Os Pads Esfoliantes Age Defying da Radical Skincare são a solução ideal para quem deseja uma pele radiante e rejuvenescida. Com uma fórmula avançada, esses pads são projetados para remover células mortas da pele, uniformizar o tom e proporcionar um brilho saudável. Indicados para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis, eles são livres de parabenos, garantindo um cuidado seguro e eficaz.
A eficácia dos pads se deve à combinação poderosa de extratos de frutas AHA e BHA, que promovem uma esfoliação suave e eficaz, estimulando a renovação celular e revelando uma pele mais jovem e luminosa. Em apenas duas semanas de uso, é possível notar uma redução visível de rugas e linhas de expressão, além de uma diminuição do tamanho dos poros. A tecnologia Trylacel maximiza a concentração de ativos, assegurando que cada aplicação traga benefícios significativos, melhorando a firmeza, textura e elasticidade da pele.
Para potencializar os resultados, recomenda-se o uso dos pads à noite, após a limpeza da pele, preparando-a para a absorção de outros produtos da linha Radical Skincare, como o Sérum Infundido com Peptídeos e o Hidratante Restaurador Anti-Envelhecimento. Com isso, você garante uma rotina de cuidados que não apenas trata, mas também previne os sinais do envelhecimento.
1. Redução visível de rugas e linhas de expressão em apenas 2 semanas.
2. Remoção eficaz das células mortas da pele, proporcionando um tom de pele mais uniforme.
3. Diminuição do tamanho dos poros e melhoria da firmeza, textura e elasticidade da pele.
4. Concentração máxima de ativos graças à tecnologia Trylacel, garantindo resultados rápidos e de alta qualidade.
5. Livre de crueldade animal e parabenos, respeitando a natureza e a saúde da sua pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique um pad umedecido nas áreas desejadas do rosto, pescoço e colo, à noite, após a limpeza da pele. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, evitando a área dos olhos. Após a aplicação, siga com os produtos complementares da Radical Skincare para potencializar os efeitos anti-envelhecimento e garantir uma pele ainda mais radiante e saudável.
goose –
The pads do not come in the container pictured. They come in a sealed bag. The product itself feels refreshing. It gets any dirt off your face leaving it feeling very clean. It leaves your face feeling soft. My face just feels better after using them. It hasn’t caused any irritation.
Blue Skies –
These are ok as a chemical exfoliant, but the claim that they diminish coarse crows feet is a bit much. Im not sure of any at home peel that can give those kinds of results. I used these for the 15 days and didnt see a whole of of difference than when I use other peels, some of which are much less costly, such as The Ordinary AHA/BHA peel which is excellent. I didn’t hate these pads, but I feel like they aren’t as magical as they describe.
Outer package was damp with A crystalized substance. Pads were sealed in a secure inner foil type package and not a jar as displayed on site…not impressed.
Kailyn –
I used these after I washed my face and it pulled all of the excess dirt and oils that were left behind. It always amazes me how dirty our faces are even after we clean them. Your face can never be too clean. It left my face feeling extra clean fresh and ready for my moisturizing routine. I’ve been using these for about a week and they haven’t irritated my skin or caused any discomfort as of yet. I like them.
These pads are pretty soft but not that big compared to others I have, and when you do use them over your face it feels not as strong of an exfoliating product as others where you can actually feel the grainy experience. The scent of this is not bad at all (NO flowery scents or chemical smells), and the pads actually come in a zip packaging and not a round container like it showed on the product website, so it kind of fools you. It does it’s job in removing dead skin and any impurities that still sit on your face after superficial washing. After the exfoliating action, you do get a feel of moisturizing leftover residue on your face that is light and not heavy, but also slightly sticky but does feel OK, and it doesn’t make you want to rush to wash it off right away. Hoping that over time it will do what it says in evening out the skin, but even though it says you’ll see results in 2 weeks, dermatologists usually say 4-8 weeks is what you want to give any new treatment. However, there are ONLY 15 pads in here, so it may not actually product a desired effect quite yet after these 2 weeks.
Karen sakas –
Love them
Blue Skies –
Radical Skincare Age-Defying Exfoliating Pads Removes Dead Skin, Evens and Brightens Skin Tone for Radiant Glow | For All Skin Types 😊 I am really happy with these exfoliating pads so far! They arrived quickly and well packaged. I was a bit surprised that they came in a ziplock package as opposed to a jar that is in the picture but I didn’t read the description thoroughly so that’s on me. The pads themselves are a good 2-3” size and they feel great on my skin. There is a slight tingly sensation while using them but nothing overwhelming. There is no discernible scent. So far I am really happy with the performance of these pads!
MyPenName –
very misleading i thought the picture was a jar not in a slimzy pack will not order again