Puritan’s Pride Super Strength Multi Enzyme: A Revolução na Digestão
O Puritan’s Pride Super Strength Multi Enzyme é um suplemento alimentar inovador que combina uma poderosa mistura de enzimas digestivas, projetadas para otimizar a digestão e promover a saúde intestinal. Com uma fórmula avançada, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam melhorar a absorção de nutrientes e aliviar desconfortos digestivos. Cada cápsula contém uma combinação sinérgica de enzimas, incluindo amilase, protease, lipase e celulase, que atuam em conjunto para quebrar carboidratos, proteínas e gorduras, facilitando a digestão de uma variedade de alimentos.
A digestão eficiente é fundamental para a saúde geral, e o Puritan’s Pride Super Strength Multi Enzyme se destaca por sua capacidade de ajudar o corpo a processar alimentos de maneira mais eficaz. Isso é especialmente benéfico para pessoas que consomem dietas ricas em proteínas ou que têm dificuldades digestivas. Ao incluir este suplemento na rotina diária, os usuários podem experimentar uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar, além de maximizar a absorção de vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
1. Melhora da Digestão: Ajuda a quebrar os alimentos de forma mais eficiente, reduzindo inchaços e desconfortos.
2. Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: Facilita a assimilação de vitaminas e minerais, potencializando os benefícios de uma dieta equilibrada.
3. Suporte à Saúde Intestinal: Promove um ambiente intestinal saudável, contribuindo para a flora bacteriana equilibrada.
4. Alívio de Sintomas Digestivos: Reduz sintomas como gases, azia e indigestão, proporcionando conforto após as refeições.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade, é uma opção segura para quem busca melhorar a saúde digestiva sem aditivos artificiais.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Puritan’s Pride Super Strength Multi Enzyme, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula antes de cada refeição principal. Isso garantirá que as enzimas estejam disponíveis para atuar no momento em que os alimentos forem consumidos, otimizando a digestão. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção. Para pessoas com condições específicas de saúde ou que estejam sob medicação, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do suplemento.
anne –
Better than other digestive aids I’ve taken, helps calm and move my digestive sytem.
Dodie’s Doodles –
This is a very large caplet, and you need to take two per meal, which is six per day, so this is a 10 day supply. They taste TERRIBLE. HOWEVER, they ACTUALLY WORK, AND THEY WORK GREAT! I have tried everything under the sun and nearly every brand, and this is the ONLY ONE, including brands that cost three times as much, that works!! If you have problems with gastritis, which is so incredibly painful, this is what finally helped mine. I highly recommend it.
Marian W. –
I was trying to leave this review over on Puritan’s Pride website but I kept getting it thrown out due to their “Writing Guidelines” that said the following (which I think are absurd!!:
>>We’re sorry, but we have encountered the following issue(s):
Due to FDA, FTC, or other governmental regulations you agree not to submit and we cannot accept reviews that include medical or disease claims such as making the claim that a product treated, cured, or prevented a disease or condition. Please reference the Review Guidelines for examples.<<
Stupid guberment & their regulations…I, for one, am very grateful that I can come over here on Amazon & FREELY speak my mind. Speaking of which, here’s what I had to say over on Puritan’s Pride website:
I have been having digestive issues lately (LPR/GERD/ULCERS) & was informed that I needed to actually INCREASE my stomach acid with betaine hydrochloric acid along with pepsin to help with the breakdown of my food so it can clear my stomach faster. This products contains BOTH along with other enzymes that are conducive to that end. I have taken this off & on for several years now & I have just recently gone back to taking this on a daily basis (every time I eat anything substantial) just so I can help heal my gut & get my eating life back to normal. Of course, with all things you should always contact a medical professional before using anything like this (I hope that covers my butt & doesn’t get you at Puritan’s Pride in trouble with the F D A / F T C, et al!!) It has helped me tremendously. Thank you, Puritan’s Pride for such an excellent, well-priced product. I will definitely be ordering this again & again.
Btw, when their website has their “Buy 1 Get Two FREE” deals going on, SCOOP THEM UP STAT!! I did this with their 120 count bottle of this product which is an even STEAL OF A DEAL!!
Also, I want to note that at first I was taking up to a 4 of these tablets in all during my meal (at the beginning, during, & sometimes just afterwards). Now after several weeks, I am down to taking just two with my meals, but sometimes I’ll go with 3 if I am having a very high protein, slightly more fatty type of meal. Some holistic & curative medical doctors are suggesting to take up to 1200mg of betaine HCl along with pepsin so as to INCREASE your stomach acid to combat the underlying problem which in most cases is an Helicobacter pylori infection. This bacterium cannot survive very well in an acidic environment. (I always thought I had TOO MUCH stomach acid, but now I’m convinced I have not had enough.)
This, along with some additional enzymes ( Enzymatic Therapy CompleteGest, Mealtime Enzyme Formula, 180 Capsules & Enzymatic Therapy Acid-Ease® 180 Veg Caps ( pack of 2) ), bought here on Amazon has helped me with my stomach emptying much quicker than it has been thus lowering the amount of upward pressure on my esophageal stomach sphincter which has been causing a lot of my acid reflux & subsequent heartburn/sore throat feeling an hour or more after I eat.
I am still in the process of eradicating this vicious bacterium so I can heal my gut. In addition, I am taking Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol for Immune Support – 10 ppm, 32oz (946mL) – Family Size on an empty stomach about an hour before I eat. And taking megadoses of probiotics (upwards of almost 200 billion live active cultures with a meal).
Yes, some folks can’t get over the peppermint oil taste but it really is quite temporary & if you’ve suffered like me, a short exposure with peppermint oil is a small “inconvenience”/”price to pay” to finally get some relief from stomach pain. And besides, studies have shown that peppermint oil is an h pylori growth inhibitor (IOW, although it doesn’t out & out kill the bacterium, it DOES greatly slow down its ability to replicate itself). Don’t just take my word for it. Do yourself & your gut a favor & do some Googling of your own.
Amazon Customerk –
Didn’t work for me at all
Shawn m. –
Healthy digestion
RV –
I like how soothing these tablets are. They smell like peppermint and are coated so they’re easy to swallow. Food is no longer my enemy when I take these tablets.
Teresa –
Quality ingredients, use sparingly as it will give you diarrhea if used repeatedly days in a row.
Son las mejores que he usado hasta el momento.