Concentrated Sulforaphane: O Pure Therapro Rx OncoProtect ES *HIGH DOSE* Sulforaphane é um suplemento de alta dose de Sulforafano, que é obtido a partir de sementes patenteadas de brócolis e raiz-forte fresca. Essa combinação poderosa e bem pesquisada de Glucorafanina e mirosinase cria um Sulforafano ativo e eficaz. Além disso, o produto não contém ingredientes chineses e é 100% livre de Estearato de Magnésio. Sua fabricação ocorre nos Estados Unidos, em uma instalação certificada pela GMP, garantindo qualidade e potência.
Patented Activated BroccoRaphanin: O Pure Therapro Rx OncoProtect ES *HIGH DOSE* Sulforaphane suporta as defesas naturais do nosso corpo contra o estresse oxidativo causado por poluentes e toxinas. Ele protege nossas células dos radicais livres causados por contaminantes ambientais, além de ajudar a manter uma resposta saudável das citocinas. Esse produto também suporta a produção de enzimas da Fase 2, melhorando a desintoxicação das células. As enzimas do Sulforafano permanecem ativas em nosso corpo por até 72 horas, um período significativamente maior do que antioxidantes diretos como a vitamina C e E, que duram apenas 3 horas.
Celular Health & Função Imunológica: O Pure Therapro Rx OncoProtect ES *HIGH DOSE* Sulforaphane suporta ciclos de vida saudáveis das células, integridade celular e reprodução celular. Além disso, ele suporta a produção de enzimas de desintoxicação da Fase II, uma resposta equilibrada das citocinas e um equilíbrio inflamatório saudável.
Practitioner Grade: Formulado com ingredientes patenteados de qualidade profissional, que foram cientificamente estudados para suporte à saúde celular. Essa fórmula de micronutrientes de primeira classe é recomendada por profissionais de saúde em todo o mundo para função imunológica, saúde celular, antioxidante e suporte à desintoxicação.
Elimina Radicais Livres: O Sulforafano induz a via Nrf2 e desencadeia a liberação de antioxidantes e desintoxicantes chamados enzimas da Fase 2, que suportam a saúde celular vibrante e a longevidade.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte às defesas naturais do corpo contra o estresse oxidativo
- Proteção das células contra radicais livres causados por contaminantes ambientais
- Suporte à saúde celular e reprodução celular
- Produção de enzimas de desintoxicação da Fase II
- Suporte a uma resposta equilibrada das citocinas e equilíbrio inflamatório saudável
Sam Bravern –
This is the best value out there for Sulforphane supplements based on information I’ve read from multiple studies on Sulforaphane and examining the labels of many products. There is lots of information out there but the key study is PubMed Article PMC4629881 “Sulforaphane Bioavailability from Glucoraphanin-Rich Broccoli: Control by Active Endogenous Myrosinase” done by John Hopkins University. Oncoprotect used the “Truebroc” form of Broccoli Sprout extract produced by Brassica Protection Products. This form is the key to what makes Oncoprotect ES the best value. Here’s why:
Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts DO NOT CONTAIN Sulforaphane! It contains Glucoraphanin, a precursor that is converted to Sulforphane during chewing and digestion by interacting with Myrosinase in the broccoli and/or Myrosinase in your gut.
Most supplements the label shows “Sulforaphane Glucosinate” content. THIS IS NOT Sulforaphane. This is intentionally a misleading labeling to simplify things for people searching for “Sulforphane” supplements as just listing Glucorphanin is going to confuse people that don’t understand it is converted to Sulforaphane when ingested.
In addition, Glucosinate is a broad term in which Glucoraphanin is just one component of Glucosinates. X amount of Glucosinate does not equal X amount of Glucoraphanin. REMEMBER THIS.
You can get Sulforphane in basically four ways:
(1) Eat Broccoli Sprouts (much higher Glucoraphanin than Broccoli but a bit of an inconvenience to grow or buy)
(2) Eat uncooked or lightly steamed Broccoli Crowns which by weight has a fraction of Glucoraphanin that sprouts have (cooking gets rid of the enzymes needed to convert the Glucoraphanin to Sulforaphane.
(3) Take a supplement containing stabilized free Sulforaphane. There is only one in existence that I know of which was developed in France called Prostaphane and recently came to the USA under the brand name Broq. It is approximately 80% bioavailable (according to studies) meaning your body will absorb about 80% as Sulforaphane content. So if you take a supplement with 10mg stabilized free Sulforaphane (aka Prostaphane, aka Broq), you’ll effectively absorb 8mg Sulforaphane.
(4) Take a supplement containing Glucoraphanin + Myrosinase. This combination makes the Glucoraphanin about 30% bioavailable as Sulforaphane. So if you take 100mg of Glucoraphanin, it will convert to about 30mg Sulforaphane in your body as studies have confirmed.
** Ignore any supplement where the label only shows it has “Sulforphane Glucosinolate” because you actually don’t know how much actual Glucoraphanin it has! **
One study for example regarding Prostate Cancer showed taking 60mg of Prostaphane (stabilized free Sulforphane) slowed the PSA doubling time. That means it was absorbed as a daily dose of 60 X 80% = 48 mg Sulforphane.
The brand name Broq is essentially Prostaphane licensed to be sold in the USA. It has 10 mg per capsule, so to get the equivalent dose as the Prostate Cancer study, you’d need to take 6 capsule a day (60mg Prostaphane). It sells for $1 per capsule. So that would cost you $6/day to get an effective bioavailable amount of 48 mg Sulforaphane. Not that on the Broq website they provide a PDF of lab results of other products. These lab results are not accurate in my opinion as they are not measuring Sulforaphane metabolites excreted after human consumption like the John Hopkins study did.
Oncoprotect ES has 100mg Glucoraphanin per capsule. At 30% bioavailability, you are getting effectively 30mg bioavailable Sulforaphane per capsule. It sells for about $1.25 per capsule. So the cost for the equivalent of 48mg bioavailable Sulforaphane, the cost is $2 per day instead of $6 per day for Broq brand.
The other popular brand touted by some Doctors is Avmacol. If you read the label closely, you will see although it says it has 490mg “Sulforaphane Glucosinolate” below that it at least divulges that within that it contains equal to or greater than a measly 30mg of Glucoraphanin! If we assume it meets just over the minimum at 33 mg Glucroaphanin, that means 3 caps of Avmacol ES = 1 cap of Oncoprotect ES = 100 mg Glucoraphanin. So to get 48mg effective Sulforaphane at 30% bioavailability from Avamacol ES you would need 160mg Glucoraphanin or 5.33 Avamacol ES caps. Avmacol costs about $0.80 per cap so daily cost to get 48mg effective bioavailable Sulforaphane would be $4.26 per day.
So as you can see Oncoprotect ES is by far the most economical supplement as far as cost per amount of bioavailable Sulforphane.
I like that it’s high strength and includes myrosinase in one capsule
kim –
Sulforaphane and sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract products (Glucoraphanin) have been used safely for up to 6 months. 1 pill a day 60 day supply simple ingredients i would use this for another few months. i think its not for long term but excellent for short term supplement.
Sarah Brandow –
N.F –
BroccoRaphanin is the one you want and this is at the best price. Pure Formulas should endeavor to keep this supply line in place for their OncoProtect product.
Dean Cubbedge –
I am giving this product to my wife because she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and a high dose broccoli product was recommended by Dr. Ralph Moss. Broccoli is supposed to kill cancer stem cells and prevent spreading. He didn’t recommend this brand but I bought the next best that I could find. This is my first bottle and will order more. One capsule is supposed to be equivalent to 4.5 pounds of broccoli seed extract.My wife is stable and doing better. Thank you for a good product.
steve –
I’ve taken a lot of immune boosters including ahcc and noxylane but this here just seems to work better and have more benefits. My skin has improved as well my mom got sick and I always catch whatever she has not this time. My breathing is clearer now I take it not only for immune but cancer . I would say give it 30 days dont complain you took it a week and still got sick. The ingredients were studied at John Hopkins I have seen no ill effects yes its expensive for me I take 2 a day before eating but anything that’s good isn’t gonna be 35$ or 40 bucks just saying.