Premium Fat Burner: O Primeiro Emagrecedor que Preserva a Massa Muscular
No mundo dos suplementos para emagrecimento, a busca por produtos eficazes e que não comprometam a saúde é constante. O Premium Fat Burner se destaca como uma solução inovadora, projetada para aqueles que desejam perder gordura sem sacrificar a massa muscular conquistada com tanto esforço. Diferente de outros queimadores de gordura que, muitas vezes, resultam na perda de músculos e na diminuição da taxa metabólica basal (BMR), o Premium Fat Burner foca em preservar a musculatura enquanto acelera o metabolismo do corpo, promovendo a queima de gordura de forma eficaz e saudável.
Um dos grandes desafios enfrentados por quem está em dieta é o controle da fome e dos desejos alimentares. O Premium Fat Burner atua diretamente nesse aspecto, ajudando a controlar a fome e os desejos, o que é fundamental para manter a ingestão calórica sob controle e garantir o sucesso na dieta até que os resultados desejados sejam alcançados. Além disso, ele proporciona energia ao longo do dia, permitindo que você enfrente suas atividades diárias sem a temida queda de energia. Com fontes naturais de energia, o Premium Fat Burner oferece um aumento na concentração, sem causar agitação ou cansaço.
A confiança na qualidade do produto é um dos pilares da Old School Labs. Todos os produtos são formulados no sul da Califórnia e fabricados nos EUA, garantindo um padrão elevado de qualidade. A empresa se compromete a reembolsar integralmente qualquer cliente que não esteja 100% satisfeito com o produto, reforçando seu compromisso com a satisfação do consumidor.
– Preservação da Massa Muscular: Mantém a musculatura enquanto promove a queima de gordura.
– Controle de Apetite: Ajuda a reduzir a fome e os desejos, facilitando a adesão à dieta.
– Energia Sustentada: Fornece energia constante ao longo do dia, sem picos ou quedas.
– Garantia de Satisfação: Reembolso total se o cliente não estiver satisfeito.
– Qualidade Superior: Produzido nos EUA com ingredientes de alta qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Premium Fat Burner, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes das refeições principais. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos. Para maximizar os efeitos, mantenha-se hidratado e evite o consumo excessivo de cafeína de outras fontes.
The OG Elf –
In the past, I’ve had mixed success with fat burners, so I’m always a bit skeptical to try new products. My trainer highly recommended that I try this product to get me over the plateau I’d hit. He said that it was a supplement that really worked because it distinguishes between fat and muscle, so you don’t lose any muscle mass. I looked into it, but initially didn’t buy it because the price was more than I was willing to spend. Fast forward a month, I was still stuck and figured that I’d try it even though it was pricey. I figured it was worth the risk, because it had a 100% money back guarantee. I’m glad that I sucked it up and bought this product. It’s helped me jump over that plateau and I’ve lost 2 lbs in 2 weeks. I kept my diet and workouts the same to see if this would truly make a difference. I noticed an increase in energy and decrease in appetite pretty much right away. After about a week, I began to feel less bloated and could see a difference in my stomach area. I haven’t had any jitters, no episodes of my heart racing and I feel focused. I did have some loose bowel movements, during the first few days, but that stopped once my body got accustomed to the supplement. I feel very confident with the quality of the ingredients that are used in this product, especially since it’s third-party tested. I like that it contains no artificial substances, synthetic additives or preservatives. It’s also reassuring that it is manufactured in the US in an FDA certified facility. I like that there is oversight to the product and the quality. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because of the price. It’s significantly higher than other similar products. But I would still recommend this product to anyone that needs a kick in their workout routine.
Josh –
First and foremost, this is a company that stands behind their products. Old School Labs goes above and beyond to make sure their customers are satisfied. This is the primary reason that I am giving the 5-star review for this product. The fact that you can try something and have a hassle-free guarantee is something not very common in most industries.
So now on to the results I have experienced.
I had originally planned to wait a bit to update my original review, but felt that I have had enough time to give this product a good try.
Everyone must remember that weight loss is not a sprint, but a marathon. They’re no magic pills that will just cause the weight to fall off, so manage your expectations. Also, weight loss involves changing your life style and developing healthier eating habits.
I started my weight loss journey on June 3, 2017. I weighed right at 200 pounds. At the date of this review 8/15/17, it has been just over two months. In the first month I lost almost 20lbs. I dieted and have stayed in the gym most days of the week over the summer. This product may have helped with some of that, but everyone is different. I started my 2nd bottle a few days ago and I have already added an additional 4-5 pounds. So I have lost approximately 25lbs in the time that I have been using Vintage Burn. I’ve had some minor slow downs at times throughout but then weight loss picks back up, not the usual slow down that often occurs.
What are the ingredients in this product that may influence weight loss?
According to the product description Vintage burn focuses on 3 main goals: weight loss, muscle preservation, along with focus and mood improvement.
The ingredients are said to be premium and they are some of the more talked about weight loss ingredients. Remember, these are only possible effects.
Green Tea Leaf Extract which provides two benefits – antioxidants for better overall health of your cells, and increased metabolism through the activation of fat mobilization. This particular ingredient has been around a while, and is well documented in its weight loss and health benefits.
Green Coffee Bean Extract which boosts your mood and focus while prompting your body to use fat and preserve the protein needed for lean muscle development and maintenance. This ingredient is a more recent in becoming a popular weight-loss supplement ingredient. This ingredient has been talked about on several television shows.
Raspberry Ketones which help suppress your appetite and increase your energy, both crucial benefits if your efforts are going to pay off. This one I have also seen on some tv shows.
Olive Leaf Extract which boosts metabolism through the mechanism of activating thyroid hormone, and also helps with post workout recovery.
I’ve never heard of Olive-Leaf extract, but I know that that olives are not bad for you, so it may help.
Caffeine which is well known to boost mood, metabolism, motivation, and energy. Caffeine is well studied and proven to increase metabolism, but those with certain conditions or sensitivities to stimulants should be careful.
Bacopa Leaf Extract which boosts mood, keeps you focuses and motivated, and also blocks the slowdown of your metabolism as you lose weight. This one was a new one on me. Who knows? It may be beneficial
Garcinia Fruit Extract which works to prevent the build up of fat storage by preventing the formation of new fat cells.
It also helps curb carbohydrate cravings. This one is another one that has been featured on many tv shows.
Chrysin which regulates your body’s estrogen levels, leading to increased preservation of lean muscle, which then leads to a higher resting metabolic rate. I’ve never heard of this one, but if it does what it says it would be great.
Forskohlii Root Extract which encourages the breakdown of stored fats while leaving muscle intact. I’ve seen this one around, but I don’t think it has been proven very effective alone, but maybe in combination with these others, some synergy may occur.
So, did I experience any negative side effects? The short answer is no, but because of the stimulative nature of some of the ingredients do not take it too late in the day as it may interfere with sleep. I can tell you that for me this produced no noticeable stimulant effects. I never felt “wired” or anything. I also credit this product for allowing be to give up on sodas without the negative side effects of that. Looking at the ingredients I see nothing that would be particularly dangerous, but with anything like this you should always consult your doctor before starting a new product as everyone is different and some of this may be contraindicated for you.
If you are in the market for a weight loss product. I can recommend this product for you, it may work for you. I hope it does. Since Old School labs stands behind their products, their is no financial risks, and everyone knows the risk of being chronically overweight. I wasn’t initially impressed with the product, but since I have been on it longer, the results seem to pick up in pace. So give it a shot and see what happens, but remember this is only a first step. Lifestyle changes are necessary to maintain long-term weight loss, so get moving.
Anthony Lanuza –
I’ve been using Vintage Burn for two weeks now. I’ve followed the directions on the bottle as well as I wasn’t sure how I would react to it. Given that I broke myself into this it has been working rather well. I can feel the effects of it as it’s given me a good boost in energy. It’s not as overwhelming as with other fat burners I’ve tried in the past (last one I used was the BPI Sports Burn XS last November and I finished it off at the end of December and gave myself a month to detox).
I wasn’t sure if this would really work as we always have products promising the most and delivering half what they promise. Vintage Burn though seems to be doing really well. I work out 5 times a week. I’m usually in the gym for an hour to two hours weight training and cardio so I can say I’m rather active. I’ve noticed a difference after two weeks that my stomach area looks a little more flatter. I still have a lot to work on there though I have lost a good amount of inches around the sides and stomach. I’m going to continue using this for the recommended 60 days and see if it really lives up to its claim to which I’ll be going with taking it 3 times a day instead of two.
I’ll update the review 60 days from now to note any changes or drawbacks.
Update – 04-12-2016
Alright. I’ve been taking 4 pills a day for 60 days now. I tried to take 6 pills a day for a week but it was too much for my body to handle and left me in messed up mood. Probably due to the caffeine. I reduced it back down to 4 pills and I’ve been fine with that dosage. It really has made a difference in my appearance. It didn’t shred me I’ll tell you that but it has helped me slim down from what I was before. I used to wear a size 34 loose straight jeans but now I’m wearing a size 32. My face looks slimmer than before and my stomach does look a little flatter with smaller love handles but I still need a lot of work to do. Don’t expect this to have you drop down to like 8% or 6% body fat alone because that requires you to make weight training a full time job and a profession but as a hobby such as mine it did make a difference. I wished that I had taken measurements for before and after but that didn’t cross my mind until a month in this. Also as info on what I do at the gym depends on the day and if I decide to mix it up. I have a day for legs, back and shoulders, arms and chest, cardio & abs and one day for cardio. I warm up between 10 to 20 minutes doing cardio to get my heart rate going. I try to hit every part of the muscle that I’m working on that day for 3 to 5 sets ranging from 15 to 25 reps for light weights to 10 to 20 for heavier weights. If I can’t complete a set then I bring down the weight and do a drop set to make up for it.
Anyhow. I followed the directions on the bottle even after the initial trial week. I got in contact with Old School Labs about this and they said to continue with the 30 to 45 minute wait as its suppose to help activate the appetite suppressant process to prevent overeating and have you feel satisfied.
This product works great. It’s better than some of the fat burners I’ve tried in the past but don’t fool yourself thinking that you’ll be shredded in no time. It works great in conjunction with a good nutrition and serious exercise regiment. I was a really hefty guy when I first started working out in 2007 so it does take forever to burn it off but I feel its more satisfying because I’m hell of a lot stronger and faster than I was before. These pills did help burn some good amount of stubborn fat so it can help break that plateau if you’re going through one.