Os adesivos Rael Pimple Patches são a solução ideal para quem busca um tratamento eficaz e prático para acne e manchas no rosto. Feitos de hidrocolóide de grau médico, esses adesivos são projetados para controlar e cobrir espinhas, erupções cutâneas e cravos, sendo adequados para todos os tipos de pele. Com um tamanho maior e contornado (31mm x 46mm), eles se ajustam perfeitamente a áreas problemáticas como o nariz, queixo e bochechas, proporcionando uma cobertura extra e eficaz.
A tecnologia de hidrocoloide utilizada nos Rael Pimple Patches é altamente absorvente, permitindo que os adesivos retirem pus e impurezas diretamente da fonte, acelerando o processo de cicatrização da acne. Além disso, eles não ressecam a pele e são hipoalergênicos, garantindo que mesmo as peles mais sensíveis possam se beneficiar de seu uso. Os adesivos também atuam como uma barreira protetora, evitando que a acne entre em contato com sujeira, bactérias e outros irritantes externos que podem agravar a condição da pele.
As bordas cônicas dos adesivos garantem uma adesão duradoura, permitindo que eles permaneçam firmemente no lugar durante todo o dia e a noite. Isso significa que você pode usá-los com confiança, sabendo que não se soltarão facilmente. Além de todos esses benefícios, os Rael Pimple Patches são veganos e livres de crueldade animal, tornando-os uma escolha ética para consumidores conscientes.
1. Cobertura Extra: Tamanho maior e contornado para áreas problemáticas do rosto.
2. Eficácia Comprovada: Hidrocoloide de grau médico que remove pus e impurezas.
3. Proteção da Pele: Barreira contra irritantes externos, prevenindo a piora da acne.
4. Adesão Duradoura: Bordas cônicas que garantem firmeza durante o uso.
5. Opção Vegana e Livre de Crueldade: Sem ingredientes de origem animal e não testados em animais.
Para utilizar os Rael Pimple Patches, comece limpando e secando a área afetada. É fundamental que a pele esteja livre de óleos e cremes para garantir uma adesão adequada do adesivo. Após a limpeza, aplique o adesivo suavemente sobre a espinha ou mancha, pressionando levemente para assegurar que ele fique bem fixo. Deixe o adesivo agir por várias horas ou durante a noite para obter os melhores resultados. Quando for remover, descole-o cuidadosamente da pele. Você ficará impressionado com a melhora visível na aparência da sua pele após o uso. Experimente os Rael Pimple Patches e descubra a eficácia do hidrocoloide no tratamento da acne.
Amazon Customer –
These patches arrived quick, and are very convenient to use. They are not the absolute acne miracle (little improvement on cystic acne after multiple uses), however I did see improvement- which is hard to say about just about most acne products when they are used on cystic acne. Very easy and quick to place on skin, and these do cover a larger area than I anticipated. They stick very well and stayed on all night without issue, and were not uncomfortable at all (I actually forgot they were on until I looked in the mirror in the morning). Also, since they are clear, they are not noticeable- my fiancé didn’t even notice I had them on 2 nights in a row! That said, these are not something I would try to wear and cover with makeup or anything- definitely a great fit for overnight wear. The covered acne spots themselves looked like they turned white with the patch still on after several hours, which makes me feel it was actually doing something- You could tell stuff was drawn out of the skin when taking them off. I placed one of the patches on one acne spot before I went to bed, and there were 2 white circles when I woke up and checked it in the morning! I totally had an acne spot that the patch caught that I did not even know was there- which was impressive. All in all, I would recommend this product, predominantly for regular acne. If you are suffering from multiple breakouts farther away from each other (chin and higher cheek, or cheek and forehead, I would see if this brand offers a smaller sized option with more patches in it as these cover a larger area, and with only 20 in a box, will not last too long. .. again, I would recommend and will likely repurchase once these run out.
Happy customer –
These are the best patches for blackheads ever better than any other brand I’ve tried. I recently bought the small circular patch covers for my face and found them to work great and figured Id try this for my nose all I can say is my nose has never been this clear.
Cheryl Biscotti –
Great product, saw results within days!! Thank you!
Natalie N. Alexander –
I use these not only on the chin but also any area where I have multiple breakouts bunched together so they are helpful for that.
Rachel Fuji –
I’ve used various brands of pimple patches trying to find a good balance between effectiveness, adhesion, and value and these are some of my favorites.
Easy to cover multiple pimples
Great for clearing out congested pores before they become full pimples
Adheres very well, no issues coming off
Quick and easy to apply
Saves money by using one large patch compared to multiple small circle pimple patches
Could be a little bigger – if you have a larger chin it won’t cover the full area or may need an additional patch
Only useful if your breakouts or congested pores are in a concentrated area
Make sure you apply to dry skin so it adheres the best. Sometimes I’ll apply a gentle chemical exfoliant (AHA or BHA), let it dry, then apply the patch for extra good results.
Jen –
I get both these and the 2-sizes round pimple patches for Rael. Of all the pimple patches I’ve tried, Rael’s has the best adhesion and they’re now my preferred brand. These larger ones are nice to use for the bigger pimples that secrete more than the small, round patches can absorb in a day, so I don’t have to be fiddling around as much changing out the patches. I also like them for clusters of pimples I get sometimes, where there are several pimples in one specific area that would be impossible to cover with the round patches without overlapping. Even then, these are pretty big, so I cut them in either halfs or thirds and that’s usually large enough to cover.
dsco –
The Rael company makes the only pimple patches that work for me, and they work very well. The larger patch in particular is nice and not too large, sticks on nice and doesn’t scrunch up if you put it in a place where you’re moving a lot. I have also cut these bigger ones up into smaller pieces when I run out of the normal Rael patches, the adhesion and quality is not affected at all.
Leticia Elizabeth Mejía Alfaro –
Me ayudaron demasiado en brotes que me salieron en barbilla, fue lo único que masomenos abarcaba por el tamaño, no irritan , soy de piel sensible
Elizabeth Samuelson –
These stay on so much better than the individual ones, and cover a large surface area. Works great on my chin and cheeks!
Great! –
Love these! Works for me to pick at them