Descrição do Produto: Raiz de Comfreira Desidratada Frontier Co-op
A Raiz de Comfreira Desidratada da Frontier Co-op é um produto de alta qualidade, cuidadosamente selecionado e processado para garantir frescor e eficácia. Proveniente de plantas perenes da família das boragináceas, essa raiz é ideal para a elaboração de cremes e enxágues capilares. Cada raiz é meticulosamente cortada e peneirada, preservando suas propriedades benéficas e garantindo um produto que atende aos mais altos padrões de qualidade.
Com uma versatilidade impressionante, a raiz de comfreira pode ser utilizada em uma variedade de preparações, como pomadas, loções e cremes, além de ser uma excelente adição para enriquecer o solo de plantas. É importante ressaltar que, embora suas aplicações sejam amplas, a raiz de comfreira não é recomendada para consumo humano. A Frontier Co-op se orgulha de oferecer um produto certificado kosher, cultivado sem ingredientes artificiais, assegurando que você tenha em mãos um item puro e de qualidade superior para seus tratamentos tópicos e jardinagem.
Disponível em uma prática embalagem de 1 libra, a raiz de comfreira desidratada da Frontier Co-op oferece uma quantidade generosa para múltiplos usos. A embalagem resselável ajuda a manter a frescura e o sabor, garantindo a qualidade duradoura do produto. Desde sua fundação em 1976, a Frontier Co-op se estabeleceu como líder em botânicos naturais, orgânicos e de comércio justo, sendo uma cooperativa de membros comprometida com a pureza, honestidade e qualidade.
– Qualidade Superior: Raiz de comfreira selecionada de plantas de alta qualidade, garantindo eficácia em suas aplicações.
– Versatilidade: Ideal para a formulação de cremes, loções e enxágues capilares, além de enriquecer o solo de plantas.
– Certificação Kosher: Produto certificado, cultivado sem ingredientes artificiais, assegurando pureza e segurança.
– Praticidade: Embalagem de 1 libra com fechamento resselável, mantendo a frescura e permitindo múltiplos usos.
– Compromisso Sustentável: Proveniente de uma cooperativa que prioriza práticas de comércio justo e responsabilidade ambiental.
Para utilizar a raiz de comfreira desidratada, recomenda-se preparar uma infusão ou decocção. Para isso, adicione 1 a 2 colheres de sopa da raiz em 500 ml de água fervente e deixe em infusão por cerca de 20 minutos. Após o resfriamento, coe a mistura e utilize-a como base para cremes ou enxágues capilares. Para aplicações tópicas, a raiz pode ser incorporada em pomadas ou loções, misturando-a com óleos ou manteigas vegetais. Lembre-se de que a raiz de comfreira não deve ser ingerida, sendo destinada exclusivamente para uso externo.
LittleBear –
Comfrey I used in my postpartum bath with many different herbs from this company the price for what your getting is so beneficial and I actually love this company for many a reason. It can be used as tea tinctures glycerines and baths etc. so versatile and so many benefits x ❤️
Rita S. –
Better than I expected. Very reasonable. Can wait to use it.
Bargain Finder –
I used it for a couple of things, boiled it then soaked my stubbed toe (damaged my joint), can’t say that really helped me (don’t know if I was using it wrong). But the main reason I got this was to heal my teeth. I had a few cavities that I needed to take care of, so I boiled some and swished it around my mouth. It helped make my teeth feel better, but over time it had stained my teeth. Not much at first, but I made the mistake of leaving some in my mouth overnight, and by morning, it had stained them brown. A little more every time. It was in streaks so I knew it was staining something on my tooth, not the enamel itself. I had no fear because I had positive results of getting plaque off with coconut oil in the past, so once I got home, I oil pulled and brushed, and immediately I could see a small difference. I oil pulled for an hour the night before a dentist teeth cleaning, left some in my mouth overnight, then oil pulled for another hour in the morning, and by the time the cleaning was done, they were shiny white!
Four stars because not entirely sure what to think, on one side it kind of made my teeth feel better, but I don’t want to use it again and risk staining my teeth. I’m scheduled to go to the dentist to finally fix my cavities, but I’m not sure what to think. Maybe I should give it another shot and really go hard on that diet, because I didn’t really stay strict to the teeth-fixing diet.
Disclaimer: I did not ingest all of the necessary ingredients to heal my teeth, and cheated a bit with bread a lot and sugar occasionally. I took blended eggshell most or every night before doing this as well. I had it, but don’t remember if I always took the Blue Ice HVBO. Maybe now that I’m at home (and not vacation- was there for 2 months) and drink raw milk and a more steady diet I can make this work, who knows. I’ve had a history of bad teeth so even if I get the cavities filled, this might not be the end of this journey for me. I will though definitely be staying sugar free. Keep in mind that whatever raises blood sugar will pull calcium, so even some sugar substitutes like sugar alcohol will be bad for teeth.
Darrin –
Good quality, added to our collection will buy again when we run out
Sheila Laibhen –
I am impressed with the quality of Comfrey root I received. I am also pleased with the size package for the price. I feel it is a good value.
Alicia Czechowski –
I have used comfrey for more than forty years. I have used the dried root and leaves as well as the fresh plant when I have lived where it can be harvested wild (Michigan, Connecticut, Maine, Wisconsin, Maryland). My usual method of preparing comfrey for medicinal use is to make an infusion of about a quarter of a cup of the cut dried root with a pint of boiling water; when cool I strain it. It can then be applied directly on the injured area. Comfrey extract can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for two weeks or more. In cases of bruising, the injured area can be wrapped with a poltice soaked with the comfrey infusion. When I have a cut, contusion or rash, I immediately apply comfrey to the affected area with the result that it promotes speedy healing and a reduction in swelling or redness. When I have not used comfrey on an injury, healing is much slower, and any swelling or redness persists for a longer period of time. Contrary to recommendations not to take comfrey internally, when I have a more serious injury, I take comfrey internally, drinking about a cupful of the infusion each day until the healing process is complete. Many foods could be said to be naturally toxic (as opposed to be man-tainted). So, it is hard to understand why comfrey is said to be toxic, when it is widely used as human food, and is commonly consumed and foraged upon by wild and domestic birds (ducks, chickens) and animals (cows, goats, chipmunks). I have harvested and eaten the fresh young leaves in salads or cooked. Yum!
huston.can –
The comfrey is of good quality. It’s has a fresh clean odor and is priced better than any of my local sources. Thank you!
Andrew –
Very good quality