Queasy Drops – Apoio à Conscientização do Câncer de Mama | 21 Drops | Náusea (Quimioterapia, Enjoo de Movimento, etc.) | Livre de Medicamentos
Os Queasy Drops são uma solução inovadora e natural para o alívio de náuseas, especialmente desenvolvidos para apoiar a conscientização sobre o câncer de mama. Com um compromisso de destinar parte das vendas para a pesquisa do câncer de mama, cada embalagem contém 21 pastilhas rosa, infundidas com óleos essenciais de framboesa azeda, conhecidos por suas propriedades eficazes no combate ao enjoo. Este produto é ideal para quem enfrenta náuseas devido a quimioterapia, enjoo de movimento ou outras condições, oferecendo um alívio rápido e seguro, sem o uso de medicamentos.
As pastilhas são individualmente embaladas, garantindo frescor e praticidade para serem levadas a qualquer lugar. Com uma fórmula completamente natural, os Queasy Drops são seguros para todas as idades, incluindo crianças, adultos, idosos e gestantes. Eles se tornam um aliado indispensável em viagens, proporcionando conforto em deslocamentos de carro, avião ou até mesmo em parques de diversões. Além disso, são uma excelente opção para quem está se recuperando de cirurgias ou anestesias.
Ao optar pelos Queasy Drops, você não apenas cuida do seu bem-estar, mas também se torna parte de uma causa maior, contribuindo para a luta contra o câncer de mama. Cada compra ajuda a financiar pesquisas que podem fazer a diferença na vida de muitas pessoas.
- Alívio Natural para Náuseas: Fórmula com óleos essenciais e extratos botânicos que proporcionam alívio eficaz sem medicamentos.
- Apoio à Conscientização sobre o Câncer de Mama: Parte das vendas é destinada à pesquisa do câncer de mama, contribuindo para uma causa importante.
- Embalagem Especial: Pacote rosa que simboliza a conscientização sobre o câncer de mama, tornando o produto ainda mais significativo.
- Seguro para Todos: Composição natural e livre de medicamentos, adequada para crianças, adultos, idosos e gestantes.
- Versatilidade de Uso: Eficaz para náuseas relacionadas a diversas condições, como enjoo de movimento, quimioterapia e anestesia.
Para obter alívio de náuseas, chupe uma pastilha Queasy Drop sempre que necessário. As pastilhas são projetadas para serem consumidas conforme a demanda, garantindo que você tenha alívio sempre à mão. Não exceda a dose recomendada e mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco para preservar sua eficácia.
Flutterbye82 –
I was put on a new medicine that made me severely nauseated and my doctor told me to try ginger candy. I found these and decided to try these after reading the reviews. I am so happy I did. They work great. The medicine only made me nauseated for about 2 months but these helped me get thru it.
Amber P –
These work great, they taste yummy, but they are horribly overpriced. It’s nearly $20 for 60 hard candies. That’s bonkers. These are the only thing that really help me with my frequent nausea (not from pregnancy) but I cannot afford them any longer. Their other flavors make my nausea worse because they are vile. I hope the price goes down someday because they really are so helpful.
Lori hill –
How does it help a queasy stomach when it’s just made of sweeteners? I don’t know. I’m not an expert.
Odies_Mommie –
I bought these after trying the variety pack. I’ve been using them for several years and after my husband started chemo treatments, I thought I’d give him some of the ones I had to see if they helped. He tried them and preferred the sour raspberry to the other flavors. In the older variety packs, they had a papaya flavor and that was good. Now they’ve replaced the papaya with a banana flavor. I like it but hubby doesn’t. It tastes strictly like a banana so I don’t know why he doesn’t care for it other than the fact that chemo can really mess up your taste buds. So I buy the sour raspberry packs for him. He says these are better tasting and seem to work bettr than the other flavors. If they help, I’ll keep buying them. With chemo patients, you find yourself looking for anything and everything to help them eat and relieve some of their discomfort. The Queasy Drops help him a lot. If you get them and don’t care for them, you can always take them to your doctor and let them give them out to patients who can’t afford something like this. We’ve seen people who have difficulty in paying for medications and the treatments and I’ll do what I can to help them. If it keeps someone else from getting sick and we don’t use them, I’ll gladly donate them to others to help them out. Chemo is NO picnic. Bless all of you that have to deal with it. {{{{HUGS}}}}
Mair –
The flavor of these drops really helps to fight off just general nausea. No medication of course, but I wouldn’t have thought it would work as well as it does. My complaint is at the end of the day they are just sugar candy and so the price is a little much and takes advantage perhaps of the true cancer sufferers they are marketing too!
One of the benefits of the product is however is that each drop is individually wrapped so you can tuck them away in your handbag of pocket to have at the ready.
Dorothy Schneider –
Over the holidays. I had a flareup of diverticulitis. The oral antibiotic was strong and hard on my stomach, causing constant nausea and vomiting. But I had to still take it. I had ordered these drops a couple of weeks previously and decided to put it to the test. It is amazing! It handled my upset stomach incredibly!. So after I take the antibiotics, I keep one of these in my mouth and I am back to being able to eat again. I bet you this would work on morning sickness. Plus, it has a delicious taste! Thank you for this product!!
J –
Yes, these are super easy to throw in your bag and go! Yes, these have great flavor that make them easy to eat! Yes, they actually do help with nausea! My MIL was going through chemo and we purchased these for her and she loved them. She said they helped her so much when she would get sick to her stomach. One day we were at her house, 1.5 hour drive, and I had gotten car sick. She gave me some for the road home. As we were otw home, I got carsick again, popped one of these in my mouth and within 2-5 minutes felt so much better! Now they are always in my purse!
Charming One –
Love the taste of this product. Will purchase again.