Pure Therapro Rx Liposomal Liver Detox 120 VCaps é um suplemento vegano inovador, projetado para oferecer suporte essencial à saúde do fígado e à desintoxicação do organismo. Com uma fórmula avançada encapsulada em formato lipossomal, este produto é livre de soja e contém uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes cofatores de metilação. Entre os principais ingredientes, destacam-se o Extrato de Cardo Mariano Europeu 30:1 e a Silimarina Padronizada a 80%, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades hepatoprotetoras. Além disso, o Extrato de Alcachofra, Taurina, Ácido Alfa-Lipóico e a Glutationa Acetilada Patenteada (Emothion) trabalham em sinergia para promover a limpeza e a saúde do fígado, ajudando na eliminação de toxinas acumuladas.
A Fosfatidilcolina (PC), derivada de girassol certificado não-OGM, é um componente chave que melhora a absorção dos nutrientes e apoia a saúde gastrointestinal, o reparo celular e a função normal do fígado e pulmões. Os cofatores de nutrientes de metilação, como Selênio (SelenoExcell), Riboflavina (como riboflavina-5-fosfato), Molibdênio (como Quelato de Glicinato de Molibdênio TRAACS), MicroActive PQQ e Trimetilglicina (TMG), são essenciais para otimizar a função celular e promover um envelhecimento saudável. Este suplemento é formulado sem OGM, soja, glúten e estearato de magnésio, garantindo uma experiência de suplementação limpa e eficaz.
– Suporte avançado à saúde hepática e desintoxicação.
– Formato lipossomal livre de soja para melhor absorção dos nutrientes.
– Cofatores de nutrientes de metilação que oferecem suporte adicional ao organismo.
– Benefícios significativos para a desintoxicação, metilação, função celular e envelhecimento saudável.
– Produto livre de OGM, soja, glúten e estearato de magnésio, garantindo qualidade e pureza.
💚TosaT💚 –
I like this liver detox detox formula. The capsules are easy to swallow. It’s gentle on my stomach. I took off one star because the label on the bottle was not put on correctly. It was buckled and coming off. Didn’t look real professional.
kim –
60 days supply. Price is affordable.
milk thistle: can be used up to 3 years
Taurine can be used up to 12 months
S-Acetylated Glutathione (Emothion) safe to use up to 2 months
Alpha-lipoic acid is possibly safe for most adults when taken for up to 4 years
-ribofavin recommended every 2 weeks for 10 weeks.
not sure :
MicroActive PQQ
So i think its a good product to use very short term meaning 1 bottle supply. i would reorder if needed in the near future.
Colin Sommer –
I tried the liver detox from Pure Therpro Rx. I have tried some other cleanse type products usually with a strict change in diet, so I had a little to compare with. I took 2 pills per day for close to a month without any significant changes to diet. At first there was a significant difference of the appearance in urine. I assume this is toxin related and a sign that detox is occurring. A week or so into the process, I noticed that sweat soaked garments and most significantly hot sauna towels would carry an atrocious and pungent odor. I can only assume this to also be related to the toxins coming out of my liver and body. Over the next few weeks the urine color and odor as well as the the same from perspiration began to subside. I’m hoping the level of toxins were depleting and as such, so was the byproduct being released. There seemed to be a rise in body temp which subsided after each sauna treatment as I suspect was associated with toxin release from the liver to the body and then out the body through urine and sweat. Dry January certainly helped but Liposomal Liver Detox seems to dramatically accelerate the body’s process of expunging the impurities the liver filters out.
AJ –
This is a great company. My wife and I began taking their multivitamin some time ago and love it because we can actually feel it doing something. So we decided to try this product and are glad we did. The first few days taking it, I noted a marked difference in the color of my urine (sorry if TMI), without changing the amount of water I drink, which is exactly a gallon per day. Clearly, this was flushing things out of my system that ought not be there. Would and will definitely purchase again.
Christina –
I always believed it is very important to take care of your liver and I love this product, even bought for my elderly father to take, no issues at all, very happy i found a safe and very effective product
aushills –
I take several of the Pure Therapro supplements. I like the many offerings they have and the value. Always impressed with the quality ingredients in their items. Really believe I can trust them. While I can’t point to anything measurably specific from taking their products, I do believe they help support my continued good health and I will continue to use them.
Alicia Josfan –
I had fabulous results with this product! I Purchased it when my blood work came back with high liver enzyme’s. I started taking this 2 weeks before rescheduling the bloodwork test with my doctor the new results came back perfect! I also had more energy lost a few pounds and will be purchasing again . I’m also in love with just relax the magnesium supplement it’s delicious and truly calming. Fantastic products!
DuaneH –
Pure has the purest supplements on the market. They are clean and effective when taken as directed. I am confident they are the best on the market.