GUT HEALTH FOCUSED: Pure TheraPro Rx Leaky Gut Defense – Gut Health Supplement with L-Glutamine, Licorice Root Extract, Aloe Leaf, Arabinogalactan- (30 Servings, 168g)
O Pure TheraPro Rx Leaky Gut Defense é um suplemento avançado projetado para apoiar a saúde intestinal e promover um microbioma intestinal ideal (comunidade probiótica). Ele pode ajudar com inchaço, problemas intestinais, desconforto digestivo e pode auxiliar no controle de desejos por açúcar. É um suplemento essencial para a saúde intestinal que pode ajudar homens e mulheres a alcançar a versão mais saudável e feliz de si mesmos.
Este suplemento pode ajudar a reverter um intestino permeável com seus ingredientes clinicamente comprovados. O Pure TheraPro Rx Leaky Gut Defense é não transgênico, vegano e sem glúten. Não há corantes, conservantes ou sabores artificiais em nossos suplementos. Ele contém – 3g de L-Glutamina, 2g de Arabinogalactan, 500mg de Extrato de Raiz de Alcaçuz em Pó 10:1 (desglicirrizado), 100mg de Folha de Aloe (padronizada para 50% de polissacarídeos) e adoçante Monk Fruit.
A fórmula potente contém uma alta concentração de L-Glutamina, que ajuda a manter a integridade do revestimento mucoso do trato gastrointestinal, ao mesmo tempo em que nutre a delicada parede celular do intestino. Para apoiar a saúde gastrointestinal ideal, o arabinogalactano, um polissacarídeo natural da árvore de lariço da América do Norte, foi adicionado para ajudar a incentivar a flora intestinal a produzir ácido butírico (um ácido graxo que pode auxiliar na cicatrização intestinal). A glicirrizina e outros efeitos colaterais conhecidos do extrato de raiz de alcaçuz também foram removidos.
A pureza é nossa prioridade. O Pure TheraPro Rx Leaky Gut Defense atende aos rigorosos padrões de qualidade cGMP. Este produto é formulado, embalado e testado nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação certificada pela FDA e NSF & GMP. Também é testado quanto à qualidade por laboratórios de terceiros. Beba uma ou duas vezes ao dia ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
A Pure TheraPro Rx foi fundada em Denver, Colorado, para formular e fabricar os suplementos de mais alta qualidade disponíveis no mercado atualmente. A pureza é nossa prioridade, por isso insistimos em usar ingredientes patenteados e clinicamente estudados, e nunca utilizamos enchimentos, agentes de fluxo, excipientes ou ingredientes provenientes da China. Também nunca usamos laticínios, glúten, milho, soja ou outros alérgenos comuns em nossas fórmulas líderes de classe, recomendadas por profissionais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte à saúde intestinal e ao microbioma
- Ajuda a aliviar inchaço e desconforto digestivo
- Pode auxiliar no controle de desejos por açúcar
- Fórmula potente com ingredientes clinicamente comprovados
- Produto testado em laboratório e fabricado nos EUA
O Pure TheraPro Rx Leaky Gut Defense oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar a sua saúde intestinal. Entre os principais, destacam-se: 1) Suporte eficaz à saúde intestinal, promovendo um microbioma equilibrado; 2) Redução significativa do inchaço e desconforto digestivo, proporcionando alívio imediato; 3) Controle dos desejos por açúcar, ajudando na manutenção de uma dieta equilibrada; 4) Fortalecimento da barreira intestinal, prevenindo a permeabilidade excessiva; 5) Suporte ao sistema imunológico, contribuindo para uma saúde geral robusta.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma porção (5,6g) do Pure TheraPro Rx Leaky Gut Defense uma ou duas vezes ao dia. O suplemento pode ser misturado em água ou suco, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante seguir as instruções de uso para maximizar os benefícios e garantir a eficácia do produto.
Satisfied customer –
I have had digestive problems for many years now. I’m not completely healed but when I do take this product, it seems to help a lot. I’ve taken it before meals and after meals and it helps calm my digestion and settle my stomach.
LadyKika01 –
I can usually get past a lot of tastes if something is beneficial, but this taste i couldn’t get past. Although, i did try it for a week, and got better, but i also did other remedies for my gut issues, so I’m not sure this actually worked. I think the sweetner actually makes it taste worse.
Amy Gomez –
This did not work, is overly sweet, and they refused to give me a refund. Instead of giving my money my money back, they sent me a dismissive message telling me to change my diet and spend more money to buy more of their other supplements!! They’re basically admitting it doesn’t work, but still won’t give me my money back.
“Depending on the severity of your condition supplementing with our Leaky Gut Defense may be all you need. You may need to be doing even more. We recommend the following while using this product. If you follow this for a minimum of 30 days ALONG with taking the Leaky Gut Defense, you should see a great improvement!
REMOVE foods and factors that damage the gut – Top foods to remove that cause leaky gut are alcohol, coffee, sugar, grains, conventional meat, conventional dairy and GMO foods. The top toxic exposures to eliminate are tap water, pesticides, and NSAIDS. You may also want to discuss the GI impact of your medications and any antibiotics you are taking with your primary healthcare provider.
REPLACE with healing foods (we can provide you with examples if need be)
REPAIR with specific supplements – Leaky Gut Defense and Digestive Enzymes
REBALANCE with probiotics – Our Saccharomyces Boulardii is great one!
SUPPORT your liver: Our Liposomal Liver Detox+ may be used in conjunction with the Leaky Gut Defense to help support the liver during detox and minimize unpleasant “herx” symptoms.”
Sun moon –
I ordered this brand versus the GI revive I was initially told to get. I love that this brand is flavored with monk fruit, but it doesn’t have a taste which is excellent too. I take this every morning, and I have noticed a difference over the year I took this. My test results from Genova testing for IgE are perfect for sensitivity throughout my body. You have to be committed to yourself to heal. It is not that you will necessarily notice anything has changed, but it does; you begin to feel better, have the best bowel moments, and your mind is clear.
A little piece of Heaven –
I have had leaky gut issues, but when my gallbladder was taken out in 2010, my normal gut issues went into overdrive and I have been fighting my way back to health ever since. I tried the Dr. Axe powder, but having to use it 3 times a day, and at a 28 serving container at $48 a pop, that is extortion. We are taking this powder not because we are rich and are wearing it, these powders help us to be able to eat, to calm the stomach inflammation, to end our misery. This powder works as good as the Dr. Axe formula, its formulation is very similiar.
Pros: The cost is slightly cheaper, its recommended dosage is 1-2 scoops a day, the scooper is included, its prime so it arrives quickly
Cons: Come on guys, we are depending on this product for being able to assimilate, eat, be pain free… about a larger tub at a cheaper cost per serving? How about a refill “bag” that we can fill our first tub, and save some money?
This tastes best with lemon juice and mixed in hot water. How about a better taste, maybe natural lemon zest added?
I ask you, Pure Theraputics, please work on the cost issue for those of us that are dependent on this to be able to eat, and not feel miserable. Maybe buy 2 get 1 free, or like I suggested, a cheaper refill packaging or a larger quantity at cheaper cost. You made this product for leaky gut, so you must understand then that this would be costing us a fortune in the long run. With also having to have digestive enzymes, probiotics, and other stuff, you have to see that we need a break here.
This does work. Its not cheap. Maybe the company will do something about that for us “long-timers”.
Consumer40534 –
Hard to rate supplements. Unless they bring immediate results who knows. After a year or so you say well I’m taking 12 things, which is doing good which nothing or even bad?
Looks like a quality supplement.
Update 60 days
I am seeing improvement with my food sensitivities. But as I said I’m doing a lot like getting a complete organ cleans from a holistic practitioner. I’m drinking a special greens drink with fresh organic vegetables, and I’m taking other things. Something or all things are helping. I can eat eggs and chicken now in moderation. 21 other foods to go.
Update 120 days
Can take milk and sever other foods now. Not gluten but I dont want gluten.
VB –
This is like a miracle or a god send gift.My wife has a Chronic Digestive problems for the last 5-6 years.She went through all the tests and the doctors recommended to use Probiotic supplements.It didn’t help and eventually led to arthritis.It started to degenerate tissues on the neck spine causing severe pain.She went to Chiropractors for PT to mitigate the degeneration of neck muscles for the last 2 years which is exhaustive after the therapy.She lost all the interest in her activities and almost went into depression.She started to study lot of medical journals related to digestive problems and came across this supplement .She did lot of research on the ingredients before purchase and found that
1.Help to rebuild the gut which is essential for digestive system.
2.L-Glutamine help to build Muscles and bones which are used as a supplement after chemotherapy and by the body builders too.
She started to use this for the last 1 week ,twice a day .The results are already amazing .
1.She stopped taking all the anti-acids ( almost 4-6 tum’s a day).Not even one
2.Her bloated stomach has reduced drastically.
3.She feels so lively now.
Now our whole family started to use this every day.I will update again in a month or 2 with more results.