QRxLabs Pads de Controle de Rugas com Ácido Glicólico 10%% para o Rosto
As rugas são uma preocupação comum para muitas pessoas, mas com os Pads de Controle de Rugas com Ácido Glicólico 10%% da QRxLabs, você pode obter uma pele suave e hidratada, reduzindo a aparência das rugas. Esses pads de ácido glicólico oferecem um tratamento esfoliante eficaz que mantém a pele macia e hidratada, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem.
Enriquecidos com vitaminas B5, C e E, além de extratos de calêndula e chá verde, esses pads esfoliantes fornecem um suporte antioxidante poderoso para melhorar a saúde da pele. Os antioxidantes ajudam a proteger a pele dos danos causados pelos radicais livres, reduzindo os sinais de envelhecimento e promovendo uma aparência radiante.
A qualidade profissional desses pads é evidente em cada pacote, que contém 50 pads não tecidos e texturizados projetados para uso profissional. Cada pad possui uma ranhura conveniente para os dedos, permitindo uma aplicação fácil e precisa. Além disso, esses pads são fabricados nos EUA por uma empresa conceituada, refletindo um forte compromisso com os padrões éticos. Eles são livres de crueldade animal e não contêm silicone.
A QRxLabs é uma marca confiável conhecida por sua qualidade e eficácia em soluções para cuidados com a pele. Com os Pads de Controle de Rugas com Ácido Glicólico 10%%, você pode confiar em obter resultados visíveis e duradouros.
- Exfoliação e Hidratação: Proporciona uma esfoliação eficaz, mantendo a pele suave e hidratada, reduzindo a aparência das rugas.
- Enriquecimento Antioxidante: Contém vitaminas e extratos que protegem a pele dos danos causados pelos radicais livres.
- Qualidade Profissional: Pads projetados para uso profissional, garantindo uma aplicação precisa e eficaz.
- Compromisso com a Excelência: Fabricados nos EUA, livres de crueldade animal e silicone, refletindo altos padrões éticos.
- Marca Confiável: QRxLabs é reconhecida por sua eficácia em cuidados com a pele, garantindo resultados visíveis e duradouros.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se usar os Pads de Controle de Rugas com Ácido Glicólico 10%% uma vez ao dia, à noite. Limpe o rosto e aplique suavemente um pad na pele, evitando a área dos olhos. Deixe o produto agir por alguns minutos e, em seguida, enxágue bem com água. É importante usar protetor solar durante o dia, pois o ácido glicólico pode aumentar a sensibilidade da pele ao sol.
Kimberly M. Wires –
I am 42 years old with oily skin and the occasional cystic acne on my chin. I have been using this product for almost two weeks now and I’m not sure I can see a difference. That’s not to say there isn’t one. There is a tingly, slight burning sensation after I use it, but it hasn’t broken me out. There is also a very sticky residue after it dries which I do not like. I noticed after the first day of using it that my makeup looked better and lasted longer. I’m assuming that is due to the exfoliating. However, I have not noticed that since the first day. Due to the tingly I am using this every other night instead of every night as part of my skin routine. I then apply a PM moisturizer or a correcting serum. I definitely intend to finish using all the pads, so maybe at that time I will be able to notice a distinct difference.
Zonna –
It is good value for the money. I did a bit of research before ordering this product. There is so much out there but I felt confident about ordering this product. The disks are super soft and the thickness is good enough that you cannot see through them.
I only use as needed so I actually have more of this product. It is really easy to use and the size gives you a good feel if this is something you want to do daily or weekly.
Love these! I use them only at night after I use my usual cleanser. They take off a bunch more oil and dirt. They do burn a little and make your skin sticky for a couple of hours. I started rinsing my face afterwards and adding my nightly serum. They are great at exfoliating and will leave your skin so soft. I wouldn’t recommend for sensitive skin.
Kathryn Magendie –
Update: the sticky feeling bothered me until I found that after applying, I pat my skin like I do when I apply other skincare. Just keep patting away and it dries it and helps it absorb better as well and soon the sticky feeling is gone.
I ordered this after a relative had been using it and had surprisingly good results to his skin. I was skeptical but I saw the changes he had, so I tried one of his pads.
I worried it would burn my face or cause my rosacea to flare, since the expensive brand I used (Dr D.G.) made my face turn very red and irritated so I quit using them. But, very little bit of redness. No stinging or burning. I was super impressed with that. And if I had not seen the results in his skin, I may have thought there wasn’t anything to it.
A spot on his forehead lightened and has almost disappeared. He had that healthy glow kind of skin. And he said he just liked how much healthier and better his skin looked and felt.
He did have a bit of a ‘purge’ – he’s in his 40s, but that was the first week or so of using these pads and got better with consistent use. You must be consistent in skincare.
My aging skin may not purge, but if it does, that will be temporary.
I do a sort of K-Beauty Step routine – not as elaborate but my own. I’m also trying the skin-cycling: Exfoliate first night (with one of these pads), retinol/retinoid second night, 2 recovery nights, and then repeat. My usual routine is: cleanse, toner spray, essence, (treatment on those nights), serum, moisturizer, SPF during day, and at night only an oil to seal–I may alter the steps a bit on the exfoliate/retinol night.
I’m happy with my order and excited to see what results I’ll have.
Take care of your skin! If you are younger, then you’ll be glad you did when you become older like me. If you are already 60s or over, it’s never too late to take care of your beautiful skin. And you don’t have to spend a lot to do it.
My only concern is the pads – I wish I didn’t have to toss a pad every time I use one.
Linda B –
I have used these pads for three weeks and my skin is transformed! The texture of my skin was horrible. I had large pores on my nose and cheeks around my nose and I had very dark and many brown spots, bumps and scars from breakouts many years ago and red spots and wrinkles (some deep). Dark pigmentation and red spots are almost completely gone. Not one bump or scar is left on my face. The texture is totally smooth and my wrinkles are greatly reduced. Don’t see any large pores. I have never felt I could go without makeup to cover up all the problems I had. Now….a little blush, lip balm and mascara and I’m out the door! I use the pads every nite, follow with a Vitamin C cream and moisturizer. My skin is a little tacky after using the pads but I just wait about 15 minutes or so before applying other products. I really am amazed with these results!!! P.S. I’m 78
Amanda –
Bueno para pieles grasas y propensas al acné. Hace que la piel se sienta suave.
Holly –
I like these pads because they don’t bother my super sensitive skin. I don’t like how it feels sticky. So I use them like a facial several times a week. After I rinse my face off in the morning I use a pad on my face, neck and hands, I go about my morning routine and wash it off before my cream and makeup. It does leave my skin very silky and I think it is helping texture and light wrinkles. This seems to work well for me. You get plenty of pads and they are soaked. I don’t use them before bed because I use a vitamin A cream. I will see how it does by the end of the jar.
Ok, so I’ve gone through almost one jar. I just ordered again. I still use it as above and feel like it keeps my skin clean and improved texture a bit. I like these better the ones that begin with an o. I think it helps lighten sun damage. The price is worth a second purchase.
Robinseggs –
This stuff is amazing! I used once/first time before bed last night and got up to use bathroom in middle of night and was surprised looking in the mirror! Skin felt and looked revitalized. If you have sensitive skin it may be harsh though as it stings a little going on.
Almirela P. Oliveira –
Gostei muito do produto!
Abrianna W –
Has made my skin so soft and bright, I have used nightly for about 2 weeks and can see a huge difference in the way my skin feels