As cápsulas vazias PureCaps USA são a solução perfeita para quem deseja criar seus próprios suplementos de forma prática e segura. Com 1.000 cápsulas de gelatina transparente de tamanho 00, essas cápsulas são projetadas para atender às necessidades de quem busca personalização e controle sobre a ingestão de nutrientes. Fabricadas com gelatina de carne pura, as cápsulas são certificadas como não-OGM, Kosher, livres de glúten e Halal, assegurando que você possa utilizá-las com total confiança, independentemente de suas restrições alimentares.
A transparência das cápsulas permite que você visualize o conteúdo, facilitando a identificação dos suplementos que está consumindo. Cada cápsula tem a capacidade de ser preenchida com até 950 mg de pó, dependendo da densidade do material, o que possibilita uma dosagem personalizada de acordo com suas necessidades específicas. Além disso, as cápsulas se dissolvem rapidamente no organismo, garantindo uma absorção eficiente dos nutrientes. É importante notar que essas cápsulas são projetadas exclusivamente para substâncias em pó, não sendo adequadas para líquidos.
1. Qualidade Farmacêutica: Garantia de segurança e eficácia nos suplementos.
2. Cápsulas Transparentes: Visibilidade do conteúdo para melhor controle.
3. Fácil de Usar: Rápida dissolução e fácil digestão.
4. Tamanho Ideal: Personalização da dosagem com até 950 mg de pó.
5. Garantia de Satisfação: Compromisso com a qualidade e atendimento ao cliente.
Para utilizar as cápsulas vazias PureCaps, comece abrindo a cápsula com cuidado. Em seguida, preencha-a com o pó ou suplemento desejado, respeitando as instruções de dosagem recomendadas. Após o preenchimento, feche firmemente a cápsula para garantir que o conteúdo permaneça seguro. É aconselhável seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para obter diretrizes personalizadas. Lembre-se de que as cápsulas PureCaps não são adequadas para líquidos, portanto, utilize apenas substâncias em pó.
D.G. –
I decided to try and make my own multi-vitamin pills and got a pill filler and these clear gel capsules fit perfectly. After using the filler a couple times and getting used to it I can fill 100 pills in no time! These gel capsules join up perfectly when separated and joined mechanically with this pill filler. As far as taste, well they really don’t taste like anything.
Life hack: With these, or any other pill, pop them in your mouth and don’t swallow right away. Take a sip of your drink and slosh the pill around your mouth with your tongue a couple times to get the pill fully wet and lubricated with your drink before you swallow it. The reason pills get stuck in your throat is because if there’s any dry surface anywhere on the pill will stick to your moist throat lining.
I definitely recommend these capsules. Just make sure you get the right size for your filler, if you use one.
SurfRider –
These are so much cheaper to buy in bulk. I make my own herbal and veggie capsules and they fit perfectly in my Cap em quick.
George_of_all_trades –
Excellent very sturdy stronger than others.
George_of_all_trades –
I bought these when my regular brand went up in price, and I’m pretty happy with them. They are cheaper than the caps I usually buy, although only by a little bit, and arrived several days before I expected them even without prime shipping. They were a little tacky/swollen from humidity when I got them, but a couple of days in a jar with a silica packet and they were fine. They actually closed a lot better than the gel caps I had been buying before, which was a nice surprise. I also appreciate that they are kosher and halal, made with only water and beef gelatin, making them digest fairly quickly. These caps worked really well in my Capsule Machine, although I had to do a few by hand because of the stickiness I mentioned earlier. It really wasn’t a problem though – filling them by hand was easy if messy, since I was filling the caps with a powdered herb. I suggest filling these with only dry ingredients unless you plan on consuming them immediately since any liquids will cause them to dissolve. Overall I’m pleased and will probably be ordering these again.
Randi G. Hight –
I accidentally ordered some herbs in a powdered formula instead of the capsules I normally would get. I was going to return them, but I decided to get a capsule filler and do my own instead. It takes a bit of practice, but the laborious part is separating the capsules. I saolved this by placing bowls on my left side and my right side as I sit and watch a television program, then separate them according to the large and small ends. It’s easy to do without looking, just by the feel of the capsules. I’ve saved a lot of money, and now I am doing the same thing for medication for my dog.
Alex V –
Perfect for my needs. Enough to last forever!
Alex V –
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Nowadays there’s so many options and choices to consider when wanting to make your own supplements; to save when possible by bulk buying and doing the work yourself. I am so thankful I found these Pure Caps- Gelatin Joined Capsules. They manufacture many sizes and do offer vegan friendly ones. I chose the beef gelatin version because I was more focused on just getting the quality and non-GMO USA capsules in a size 00 that would hold enough mushroom powder for our families use. Whether it’s lion’s mane, cordyceps, or red reishi mushroom powder, these gel caps allow us to take our daily supplements with ease. These gel caps have no taste in my opinion. They also hide the lobster/crab taste from the lion’s mane. For those who want the benefits from a supplement but don’t want to taste it these gel caps will do the job. They are easy to swallow even this larger capsule size. I am super happy with my purchase and received a bag full of capsules that have worked out great in my 24 slot capsule maker. I separate the tops and bottoms into the slots, fill with my mushroom powder and place together and press. I have had zero problems with them pressing together and that makes me really happy. No fuss no mess and a great value. Will definitely buy these from seller again.