Pure TheraPro Rx MicroActive Oligonol é um suplemento de polifenol clinicamente comprovado que apoia a composição corporal de maneira eficaz. Com uma ação antioxidante poderosa, este produto é projetado para melhorar a circulação sanguínea e reduzir o estresse oxidativo, abordando as três principais causas do envelhecimento: circulação, oxidação e inflamação. O resultado é um suporte à perda de peso saudável, aumento da energia e uma melhora significativa na saúde cardiovascular. O MicroActive Oligonol é um polifenol patenteado de baixo peso molecular, o que o torna um combatente solúvel em água dos radicais livres, promovendo uma pele vibrante e radiante, além de uma composição corporal saudável, equilibrando a massa corporal magra e o tecido visceral.
A inovação do MicroActive Oligonol se destaca pela sua liberação sustentada. As partículas micronizadas, reduzidas a um tamanho extremamente pequeno (10 mícrons), permitem um transporte mais eficiente através de veias e capilares. A mistura especial de polímeros retarda a taxa de liberação do Oligonol, garantindo que ele permaneça na corrente sanguínea por até 12 horas, proporcionando benefícios duradouros. Clinicamente comprovado, cada cápsula fornece no mínimo 100mg de MicroActive Oligonol, apoiando níveis saudáveis de glicose e lipídios pós-refeição, além de promover a saúde da pele, circulação e produção de energia. Com 30 ensaios clínicos em humanos e décadas de pesquisa, a Pure TheraPro Rx garante resultados eficazes com apenas uma cápsula diária.
– Combate eficaz aos radicais livres, protegendo as células do corpo.
– Suporte à saúde da pele e à composição corporal, promovendo uma aparência jovem e saudável.
– Liberação sustentada para benefícios duradouros, mantendo os níveis de Oligonol no organismo por mais tempo.
– Resultados comprovados clinicamente, assegurando a eficácia do produto.
– Qualidade superior e ingredientes confiáveis, sem adição de alérgenos comuns e substâncias indesejadas.
Tome uma cápsula de MicroActive Oligonol por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção e os efeitos do suplemento. É recomendável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, garantindo que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
Naughty Neighbors –
Makes you feel warm inside!
Bexxy –
If really boosted my energy. It took 3-5 weeks to see a difference but I’m a fan
Bobbi S –
I have been taking oligonol for years. It is one of the only supplements that helps my lipedema and drains the fluids from my legs it’s my own little miracle. I take 2 every day along with a lymph gland cleanse supplement and I went from making a 1″ dent in my legs and fluids all the way up into my abdomen even not being able to wear shoes or bend my toes because my legs were so swollen to having no fluids whatsoever in my legs! I recommend this product to anyone with excessive retaining of fluids in their legs it’s amazing relief just give it a few days and take it consistently. Ask me anything feel free!
Clayton Humphrey –
After using this for only a month or so, I started noticing a definite decrease in my visceral fat. This has been confirmed with body scans and metrics as well as simple observation from myself and others! I continue to take it and have noticed that it has really trimmed up my midline (I’m not taking any other weight-loss supplements that could be skewing this) and continues to slowly help more drop more and more visceral weight.
I ordered this product, several months & begin taking x1 capsule each morning. I noticed it made me feel a little off, almost tired feeling. So I immediately stopped taking this product. I’m not surprised at my results, as I almost always have some type of sensitivity to new meds/supplements. After a bit of time passing, I started looking at the back of bottle and sorta took a guess that it was possible that it was causing my blood sugar to drop to low, leading to that tired; no energy feeling. So I decided to start back taking 1 capsule daily but at bedtime instead of morning. Yes, I know the directions state to take in the morning’s with a meal but I rarely eat much before noon, and figured I’d never remember to take at noon anyways. The worst thing that could happen (since a refund wasn’t an option) would be it would increase my energy and prevent sleep; in which I could discontinue use if so. Anyways I now consume the 1 capsule nightly, with 0 side effects. Yes I would love to be able to consume in the mornings, and have boatloads of energy but that just didnt happen for me!!
But I will give 5 stars b/c I have lost about 10 pounds in the past month or so. It reduces your appetite so-so much. It states the supplement last 12 hrs, but even with taking at night time, the benefits last beyond 12 hrs for me. I’ve never been a huge foodie so even if I eat less calories, it’s never such a huge shock to cause any real weight loss. So dropping 10 pounds of what’s suppose to be all visceral fat is a huge deal. Not to mention it’s suppose to help with glucose levels, lipid levels, circulation, skin care & brown spots. I’ve noticed a major improvement in lower extremity swelling, but I can’t say this product is completely responsible for that (though it very well could be) but I’ve implemented several other things for the lymphatic system recently too.
This supplement is costly. It’s one of those supplements that doesn’t really jump in your face in comparison to others. But anything that can improve my blood glucose, maintain healthy lipid levels, decrease visceral fat AKA weight loss, decrease inflammation, help to rid/prevent fluid levels within our bodies, increase circulation and even help prevent oxidative stress from aging us so fast AKA brown spots is worth the investment. Unless this product gives you unheard of amounts of energy or makes you feel awful, then don’t expect to see results(the normal expected ones) right away. At the very least take 1 capsule x1 day, for at least 90 days-to evaulate for any improvements. Any not so pleasant side effects will normally be noticed way before 90 days. As for the time, everyone has to find what works best with their own bodies. Then of course weigh the pros/cons related to amount, timing, timing of morning meal or other issues relating to being able to use this product consistently as prescribed for at least 90 days.
I do recommend this supplement. Package came via FedEx from Amazon using Amazon Prime 2-day Shipping. Package intact, sealed well with no issues. Product was also in great condition, bottle was sealed as it should be, so no complaints there. Ill say too, this brand is a great company. Very much are clean, reasonably priced, no extra additives/fillers added and seem to be a trust worthy honest brand. If any of the above issues are things you deal with medically and ur health suffers b/c of it, this could be an amazing product for you. Just give it a try with an open mind!!
Lauren –
I have been using this everyday for a month now and I have not noticed any difference. I will finish the bottle and see if there are any updates
MEM54 –
I took this for about 5 days. The first day I felt great. It felt like I had energy. By the fifth day. I was feeling grumpy and tired. When I stopped taking it, I felt normal again. It didn’t work for me. If your not sure about this product don’t buy it. There isn’t a return policy on this.
Julia –
I’ve taken this capsule each morning since my order arrived. I don’t know what I actually expected. I’ve been on a healthy eating program for a little over a year but could still afford a little more weight loss. I’ve maintained even taking this product. I do believe I’m beginning to notice a difference in my hair. After another month or so I’ll give you a more clear report on my hair, skin, & nails.