Os adesivos Purederm Trouble Clear Spot Patches são a solução ideal para quem busca tratar e prevenir espinhas de forma eficaz e prática. Com uma fórmula inovadora, esses adesivos são feitos de hidrocolóide altamente absorvente, que atua diretamente na inflamação e na cicatrização da pele. Cada embalagem contém 3 pacotes, totalizando 36 adesivos, prontos para serem utilizados sempre que necessário. Ao aplicar um adesivo sobre a espinha, você cria uma barreira protetora que não só ajuda a extrair impurezas, mas também reduz a vermelhidão e acelera o processo de cicatrização, resultando em uma pele mais clara e saudável.
- Os adesivos Purederm Trouble Clear Spot ajudam a reduzir a inflamação em uma espinha em desenvolvimento ou já presente, ao mesmo tempo em que criam uma barreira protetora que protege contra irritantes externos.
- Feitos com hidrocolóide altamente absorvente, esses adesivos transparentes protegem suas espinhas da sujeira, estimulam uma cicatrização mais rápida e reduzem o risco de cicatrizes.
- Os adesivos para espinhas Dots for Spots atuam como uma cobertura protetora para evitar que você cutuque, toque ou estoure a pele sensível. Eles também ajudam a minimizar a vermelhidão e a aparência de espinhas ativas.
- Fáceis de usar, os adesivos para acne são indicados para o rosto e a pele. Primeiro, limpe a área da pele que precisa de tratamento. Em seguida, escolha um adesivo em formato de ponto, de hidrocolóide, que seja maior que a espinha e coloque-o sobre o local. Após 8 horas, remova-o delicadamente e limpe a área novamente.
1. Redução da inflamação: Alívio imediato para espinhas em desenvolvimento ou já presentes, acelerando a cicatrização.
2. Proteção contra irritantes externos: Barreira que previne infecções e mantém a pele saudável.
3. Cicatrização mais rápida: Estimula a recuperação das espinhas, minimizando o risco de cicatrizes.
4. Minimiza a vermelhidão: Proporciona uma aparência mais uniforme e natural à pele.
5. Fácil de usar: Aplicação simples e prática, ideal para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os adesivos Purederm Trouble Clear Spot Patches, siga estas etapas técnicas:
1. Limpe a área da pele que necessita de tratamento utilizando um produto suave de limpeza facial.
2. Selecione um adesivo em formato de ponto que seja maior que a espinha.
3. Aplique o adesivo sobre a espinha, pressionando suavemente para garantir uma boa aderência.
4. Deixe o adesivo agir por pelo menos 8 horas ou durante a noite para maximizar a eficácia.
5. Após o tempo recomendado, remova o adesivo delicadamente, puxando-o suavemente da pele.
6. Limpe a área novamente para remover qualquer resíduo do adesivo.
7. Repita o processo conforme necessário para tratar outras espinhas, garantindo uma pele mais saudável e livre de imperfeições.
CP –
I like the style of these patches- it’s much more blendable than other pimple patches on the market. You barely can tell there is something on my skin
Glenda Knowlton –
This product contains tree oil and salicylic acid. Surprisingly though I smelled no tea tree oil scent which usually is a very strong scent so if it does contain it, I think it is a very very very small amount.
The bags are resealable which I do like as well as the actual patch was interesting as shown in the photos, the middle part of the patch is slightly raised. Also, the backing of the patches are perforated to prevent accidentally pulling the plastic strip down too much and opening a new patch.
As for if they work, they stayed on my lesions the entire night, none fell off even with me who tends to turn from side to side during the night. They were also not overly sticky so removal was easy, I did not feel like it was like a bandaid pulling my skin away, it gently came off. My lesions did seem to heal faster with this.
Skip D. –
Head to get off sheet. Works ok.
Skip D. –
These purederm trouble clear spot patches come as a 3 pack. They are made with highly absorbent hydrocolloiod, tea tree oil and salicylic acid. Easy to use and remove. Work well! See pictures for more details.
M. Wolfe –
These nifty little patches go on any blemishes/zits you need to clear out in a hurry. Instead of poking and squeezing and making things worse for your face, just slip a little patch onto clean skin and a few things will happen for you.
1: It will disguise said blemish and even enable you to put make-up over it to blend into your skin.
2: Over the course of 4-8 hours, the hydrocolloid in/on the patches will pull the gunk out and trap it on the little patch.
3: Since you didn’t squeeze your face, the skin where the blemish was heals faster!
There are no negatives to this product. I love that it comes in difference sizes and I’ve even been sharing them with my middle schooler. (Because adolescence is hard enough, amiright?)
Erika H –
This product comes in different sizes of clear patches. There are many in each pack
Cascadian –
I got these to try with my husband, who had a blemish brewing, but by the time they arrived (which was very quickly actually!) the blemish was almost gone. So I’m unable to try it on a real pimple yet. That said, these *still* impress me. (2/8 UPDATE: Whenever my hubby gets a blemish he asks me to put these on, and they do seem to help!)
To review these I put one on my cheek to make sure they weren’t irritating or uncomfortable. At 4pm I put it on. It seemed to literally vanish on my cheek. My vision’s not perfect, but I couldn’t even *see* the patch on my face. I had to feel to make sure it was still there.
Right after I put it on I realized I needed to shower before an evening out. I didn’t scrub my face, but I did get it wet rinsing off, and patted it dry. I was expecting the patch to be somewhere down the drain, but nope! I could still feel it on my face.
Hours later nobody said boo about it (because they couldn’t see it). Now 6 hours later it looks unchanged and feels like nothing. Of course I had no blemish, but I’ll update this when we’ve got a little real life experience using them on blemishes under my belt. I think these would provide a lot of protection for a blemish while healing, especially with salacylic acid and tea tree oil in it.
Pulling it off felt a little like a band aid. The edges weren’t even lifting up after 6 hours. I’m not sure how well make up would adhere to this particular patch, but what a lovely way that would be to hide a blemish if it worked. Where were these when I was a teenager?
Emily –
Each pack contains a sheet of patches (2 different sizes on each sheet/pack). These are clear and blend in nicely with your skin. They stick well to clean, dry skin and don’t feel like they are ripping out peach fuzz when removed. I have sensitive skin and haven’t had any reactions and they haven’t left any red circles when removed. They do slowly pull gunk out over 4-8 hours without having to rely on popping first. These don’t seem to pull out quite as much as some of my preferred brands so I normally have to use them more than once in the same area. Overall, if you don’t have deep stubborn ones, these should be perfect.