O PURITO Creme Marinho Profundo é um hidratante facial diário leve e vegano, ideal para todos os tipos de pele. Sua fórmula inovadora é enriquecida com ingredientes marinhos, proporcionando uma hidratação profunda e eficaz. Com uma textura em gel acetinada, o creme cria uma barreira que sela a umidade, mantendo a pele macia e hidratada por um período prolongado. A Água do Mar Profundo de Gangwondo, extraída a 605 metros abaixo da superfície do Mar do Leste, é um dos principais componentes, oferecendo uma leve hidratação e repondo minerais essenciais que a pele necessita.
Testado por dermatologistas e hipoalergênico, o PURITO Creme Marinho Profundo é especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades de quem possui pele oleosa e mista. Sua composição não oleosa proporciona uma explosão refrescante de hidratação, equilibrando a oleosidade e a umidade da pele. Estudos clínicos demonstraram que, após apenas uma aplicação, o creme pode reduzir a oleosidade em até 32% e aumentar a hidratação em 78,5%. Essa eficácia torna o produto uma solução ideal para quem busca transformar a pele desidratada em uma pele radiante e luminosa, sem causar irritações.
- Hidratação de longa duração, garantindo uma pele macia e suave ao toque.
- Ingredientes marinhos ricos em minerais essenciais, promovendo saúde e vitalidade à pele.
- Indicado para pele oleosa e mista, oferecendo hidratação sem deixar resíduos oleosos.
- Equilibra a oleosidade e a hidratação, reduzindo a produção excessiva de óleo.
- Transforma a pele desidratada em uma pele radiante e luminosa, sem causar irritação.
Aplique uma quantidade adequada do PURITO Creme Marinho Profundo sobre o rosto limpo. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, como parte da sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
Ariel –
Wow, I saw this product recommendation by a tiktok influencer and I was desperately needing a new moisturizer for the summer season now that my face is oily due to the humid weather. The packaging is very simple and sleek. The product looks very heavy but once you put it on your face, it instantly feels so light weight and hydrating. It truly feels like i submerged my face into crystal clear blue ocean. Im very impressed by this moisturizer and how it never broke me out and left my skin very shiny and smooth. I will be repurchasing again!
Michael Giordanella –
My new favorite moisturizer. Works amazing under makeup. Feels like nothing is on yet it’s so hydrating and my skin feels so soft! Good for winter or summer and for dry or oily skin! No scent which is a plus! The price is perfect, I’ve paid more for other moisturizers that weren’t ask good as this one! I reach for this for my day moisturizer more than my other creams. I bought a 2nd one so I wouldn’t run out! Especially a good deal when it’s on sale!
TW –
I would buy this again as I like the texture on my face.
Christie –
استخدمه من قبل ترطيبه خفيف ومناسب للبشرة الدهنية، طلبته من أمازون وجاني اصلي
Ji –
After running out of my sample of that one $72 water cream, I went searching for alternatives and got recommended this. While I can definitely tell it’s not as premium as the other one, it still does what I want it to do. Think I’ll keep buying this one.
Edit: hey, if you mix a tiny bit of this with a tiny bit of belif’s Hungarian water essence, like half and half, you get something even closer to the expensive stuff! I don’t know if it has the same long term effects but the texture is similar now.
Vanessa –
Great light moisturizer for hydration. Not to heavy and no scent. However gives a little bit of a sheen.
GBread –
I feel like I should preface this review by saying that although I’m giving the product 3 stars, I wouldn’t say there was anything bad about the product, it’s just that it really did absolutely nothing for me. For reference, my skin is normal, with an oily T-Zone, and not acne prone or sensitive. The product is light weight, has no smell, and comes out like any other standard moisturizer would. It’s not greasy, leaves the skin feeling nice and hydrated, and that’s… about it. It’s not enough moisture for someone to use alone if they live in a dry environment, but could probably work well for someone who lives in a more humid environment I guess if they aren’t planning on layering it with anything else. The product isn’t bad, per se, and it did it’s job – moisturizing my skin – just not enough for it to be effective in the Winter time where I live, but I wasn’t willing to put up with another tube of this stuff in the Summer to see if it worked better in my Summer line up. It doesn’t make your skin feel greasy and was a decent lightweight moisturizer, but overall, I feel like it didn’t really do anything for my skin. It didn’t give me that ‘moisturized under my skin’ feeling, and I mostly felt like it was just a lackluster moisturizer that doesn’t really do anything else. Not a bad product per se, but for me, it really didn’t fit into my product line up. Also, I used the product every morning and night so unsurprisingly I ran out pretty quick and couldn’t justify the price to pick it up again considering it didn’t really do much for me. Overall, I gave it 3 out of 5 stars because it felt just okay, and nothing more, nothing less. Didn’t really go above and beyond, but also didn’t fall short of expectations either.
Ariel –
I’ve used this cream a few years ago and moved on to other roducts, and decided to buy it again. Ir’s very delicate on the skin and hydrating. I love it.
DP –
It has a great moisturizing effect, feels refreshing, and isn’t greasy. Worth buying!
Vanessa –
I just switched to using this about a month ago. It’s really soothing and makes my skin feel soft. It’s not sticky either and applies well