Quercetin 250mg | Heart
A Quercetina é um flavonoide natural que tem ganhado destaque por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde, especialmente em relação ao sistema cardiovascular e à resposta imunológica. Com a inovadora Tecnologia Cyclosome, a Quercetina 250mg | Heart se destaca por sua capacidade de proporcionar uma absorção superior no organismo. Essa tecnologia permite que os ingredientes encapsulados viajem mais longe no intestino, resultando em uma biodisponibilidade e absorção sistêmica muito mais eficazes do que os métodos tradicionais.
A Quercetina é reconhecida por sua capacidade antiviral, que se manifesta através de quatro mecanismos principais: inibição da capacidade do vírus de infectar células, inibição da replicação de células já infectadas, redução da resistência das células infectadas ao tratamento com medicamentos antivirais e inibição da agregação plaquetária. Esses mecanismos tornam a Quercetina uma aliada poderosa na luta contra infecções virais e na promoção de uma saúde cardiovascular robusta.
Além disso, a Quercetina apoia uma resposta imunológica saudável durante as estações em que as alergias são mais comuns. Ao reduzir o volume de histaminas que frequentemente acompanham as alergias sazonais a partículas no ar, acredita-se que a Quercetina possa ajudar a minimizar a reação do corpo a esses alérgenos e a sintomas virais. A EAS, responsável pela produção deste suplemento, garante a qualidade e o controle de custos através da aquisição direta de matérias-primas, sempre em conformidade com rigorosos padrões de qualidade GMP para suplementos nutricionais.
Essas afirmações não foram avaliadas pela FDA. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
Acts 22:16 –
I’ve taken this supplement for a month now. I find this brand to have easy to swallow capsules that leave no after taste. They seem just as good as previous brands that I have used. The price is comparable to other brands. Overall, I’m satisfied with continuing to use this product.
Angeleyeslinda –
Lately I’ve been all about keeping my immune system strong, and that’s why I decided to try Quercetin. I found it while browsing for natural supplements, and the reviews seemed promising. The tablets themselves are easy to swallow, which is always a plus. I’ve been taking them for a few weeks now, and I have to say, I feel good! It’s hard to pinpoint exactly, but I just seem to have more energy and bounce back from minor things quicker. Maybe it’s a placebo effect, but I’m happy with the results!
I like that this particular Quercetin is gluten-free and non-GMO, which is important to me. The cyclosome delivery system they use is apparently supposed to make it absorb better, though I can’t say I felt any different taking it compared to other supplements.
Overall, I’m a satisfied customer. It’s a bit early to say for sure if it’s boosting my immune system, but I feel good taking it for overall health and wellness. If you’re looking for a natural way to support your immune system, Quercetin might be worth a try!
I buy stuff –
After reading up on the health benefits of quercetin I decided to give it a try. Seems to be of good quality and a good value.
GreenThumb –
I’ve ingested one form or another of quercetin multiple times in recent years, most often in a combination product where it enhances actions or bioavailability of other ingredients in the formal. this is only the second time I’ve gotten it as a single nutrient. I like that I can add to the myriad other things that are intermittently part of my anti-aging nutritional protocols, as my needs vary day to day, or as seasons shift.
Price is reasonable for this dose, and like others have commented, the largish flat-oval tablets are somewhat large but easy to swallow.
john kim –
As a natural weight lifter in the never ending quest for gains.. I understand that most people will use this supplement for their heart, but I found that using Quercetin as a myostatin inhibitor really helped me bust through my most recent plateau.
HealingMaven –
These work *fine*, but if I’d noticed that it said tablets I would probably have skipped this particular order. I take enough pills that it takes forever unless I take a handful at a time. That works fine for small pills and capsules. These are neither small nor capsules. Mind you — they’re not horse pills. They’re not gigantic the way things like calcium and magnesium tend to be. But they’re just big enough that they don’t combine well with others. Maybe it would have been fine five years ago, but my throat has been dryer since c*vid.
Customer –
I like to keep Quercetin on hand (though frustratingly, I’m apparently not allowed to say why, so do some research.) This particular EAS brand of Quercetin comes in a dose of 250mg per tablet. It does say on the bottle that 1 tablet is a serving. I will say that when I research, I find that most websites recommend a dose of 500-1000mg, but don’t believe me, I’m not qualified to tell you how much to take, and YMMV (Again, be sure to research it). So, we’ll start with value: currently the price of these tablets is around $28-29 for a bottle of 120 of them. Depending upon how much you want to take, your value will most certainly vary; ranging from $7 for a month’s supply on up to $29 for a month’s supply. So your value may vary considerably from mine.
As far as being easy to swallow. These are not the best for me. I personally prefer capsules, as I find them far easier to swallow. Tablets can be alright if they’re small and without sharp edges. These are neither of those. They’re large with sharp edges, so they get stuck in my throat and hurt going down. Because of this, I’ll likely not order them again. But if you don’t mind large tablets, these should be fine for you.
With “Easy to Swallow” category being a 1 star for me, and “Value for Money” being a 4, but of course depending upon how many you take, these average out at 3 stars. They’re not bad by any means, but not the best I’ve found either. They’re solidly middle of the road as far as value and ease of taking.
SingingSam –
I ordered EAS Quercetin 250mg to see how it compares to another brand I’ve been using for several years. I like the medium size tablets which are easy to swallow. The tablets are easy to cut, so I can take 125 mg twice daily.
Oral quercetin has very low bioavailability. I was previously taking one 400 mg quercetin capsule daily, Then I switched to 250 mg of EAS Quercetin daily. I thought that if the Cyclosome Technology actually works significantly better, then the lower dose should be as effective.
I think the EAS Quercetin actually is more effective because my vision has unexpectedly improved. Quercetin is good for eye health, and the previous brand perhaps wasn’t delivering as much as I need despite the larger dose. The price of EAS Quercetin is reasonable, and I’m not going back to the other brand.
If you plan to take two daily as EAS recommends, then take one in the morning and the other in the evening. EAS Quercetin is easy on the stomach whether taken with a meal or with a glass of water.