RECOVERYbits – Tabletes de Alga Chlorella Orgânica Os comprimidos de alga chlorella orgânica RECOVERYbits são um superalimento poderoso, repleto de nutrientes essenciais que promovem a saúde e o bem-estar. Com uma composição rica em proteínas, fibras e clorofila, esses tabletes são elaborados a partir de alga verde pura, com parede celular quebrada e não irradiada, garantindo a máxima absorção de seus benefícios. Ideal para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico e desintoxicar o organismo, os RECOVERYbits são uma escolha inteligente para uma vida saudável. Com 40 micronutrientes, esses comprimidos não apenas impulsionam a imunidade, mas também são uma excelente opção para a recuperação pós-exercício, ajudando atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas a otimizar seu desempenho. Além disso, a chlorella é conhecida por suas propriedades que favorecem a saúde intestinal e da pele, contribuindo para uma recuperação mais rápida e um estilo de vida equilibrado. Os RECOVERYbits são versáteis e podem ser facilmente incorporados à sua rotina. Seja misturando-os em um smoothie, engolindo-os com água ou mastigando-os, você encontrará uma maneira prática e saborosa de aumentar sua ingestão de nutrientes e melhorar sua saúde geral. |
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Impulsiona o sistema imunológico: Os comprimidos de alga chlorella RECOVERYbits são ricos em nutrientes essenciais que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, protegendo-o contra doenças e infecções.
- 2. Melhora a recuperação esportiva: Com alto teor de proteínas e fibras, esses comprimidos são ideais para atletas e entusiastas do esporte. Eles ajudam a acelerar a recuperação muscular e a melhorar o desempenho físico.
- 3. Promove a saúde intestinal: A chlorella é conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde intestinal. Esses comprimidos ajudam a equilibrar a flora intestinal, melhorando a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
- 4. Aumenta a energia e vitalidade: Com sua alta concentração de nutrientes, os RECOVERYbits fornecem um impulso de energia natural, ajudando a combater a fadiga e aumentar a vitalidade.
- 5. Opção vegana e cetogênica: Esses comprimidos são adequados para pessoas que seguem uma dieta vegana ou cetogênica. Eles são livres de ingredientes de origem animal e baixos em carboidratos, tornando-os uma escolha saudável para qualquer estilo de vida.
Os RECOVERYbits oferecem uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Eles fortalecem o sistema imunológico, proporcionando proteção contra doenças; melhoram a recuperação muscular, essencial para atletas; promovem a saúde intestinal, facilitando a digestão; aumentam a energia, combatendo a fadiga; e são uma opção saudável para dietas veganas e cetogênicas. Incorporar esses comprimidos à sua dieta pode ser a chave para um estilo de vida mais saudável e equilibrado.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 20 a 30 comprimidos de alga chlorella RECOVERYbits por dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições. Os comprimidos podem ser consumidos com água, mastigados ou adicionados a smoothies e outras bebidas. Para garantir a melhor experiência e resultados, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação.
Honest Reviewer –
I’ve been using the revoverybits for 2 months now. One of the most noticeable effects I’ve noticed is when I use them before bed as Catherine Arnston recommends. What Ive noticed is using them in conjunction with going to bed by 10 or 10:30pm at the lastest has given me the best results. I wake up feeling ready to go, not groggy. I feel refreshed and on the nights I go to bed by 10pm using the recoverybits between about 7-930pm before I head to bed, and Ive notice my skin even looks more smooth than usual, the following morning.
I love how I feel refreshed, and look refreshed. It truly does enhance the effectivness from what I can tell when I use it going to bed at that time versus going to bed 11pm or later. It really work best with your body’s detoxification and repair cycle that occurs at just that critical hour.
You can learn more about the bodys detox and repair cycle looking it up online.
I’m so thankful for Catherine’s dedication to bring this product to the forefront like she has and to use the type of processing to allow for a higher quality product. It is pricey for me however I have used spirulina and chlorella for 2 years or so daily prior to hers and never experienced the same results.
The way it is processed makes an important difference. Using the sound vs heat is worth it! And I am personally experiencing the positive effects.
I appreciate that these are sold in sample packets because it does make it easier for me on weeks where I am tighter on money and can’t afford to buy the large bag.
A little history – I had issues with my gut for more than 30 years, candida overgrowth, food poisoning, etc. So anyone familiar with what gut issues can do and how miserable it can make you feel will understand where Im coming from.
That said, I recently completed a Biocidin detox then started Energybits and Recoverybits midway during my detox and it was helpful for me because I had quite the die off symptoms and fatigue.
After 2 months of all this I am feeling more like myself and even more of a calm and level-headed feeling which I am attributing to using the Energybits and Revoverybits together. I believe I am experiencing what she explains about the vagus nerve, gut/brain connection. In one of her podcast interviews she mentions a sort of study or clinical trials with veterans if I recall correctly and they were much improved in brains scans after just 30 days of using the full serving of both products. I can see why.
Catherine, thank you for being so passionate about this and going as far as you have to bring these incredibly nutritious and commonly used microalgaes on the Eastern side of the globe to us here in the West.
I came across a podcast at the right time and it was what I believe I needed. I thank God for coming across these.
I am curious to see how continuing to use these after 3 months does me, seeing the body’s cellular 90 cycle.
A. Proper –
Actually notice more energy and better overall body function when I take these.
Charity M. –
I love the taste of these, very earthy and clean. The Recovery Bits have been a great addition to my nutrient intake.
Jennifer roman –
I bought this product after listening to the founder on the Energy Blueprint and figured I’d give them a try. I like that they were 3rd party tested and shown to be safe to ingest. I took 10 and they were easy to digest. I need to review how many are needed to detox (30?), but I believe they are a healthy addition to my diet.
Christina –
After watching a Podcast, Heal ThySelf on the topic of algae, it immediately peaked my interest because of the benefits in such a small pill. The chlorella is very easy to swallow, tasteless but you have to take atleast 10. I took 20. I noticed my skin clearing up, more energy and over all felt amazing. As a woman heading into perimenopause, getting protein is struggle and this helps tremendously.
Definitely buying these all the time.
Elizabeth –
It’s a good product, you can feel the benefits quickly
Sparky –
Taking these to detox mycotoxins. With the environment we live in it’s no wonder humans have so many health issues. This is just another step to help get and stay as well as possible.
Jennifer roman –
Really helped with improving my energy and making me feel overall better! They also taste pretty good in a smoothie!