Descrição do Produto: 2 Caixas de Raiz de Ginseng Americano Selecionado à Mão – Pequeno (4oz/Caixa) 西洋参/花旗参 Panax Ginseng
Descubra o poder revitalizante do Ginseng Americano com nossas duas caixas de raiz de ginseng selecionada à mão, cada uma contendo 4oz de raiz de pequeno tail. Este ginseng, conhecido cientificamente como Panax Ginseng, é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, que ajudam a aumentar a resistência do corpo e a melhorar a energia. A raiz de ginseng americano é uma fonte natural de nutrientes que promove a saúde geral, fortalecendo o sistema imunológico e combatendo a fadiga. Ideal para quem busca um impulso energético sem os efeitos colaterais de estimulantes artificiais, o ginseng americano é uma escolha perfeita para integrar na sua rotina diária, seja em chás, extratos ou como suplemento.
1. Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Melhora da Energia: Proporciona um aumento natural de energia, combatendo a fadiga.
3. Apoio ao Estresse: Ajuda a reduzir os níveis de estresse e ansiedade, promovendo um estado de bem-estar.
4. Aprimoramento Cognitivo: Melhora a concentração e a memória, ideal para quem precisa de foco no dia a dia.
5. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Contribui para o equilíbrio hormonal, beneficiando a saúde geral.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Ginseng Americano, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 gramas da raiz seca por dia. A raiz pode ser utilizada em infusões, onde deve ser fervida em água por cerca de 10 a 15 minutos, permitindo que os compostos ativos sejam extraídos. Alternativamente, pode ser triturada e adicionada a smoothies ou sucos. Para resultados otimizados, é aconselhável utilizar o ginseng de forma contínua por pelo menos 4 a 6 semanas, permitindo que o corpo se adapte e aproveite todos os seus benefícios.
Lisa –
Good quality
Richard R –
These 2 boxes of American Ginseng from Zen Ginseng arrived to me wrapped in plastic. The boxes felt to be packed tightly. The exterior of the boxes are well decorated and also feature some information about the company, that the American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolis) inside the package are from a farm in Wisconsin, information about American Ginseng itself, and so on.
Judging by the appearance of the American Ginseng Roots through the window on the front of the box the American Ginseng Roots appear to be tightly, however behind the American Ginseng are a few layers of bubble wrap to make the box appear more tightly packed with American Ginseng Roots. I did get what was advertised on the front of the box, though – 4oz of American Ginseng Roots. So, the packaging is a bit larger than necessary, and the only reason I can figure for that is to allow more space on the box’s exterior for text. I’ve since transferred the American Ginseng Roots to a sealed container.
With these American Ginseng Small Roots the appearance, aroma, and taste is proper, so, I have no complaints, I got what I expected – 2 boxes, each containing 4oz of American Ginseng.
jean –
It was marketed as 4oz each , but one package had 3.84 ounces and the other 3.95 ounces. The ginseng averages 1.5 inch long each, which is very small.
Richard R –
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What a blessing to have a company in the United States that grows and sells dried American ginseng. These are grown in Wisconsin and are dried and manufactured in a GMP facility. The company has an excellent website with a lot of information about them and their processes. They have a myriad of ginseng items as well as other Chinese medicinals.
I was able to cut off little chunks of Ginseng with my culinary scissors. Some of them I just chewed. I love the taste of ginseng. It is a little bit bitter, but I still like it. You can also take one or two of these roots, and simmer them in hot water to make delicious tea sweetened with honey, or a soup. Ginseng is backed by a lot of research. I find that it gives me more energy in the morning. Plus, I just love the taste of it. I think the price is very fair for this two pack.
Callie Jane –
So, I bought this ginseng for my family to use as I have a pot of herbal tea that quite literally does not stop brewing until Spring. My usual concoction is wild chaga, American ginseng, reishi, cordyceps, and shatavari. I will tweak it here and there. I will commonly add jujube dates and wild turkey tail mushrooms. That said, these American ginseng roots are potent. They can be used to brew many rounds of tea. The roots aren’t too small, but are definitely not the biggest roots, either. I actually prefer smaller roots, as it helps me control how much ginseng I am using at any given time; kinda makes me feel like I get “more bang for my buck.” However, when I received my order, I weighed out the roots myself, and they came up short. That’s why I’m deducting 1 star. Honestly, I wish I could do a half-star here as the ‘sang itself was a great deal: it’s potent, not bitter nor acrid, sweet, and I feel is definitely helping me brave the winter season. While everyone around me was sick with COVID for Christmas and New Years, I stayed healthy and illness free. All in all, I recommend trying this brand and I would purchase again from this company.
Carty G. –
Growing up in an Asian family, we use a lot of ginseng at home. We consume it for the health benefits. Ginseng helps to lower blood sugar and has anti-inflammatory benefits. My mom always tell me ginseng can help lower the internal heat (too much internal heat makes people uncomfortable). Ginseng is an acquired taste, some people may find it bitter. I’ve grown accustomed to the taste. We made soup with these ginseng roots and my mom said it’s well worth the price on Amazon. These roots are potent and full of flavor. Comes in 2 small 4 ounce boxes, great for gifting.
Jeff O. –
I know American ginseng grows much smaller than Asian. these must be yearlings, though. I prefer Asian red so it may be that but I found these very small, very weak on flavor, not much effect after a week or so. Let just say I’m underwhelmed.
Amazon Customer –
It is a good present for a friend.