Real Ketones BHB Exogenous Ketones Drink Mix Packets Keto Electrolytes Powder Packets No Sugar with 4 Main Fasting Electrolytes Plus Hydrating Patented Keto BHB – 30 Count
Obtenha o melhor dos pós de hidratação Keto e dos pacotes de eletrólitos em uma fórmula limpa que ajuda você a alcançar e manter a cetose com nossos ingredientes clinicamente testados. Com o suporte de cetose rápida, você pode desfrutar de uma hidratação eficaz enquanto mantém seu corpo em estado de queima de gordura.
Reabasteça sua mente e corpo com 5g de nosso pó de cetonas exógenas exclusivo, que possui alta absorção de eletrólitos, sem açúcar ou cafeína, proporcionando energia e foco sustentáveis. Nossa fórmula avançada é o combustível preferido para o seu corpo durante a dieta cetogênica.
Diga adeus aos pacotes de reidratação com excesso de cafeína e bebidas com eletrólitos artificialmente doces. Experimente nossa mistura de bebida cetogênica nootrópica com D-BHB clinicamente comprovado. Desfrute de um desempenho incomparável e suporte à dieta cetogênica com nossos pacotes de pó cetogênico exclusivos, combinados com nosso aplicativo Real Ketones gratuito (iOS/Android) com acesso a grupos de suporte.
Somos orgulhosos de sermos a marca por trás do D-BHB, uma das principais fontes de energia de combustível bioativo entre os suplementos cetogênicos. Nossos pacotes de pó de eletrólitos sem açúcar e misturas de jejum Inmit são o padrão ouro para quem busca qualidade e eficácia.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte rápido à cetose: Alcance e mantenha a cetose de forma eficaz com nossa fórmula clinicamente testada.
- Fonte de combustível preferida: Reabasteça seu corpo com nossas cetonas exógenas de alta absorção para energia sustentável e foco.
- Ingredientes de ponta: Nossa mistura nootrópica cetogênica contém D-BHB clinicamente comprovado, sem cafeína ou açúcar.
- Desempenho incomparável: Aproveite uma cetose mais rápida e suporte à dieta cetogênica com nossos pacotes exclusivos de pó cetogênico.
- O padrão ouro: Somos a marca por trás do D-BHB, uma das principais fontes de energia de combustível bioativo entre os suplementos cetogênicos.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture um pacote de pó de cetonas exógenas com água e consuma uma vez ao dia. Recomendamos o uso em conjunto com a dieta cetogênica e o acompanhamento do aplicativo Real Ketones para obter suporte adicional.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture um pacote de pó de cetonas exógenas com água e consuma uma vez ao dia. Recomendamos o uso em conjunto com a dieta cetogênica e o acompanhamento do aplicativo Real Ketones para obter suporte adicional.
Sandovals –
$1.66 per packet which makes one drink, which is expensive in my opinion. Keto products, in general, are over priced – this is clearly no exception. Ripping off those who want to make healthy lifestyle changes is THE way to cash in. That said, the variety pack flavors are all delicious, refreshing, and help provide energy & stave off cravings & hunger for intermittent fasting. For me, it’s too expensive to use regularly and on-going, but it’s a good tool during the transition to keto-adaptation and for longer fasting periods.
Christina –
Drinking enough water throughout the day… especially while in ketosis, is hard for me. These help so much! They taste amazing, all three flavors are great. They help me stay full during the morning so I can fast longer, I feel energized but not jittery, and I feel like I get into ketones faster if I fall out. The ingredients are what sold me on them. If I’m in a rush or use one in the afternoon, I pop the packet in my purse and use it later. I feel good when I drink them!
DeepGreenThumbs –
The nasty taste of exogenous ketones is legendary, and I generally despise artificial sweeteners, so I was surprised that all three flavors in the variety pack I tried, are actually pretty good…then deeply disappointed that all three drop my ketone levels like a stone–the exact opposite of what I got them for.
Using keto-mojo, I tested blood ketone and glucose levels just before, and an hour after all three flavors, on separate days. Raspberry-lemon dropped my ketones from 1.3 to 0.3; black cherry from 1.2 to 0.6, and watermelon from 0.9 to 0.5. None had any significant effect on my glucose levels, so by GKI calculations, that first one knocked me right *out* of ketosis. Urine testing, while less precise, confirmed the large drops in my ketone levels.
Maybe the sweet flavors are giving me a metabolic effect that the BHB dosage they contain is too small to overcome, I don’t know. I’m doing a ketogenic diet *for the ketones*, to stabilize a health condition, so it’s evident these won’t work for me. I’m reluctant to conclude that they wouldn’t for others, though, and as a product, it seems, well, thoughtfully produced. So I’m giving it three stars.
fun mama 0912 –
The taste of this sells it for me. It hydrates and works well with your metabolism. It makes a smooth tasting drink dissolving well. I provide me with essential nutrients for my health. that cause me no upset to my stomach.i was left feeling energized with no nervous jitters. It was priced well for daily use.
eric –
I tried Keytone-IQ with no results at all. Just thought I would give a different brand a shot and really impressed with Shift. More energy, focus, and recovery. Good flavor, easy to mix.
Krista R –
I love these ketones. I have tried many ketone powders but they are the best tasting ones I have found yet. They aren’t bitter and don’t taste like sunblock most importantly lol. Perfect amount of sweetness but not too sweet. They also seem to reduce my cravings and appetite somewhat, especially after dinner sugar cravings. I love that they come in packs that you can easily dump in a water bottle and don’t have to deal with the mess of scooping it up . One improvement would be the price. $50 is a lot, I think $35ish would be a better value. Could also be a little less salty tasting, but that’s with any ketone powder so not sure what would help that. They also have less sodium than many other brands, which I appreciate.
raina –
I found it works I take it every night before bed
shannon –
Item came sticky with powder residue all over the inside and 2 sticks were rock hard. The initial Amazon listing says it can be returned but it in fact can NOT be returned. Very unhappy with this expensive purchase!
dollfacedbaby1 –
I started drinking this yesterday. First of all, it dissolves easily. I have a yeti cup I drink from. The packages are bigger than the Crystal Light packages you get from the grocery store and at first, I thought, there’s no way I’m going to like this stuff. I put 12 oz of water in my cup then add the powder and stir it up with my straw. It dissolves very easily. Then I fill up my cup with ice and finish filling my cup up with water so I have a full glass.
The taste (watermelon) is wonderful. I love it. It isn’t too sweet as some of the other reviews suggested.
Now on to results. I did not weigh the day before I started taking this nor did I weigh this morning. But I can tell you this. My cravings have diminished considerably. I used to sit at my desk and crave all sorts of snack foods. It didn’t matter if they were salty or sweet, I wanted to eat. Today, I’ve been at work 4 1/2 hours already, and not the first craving. I’m drinking more than usual and I’m going to the bathroom more than usual. My energy is so much more than usual and my focus is through the roof. I’ve gotten so much done at work today it’s unreal.
I have a cousin who sells the more expensive version of this. I refused to pay that price for something to drink and it not have alcohol in it! So I decided to give this a try instead. I can’t wait to get on the scale next week to see if it’s made a difference in my weight.
Almost finished with my 3 packs of this drink. The energy is no longer there like in the beginning and it is making absolutely NO difference in my weight. I’m so glad I tried this one instead of the more expensive one. I do still enjoy the flavor though. Certainly no worth the money when I can get Crystal Light packs for a fraction of the cost of this.
Angelina –
I purchased the variety flavor pack and I LOVE every one of them. So many drink powders are too sweet for me, but these are amazing. I feel a good energy level and not as hungry between meals. Was out of ketosis, but within a few hours right back in. I would highly recommend. I hope they will make this in a large tub size, as i will be drinking it every day. Also, customer service is 2nd to none! Thank you!