Descrição do Produto: R1 Whey Blend, 68 Porções, Sorvete de Baunilha
O R1 Whey Blend é uma proteína de alta qualidade, formulada para atender às necessidades de atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam maximizar seus resultados. Com 68 porções, este produto oferece uma combinação perfeita de proteínas concentradas e isoladas, garantindo uma absorção rápida e eficiente. O sabor Sorvete de Baunilha proporciona uma experiência deliciosa, tornando o consumo de proteína uma parte prazerosa da sua rotina. Cada dose contém uma quantidade significativa de aminoácidos essenciais, fundamentais para a recuperação muscular e o crescimento. Ideal para ser utilizado após os treinos ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia, o R1 Whey Blend é a escolha perfeita para quem deseja aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma prática e saborosa.
1. Alta Qualidade Proteica: Com uma mistura de proteínas concentradas e isoladas, garante uma absorção rápida e eficaz.
2. Sabor Irresistível: O sabor Sorvete de Baunilha torna o consumo de proteína agradável e fácil de incorporar na dieta.
3. Apoio à Recuperação Muscular: Rico em aminoácidos essenciais, ajuda na recuperação pós-treino e no crescimento muscular.
4. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser utilizado em shakes, smoothies ou até mesmo em receitas, facilitando a inclusão de proteínas na alimentação diária.
5. Praticidade: Com 68 porções, é uma solução econômica e conveniente para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de proteínas sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture 1 scoop (aproximadamente 30g) do R1 Whey Blend em 200-300ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal. Utilize um shaker ou liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. Consuma imediatamente após o treino para otimizar a recuperação muscular ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Ajuste a quantidade de líquido conforme sua preferência de consistência. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
Julia Busby –
This protein powder makes my Greek yogurt taste like pudding. Love it!
jljohnston22 –
I switched to this protein due to a price increase in my typical vanilla protein. I’m pleasantly surprised and will continue to purchase this brand. It’s clean, good quality, mixes very well and tastes great. I use this for a daily post workout shake and would highly recommend to anyone else. The flavor is like melted vanilla ice cream. I love it.
Rick Davis –
Best tasting protein powder I’ve ever had. The salty caramel. Low carb , no sugar and easily digestive process. The price is unbeatable
RMO13 –
This is my go to protein powder. Tastes are great, though I usually stick to the vanilla. For the price, the value of this protein can’t be beat. Comparing prices on Amazon this one usually wins.
The black one is good but the lenses are not good quality, but looks cute –
It is good
senay –
tastes great and mixes perfectly cant ask for more
Cassie –
I’ve used protein for years and have never found one that tastes decent. Most proteins I have to bury in a high calorie smoothie in order to eat it. This protein is so good, all I use with it is a little bit of almond milk and water. It’s also one of the best priced proteins I’ve found for the quality.
AC –
I’ve been slowly working my way through every protein powder on Amazon, and only recently have deviated from the basic chocolate/vanilla. I always though peanut butter would be a bit much, as I tend to have my protein shake later at night, after I exercise. However, I would consider this peanut butter flavor to be very mild – so mild that I don’t think of it as peanut butter at all, just as a kind of rich chocolate. I don’t like it enough that I’d specifically order it again, but it is a nice change of pace.
Other than that, it’s a basic protein powder. Thickens decently, no gastro issues, average amount of protein per scoop – not the most economic brand but it has just the right balance that you don’t end up with that protein bitterness. Supports reps, but I’m not bulking so I can’t speak to its ability to aid in that regard.
Except for the initial test, I always mix mine with 5g creatine and ~5g psyllium husk powder. This mixes well enough that the psyllium husk flavor doesn’t come through too much, and doesn’t thicken too much. It will take on an odor fairly quickly after you mix it, so I’d drink it within ~20m if it is at room temp, and wash the shaker afterward, with a spray of rubbing alcohol in the cup and cap to keep it sterile.
Great basic powder, good flavor. Would recommend.
T. Lewis –
The flavor is very tasty alone, or when mixed with almond butter, etc. It blends easily,and the texture is pleasing to me. I like that it is very low in sugar. I have purchased different flavors and other products from Rule 1, and have been extremely happy with all of it.
dch –
EXACTLY what you need without 1,000 unknown chemicals to make it taste like synthetic ice cream. Amazing product and mixes great. It’s not going to taste like a scoop of ice cream…but it taste great as is and mixes great with oatmeal and smoothies. Great recovery protein, low fat and great value. Exactly what I wanted without a million ingredients I didn’t ask for. VERY good on a sensitive stomach. I switched from bsn and ghost because of this. I ended up reacting to one of the 90 ingredients I don’t need in all the other ones so far. I take my shake before and after the gym so it’s definitely a huge plus. I’ve tried over 10 now and found my protein. FINALLY a product without a novel for ingredients under 50