Regoxidine Espuma Minoxidil 5% para Homens
O Regoxidine Espuma Minoxidil 5% para Homens é um produto eficaz para o tratamento da queda de cabelo masculina. Sua fórmula contém 5% de minoxidil, um ingrediente comprovado para estimular o crescimento capilar. A espuma é fácil de aplicar e não deixa resíduos oleosos. Com uso regular, Regoxidine ajuda a fortalecer os fios, prevenir a queda e promover o crescimento de cabelos mais densos e saudáveis. Ideal para homens que enfrentam a perda de cabelo, este tratamento se destaca por sua ação rápida e resultados visíveis em apenas 12 semanas. A aplicação é simples e se integra facilmente à rotina de cuidados diários, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para a questão da calvície.
- Eficácia Comprovada: Resultados visíveis em apenas 12 semanas, com a ação do minoxidil promovendo o crescimento capilar.
- Fácil Aplicação: A espuma é de fácil manuseio, permitindo uma aplicação precisa e sem complicações.
- Sem Resíduos Oleosos: A fórmula em espuma não deixa resíduos, garantindo um acabamento limpo e leve no cabelo.
- Fortalecimento dos Fios: Ajuda a fortalecer os fios existentes, prevenindo a queda e promovendo cabelos mais saudáveis.
- Cuidados com o Couro Cabeludo: Mantém o couro cabeludo condicionado, promovendo a saúde dos folículos capilares.
Aplique meia tampa da espuma de Regoxidine diretamente no couro cabeludo na área de afinamento do cabelo, duas vezes ao dia. Massageie suavemente com os dedos para garantir uma distribuição uniforme. É importante lavar as mãos após a aplicação. Para melhores resultados, utilize continuamente conforme indicado, respeitando a frequência de uso para maximizar os efeitos do tratamento.
Jack Yates –
So I was using this stuff alongside another product, which wasn’t foam. I decided to save money, canceling the other product, and I stuck with the foam because I like the way it is applied and distributed. It took a few weeks, but eventually all the hair I grew back fell out. It’s like I am not using anything at all. Maybe I am one of those select people this doesn’t work for, but all I want is the hair on my crown to grow back, even 50% would do. I am very disappointed, especially since I have to start all over. F-
Adam H. –
Good product, it is not irritating my scalp as another ones I have used before
Adam H. –
So far I think this product has performed much better than expected knock on wood. I have applied this product 2 times a day roughly 8-10 hours apart and I use head and shoulders shampoo about once every 2-3 days. I have missed my 2nd treatment maybe 3 times over the last 5 weeks. I am thankful for this product and hope to continue treatment with it to stop or slow my hair loss and hopefully god willing regrow my hair. I would definitely 10,000% recommend this product in the dropper form as well. It really makes it easy to apply you simply rub it in extremely well with 1 finger and wipe the excess on say another part of your head where you maybe would want extra hair to try to grow or stay then rinse you hands. I will say also I have very sensitive skin and this product did in the beginning dry my scalp out but the head and shoulders took care of that. Just don’t quit using it because it drys yours scalp out. I also lost a good bit of hair early on as was expected, it is part of the process of using this product, don’t stop using it if you see more hair loss it will grow back it’s the product doing its magic but it did scare me.
Cesar Viloria –
Product 100% recommending good quality and great price!
Marva –
stuff like this will either work for you or won’t. give it six months. i been using it for 15 years and still have a big mop of hair. when i started i was losing hair on the crown. cheaper on amazon than buying in a store
nawsttam –
So I bought some of this almost a year ago, when I wanted to see if it was too late to get my hair back. Unfortunately, since I’d been shaving my head for a few years at that point and was in the process of letting it grow back at the same time I started applying rogaine – which made it difficult to discern whether or not my hair growth was new. I suppose I convinced myself that it wasn’t working and stopped buying it altogether. Within about a month or two of quitting I noticed a distinct thinness in my hair that I hadn’t experienced in the previous months while applying rogaine, so I reordered some because I thought the conditions were more suitable to identify potential/actual results. Within just a month of re-applying the rogaine, I noticed ALL KINDS of new hair growth, since what already existed had been grown out for a year or so by then and the contrast was more distinct and noticeable. I’m assuming that the results occurred so quickly the second time around because I’d only been without the rogaine for a couple of months after having been on it for six months straight prior to that. It’s hard to know how quickly results occurred the first time around since I was unable to distinguish new from old hair growth at that point, but the results this time around have been considerable.
Paul Landines –
I didn’t care for smell or texture. It didn’t do anything for me.
the Truth –