O Quest Nutrition Pó de Proteína de Manteiga de Amendoim é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma maneira prática e saborosa de aumentar a ingestão de proteínas na dieta. Com impressionantes 23g de proteína por porção, este suplemento em pó é ideal para atletas, praticantes de atividades físicas e qualquer pessoa que deseje manter uma alimentação equilibrada. Com apenas 1g de açúcar e 2g de carboidratos líquidos, ele se destaca como uma opção saudável, especialmente para aqueles que seguem dietas com restrição de carboidratos. Além disso, é livre de glúten, tornando-se acessível para pessoas com intolerâncias alimentares.
A fórmula do Quest Peanut Butter Protein Powder combina 50% de Whey Protein Isolate, 10% de Whey Protein Concentrate e 40% de Micellar Casein, garantindo uma liberação gradual de aminoácidos essenciais. Isso não apenas auxilia na recuperação muscular após treinos intensos, mas também ajuda a controlar o apetite, contribuindo para a manutenção de um peso saudável. O sabor doce e cremoso da manteiga de amendoim proporciona uma experiência deliciosa, permitindo que você desfrute de um lanche nutritivo sem comprometer sua saúde.
A embalagem contém 1,6 libras do produto, o que equivale a 23 porções, tornando-o uma opção prática e conveniente para o dia a dia. Seja em shakes, smoothies ou receitas, o Quest Peanut Butter Protein Powder é uma adição versátil à sua rotina alimentar.
- Alto teor de proteína: 23g de proteína por porção, ideal para aumentar a ingestão proteica.
- Baixo teor de carboidratos: Apenas 2g de carboidratos líquidos, perfeito para dietas low carb.
- Sabor irresistível: O sabor de manteiga de amendoim torna o consumo de proteína prazeroso.
- Proteínas completas: Fornece todos os aminoácidos essenciais para o crescimento e reparo muscular.
- Qualidade reconhecida: Quest Nutrition é uma marca respeitada por sua excelência em produtos nutricionais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de Quest Peanut Butter Protein Powder com 240ml de água, leite ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem até obter uma consistência suave e homogênea. Este pó de proteína pode ser utilizado em shakes, smoothies ou incorporado em receitas como panquecas e bolos, aumentando o teor proteico de suas refeições. Consuma conforme necessário ao longo do dia para atender às suas necessidades diárias de proteína e potencializar seus resultados.
Jason H. –
Pop the top and you’ll find the scoop included. Guesswork, be gone. But this is common with a lot of other protein/meal replacement shakes. What’s different about this one? The taste and the texture.
You’re getting a sweet peanut butter flavor. Not too sweet though. It’s just right and without the bitter artificial sweetener taste and aftertaste that some have. Also, this does not include Xylitol, which is in question currently.
Then there’s the creamy texture. I’ve found with some that unless you mix it with milk, or some other dairy addition, you’re not going to get the creamy. Not here! I mix this straight with water and it’s fantastically creamy. It’s not watered down and it blends perfectly.
Please note that I use a small electric blender for mine so I cannot speak of manual mixing or shaking methods.
I also like to add a few things sometimes to give it a boost. Since I regularly take a daily dose of pure cacao powder, this is the perfect vessel. Now you’ve got peanut butter and chocolatey goodness. It’s awesome. And, sometimes if I want a peanut boost, I’ll include a serving of powdered peanut butter.
The price is a bit steep. But, I’m a “you get what you pay for” guy. In this case, you’re paying for the flavor, the texture and everything that I mentioned in my review.
Would I buy this again? Absolutely. This is my regularly used protein powder. I use a few different flavors but Peanut Butter is one of the top two that I use. Good stuff!
Jamie –
If you’re like me and compared peanut protein powders based on nutrition, and pick this one, you’ll be disappointed. The pictures are wrong and based on the original formula. The new one they’ll send you is more calories and sugar, and less protein. Not by much for the average person, but disappointing when you picked it over others. You can see the old nutrition facts in another person’s review.
Taste-wise, it has a very light peanut butter taste. Maybe I added too much milk and water. I am not a fan of the artificial sweetener taste.
Elias –
Huele un poco raro y la consistencia es diferente a los demás sabores lo que me hace cuestionar su calidad pero sabe deliciosa e incluso con poca agua puede funcionar como crema untable supongo que es por eso así que estoy satisfecha ! Me encantó
Jamie –
Love the taste and consistency. Will definitely buy again. I mix it with a chocolate shake for a peanut butter chocolate protein. Yum!
Reviewer –
One of my favorite protein powders on the market. Quest seems to make some of the best protein-forward supplements on the market, focusing on high protein supplements with minimal carbs or fat in them. While I haven’t done keto for a number of years, I still try to limit my carb intake except right before working out, and thus when making my meal replacements or protein shakes for the day, I try to keep carbs low while still getting a good flavor. Quest brings all of this to the table with this peanut butter flavored protein powder. Peanut butter is one of my favorite foods, and this is a very true flavor. I like to mix it about 60/40 with isopure chocolate protein powder, which also has great macros and a decent flavor. When mixing the two, the taste is akin to a reeses peanut butter cup, but rather than empty calories, you’re getting a quality source of protein. In short, buy this and you won’t be disappointed. Finally, this dissolves very easily into water and doesn’t leave large clumps, so it’s also a very easy to use product.
Caoilin R –
I really dont like the typical protein powder flavor and usually use peanut butter powder to mask it. I decided to try a peanut butter flavored protein powder and really like this Quest one.
HPassolo –
I like the amount of protein in it and the low calories, but there is a distinct flavor to it that may bother some people. I think it is the artificial sweetener. I am not sure. When I am able to blend it with crushed ice, it doesn’t seem to bother me that much. For me though, I drink the shake as a meal replacement. The taste isn’t really bad at all. If you don’t like that sweetener taste though, I can see you having issues with it. I don’t mind though. It’s just food/protein source to me.
Laura Noe –
Hasta ahora es la proteína con el mejor sabor que he probado, compro esta marca porque es la que menos carbohidratos tiene asi que el que tenga buen sabor es un plus.
Fabian Romero –
So been on a calorie diet this peanut butter is the most satisfying I’ve had of all the powders with peanut butter. I don’t know if it’s because the ingredients are a little bit different but I know if you mix it with powdered peanut butter and some peanut butter and add a little bit of water and mix it together, the thickness and consistency is the best thing. Awesome toast with a little bit of butter and jelly. Sorry if I have your mouthwatering.
Phil –
Quest has some great protein packed products and this is one of them. The powder mixes well with water or milk and tastes great!