Descrição do Produto: Sunergetic Premium Quercetin
O Sunergetic Premium Quercetin é um suplemento de alta qualidade que combina Quercetina e Bromelina, formulado para apoiar um sistema imunológico saudável. A Quercetina é um flavonoide natural encontrado em várias frutas e vegetais, conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. A Bromelina, uma enzima extraída do abacaxi, potencializa os efeitos da Quercetina, promovendo uma absorção mais eficaz e contribuindo para a saúde geral do organismo. Este suplemento é ideal para homens e mulheres que buscam fortalecer suas defesas naturais e melhorar seu bem-estar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente durante as refeições ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. A combinação sinérgica de Quercetina e Bromelina não apenas ajuda a manter a saúde do sistema imunológico, mas também pode auxiliar na redução de desconfortos sazonais e na promoção de uma resposta inflamatória equilibrada. Com a Sunergetic Premium Quercetin, você pode se sentir mais confiante em enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia, sabendo que está cuidando da sua saúde de forma eficaz.
– Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Propriedades antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres e protegem as células.
– Suporte à saúde respiratória, especialmente em períodos sazonais.
– Melhora na recuperação pós-exercício, reduzindo a inflamação muscular.
– Aumento da energia e vitalidade, promovendo um estilo de vida ativo.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Sunergetic Premium Quercetin, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente durante as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Susan Biddle –
I really like the amounts in these capsules. I’ve been using both quercetin and bromelain for a few years (I use them with vitamin C as an alternative to benadryl) and these work just as well as my normal brands. I do open the capsules and mix the contents with honey so I don’t know how the capsule ingredients might affect me. The powder is the same color as mine when I mix the 2 ingredients separately, so I believe it is a good quality product.
Michelle –
Excellent quality product, great service and communication.
zola –
I live in Florida and I find quercetin really helps with seasonal allergies. Ive taken quercetin capsules by itself for awhile but recently tried the quercetin bromelain combo and find this works better. Helps with joint health and immunity as well. Lots of good research coming out on quercetin pills.
Amazon Customer –
Love this product and company, fast shipping! Every year I get terrible seasonal allergies where my sinuses, nose and eyes become so inflamed and it really makes me not want to go outside! I started to take these this spring and I really helped with my inflammation. I feel so much better and it helped me a lot. I have been hiking, bike riding and going to beach every week since I started to take these!! I am so happy I finally found something to help me with what I have been suffering with my whole life! Awesome
Curtis B –
It’s rare for me to experience a noticeable effect from supplements but I strongly feel this makes a big difference. I used to get a cold or two every year. Some would hang on for weeks. The longer I use this the more I feel it makes a big difference. I work closely with a group of 8 guys. Colds and flu will cycle through the group. I was sure I’d come down with something. This spring was particularly bad. Some of the guys were hacking and coughing for a month. Not me. This is one of the few supplements I use religiously. I did get Covid last year but it was one of the most minor illnesses I’ve had. Some of the guys got the clot shot and got Covid multiple times and were quite sick but I believe it lessened the severity and reoccurrence for me. Just my opinion though. YMMV.
Eric –
Works better than mucinex for congestion on me. Improved my oxygen levels within 30 mins of taking this supplement.
Rookie –
These 2 supplements were recommended by my PCP. I was glad to find them combined. The pills are not horse pills and are coated.
Amazon Customer –
Before I found Quercetin, I suffered from Asthma attacks, congestion and just being miserable. I can tell when I forget to take it, but usually moreso during high pollen count days.
J. Hall –
These capsules come well-packaged and never have any broken during shipment, which is a bonus. The product only has a slight “taste” to the capsules, not overpowering or funky, like some supplements. With this year’s fire season and high allergens, it’s difficult to tell how beneficial these capsules actually are – I am still dealing with allergy issues. But, there is no harm in taking Quercetin and Bromelain – and they are also supposed to be strong anti-viral supplements, which can only be helpful as school (AKA: cold and flu) season begins soon!