, I haven’t had that feeling for the past several days of taking this. I still need to cut out those foods or at least cut down, but it’s nice that I’m not paying for it with as much discomfort as I usually would. A family member actually pointed it out to me that I also hadn’t had my usual gas that I would have had other times.
The taste is odd though, I do have to force myself to just do it. It’s not that it tastes bad per se, it’s a “me” thing where I have issues with some taste combinations. I think I was also trying to take too much and started using a measuring spoon rather than the dropper method.
The real win was adding it to my collagen drink, the taste difference is subtle and now it’s not a chore to keep up with this!
MissFranny –
The taste is incredibly sweet. I was really caught off guard by that. It goes down pretty smoothly though. Definitely not a bad taste. But most importantly, the product works. I used to get a lot of bloating, and some other products have been helping with that. It still recurs occasionally, however. When it does, I take one squirt from the pipette of this compound, and within 5 minutes the bloating begins to go down. It works incredibly well. Now be mindful, I’m not certain it will work for everyone, but it definitely works for me.
I recommend it for anyone who deals with occasional or frequent bloating. It’s natural, tastes good, easy to swallow, and it does a good job. If you’re a responder to it, I’m certain you’ll enjoy it. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps
Amazon Customer –
I love this bloat supplement. I use it as needed. I do have a fair amount of difficulty with my digestion and have my entire life. I was a colicky baby and I still have issues from time to time, even while avoiding known problem foods.
This has a perfect combination of herbs to help the digestive fire to not only get rid of the inflammation, gas and bloating but also help with digestive absorption. It’s 3rd party tested which is not something that every supplement company does.
It’s very gentle and I can understand why it was created that way. I think for me, it could pack a bigger punch/be more intense, and I’d do even better on it.
It’s definitely helped me as I’ve needed it. It’s good to take in this form, as it acts SO much more quickly than a pill would (which you would need to digest and break down and for people with bloating issues, that can not go so well!). It goes right into the bloodstream when you put it under your tongue. I’m really happy with this and will get another bottle when I run out.
James Walker –
This is an awesome formula that gets the job done. It’s all-natural without any fillers. The biggest plus is that it’s alcohol-free, which is the way to go for dropper supplements.