Descrição do Produto: PURE SYNERGY SuperPure Beta 1,3-Glucan Extract
O PURE SYNERGY SuperPure Beta 1,3-Glucan Extract é um suplemento inovador que traz o poder dos beta 1,3-glucanos, extraídos de algas Euglena gracilis, uma fonte pura e concentrada que promove a saúde imunológica e digestiva. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas, cada uma oferecendo 500 mg de beta 1,3-glucanos, a quantidade ideal comprovada por pesquisas para maximizar os benefícios à saúde. Este extrato é livre de leveduras e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), garantindo um produto de alta qualidade e pureza.
- BETA 1,3-GLUCANS DE ALGAS: Cada frasco (60 cápsulas) contém 100% de beta 1,3-glucanos puros e concentrados, extraídos da alga de água doce Euglena gracilis, amplamente estudada clinicamente.
- SUPORTE IMUNOLÓGICO E DIGESTIVO PODEROSO: Oferece suporte direcionado para a função saudável das células imunológicas, comunicação e defesa robusta; promove um microbioma intestinal equilibrado e uma digestão saudável.
- FONTE DE ALGAS LIVRE DE LEVEDURAS: Extrato exclusivo, 100% derivado de algas, padronizado para fornecer 500 mg de beta-1,3-glucanos por cápsula, a quantidade comprovada por pesquisas para benefícios máximos à saúde.
- A DIFERENÇA SYNERGY: Com sede em Moab, UT, a The Synergy Company é uma B Corp certificada, comprometida com ingredientes puros e orgânicos que ajudam você a alcançar sua melhor saúde. Todos os produtos são fabricados nos EUA com ingredientes nacionais e importados.
- INGREDIENTES REAIS EM QUE VOCÊ PODE CONFIAR DIARIAMENTE: Natural, Non-GMO, vegano, sem glúten, sem soja e sem laticínios. Zero enchimentos ou solventes agressivos. Uso sugerido: Tome 1 cápsula uma ou duas vezes ao dia, com ou sem alimentos.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Os beta 1,3-glucanos ajudam a ativar e regular as células do sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa mais eficaz contra infecções.
2. Saúde Digestiva: Promove um microbioma intestinal equilibrado, essencial para uma digestão saudável e absorção de nutrientes.
3. Fonte Pura e Natural: Com extrato de alga livre de leveduras e ingredientes não modificados geneticamente, é uma escolha segura e saudável.
4. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Produto livre de enchimentos, solventes agressivos e alérgenos comuns, ideal para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Com apenas uma ou duas cápsulas por dia, é uma maneira prática de incorporar suporte imunológico à sua rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do PURE SYNERGY SuperPure Beta 1,3-Glucan Extract uma ou duas vezes ao dia. O suplemento pode ser tomado com ou sem alimentos, conforme sua preferência. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
spencer –
Exactly as described
Adri –
Idk didn’t really feel anything
K. N. –
Good product for immune support
investit –
Make sure you are getting enough of a fully tested, standardized, and validated beta 1,3 glucan extract if you are seeking optimal immune effects. Unfortunately, beta 1,3 glucan is most commonly extracted from yeast, often with harsh chemicals, and is not often nearly concentrated enough. The good news is there is now a unique, 100% natural beta 1,3 glucan derived exclusively from a pure freshwater microalgae called Euglena gracilis. This water-extracted form of beta 1,3 glucan is incredibly pure, highly concentrated, easily bioavailable to your immune cells, and more economical to boot. It has the very highest percentage of the all important immune-boosting beta 1-3 glucan linkages. For all these reasons, a beta 1,3 glucan derived exclusively from algae is going to be an excellent choice to optimize your healthy immune response (plus more!).
Beta 1,3 glucan is a natural compound found in the cell walls of mushroom, yeast, and algae. It is most highly concentrated and bioavailable in an algae called Euglena gracilis. Beta 1,3 glucan puts our immune system on high alert. It makes our immune cells a better, more productive version of themselves. In this day and age, we could all use a happy, healthy dose of better immunity!
Donna864 –
I tried to order more of this product yesterday and got a notification that it is currently unavailable and not sure if it will be back in stock – PLEASE RESTOCK THIS PRODUCT!
I have Ulcerative Colitis, have been in a flare for almost 2 years and have been miserable. I’ve had to stop eating a lot of the foods I love and was steadily gaining weight despite my reduced food intake. I was dieting and exercising and barely able to maintain my weight. I started taking this beta glucan 4/1/21 and today 4/30/21 I am already eating some of the same foods I’ve had to avoid for two years, I am no longer in a flare, I have tons more energy, I’ve started losing weight, and my overall gut health has improved so profoundly it’s almost unbelievable.
I researched beta glucan when my mother had stage IV lung cancer and had her start taking it (she was taking the Transfer Point beta glucan which costs twice as much as this one) – her cancer went into remission and she was cancer free. I don’t know why I didn’t think about taking beta glucan sooner for ulcerative colitis but rest assured I will be a lifelong customer so please bring this product back!
Amazon Customer –
I took this along with AHCC (3g daily). I took the Beta Glucan every morning and night along with the AHCC. I have a very low immune system, and I’ve been battling HPV 16 and 18 for a few years. I’ve had many colposcopys done and now my OBGYN wanted me to do a LEEP procedure. I pretty much told her heck no, and that I believe I can beat the virus through supplements to boost my immune system. She didn’t think it would be possible at all and I had to sign a paper at the OBGYN that I’m declining treatment and that I’m putting my body at risk…blah blah blah…
I read so much about AHCC and how it’s being used in clinical trials and has a very good success rate to killing the HPV virus. I bought the Premium Kinoko Platinum AHCC 750mg from Amazon. I took 3grams a day (2 pills on an empty stomach in the morning and 2 pills before I went to bed). I also took the beta gluten twice a day along with the AHCC.
It took 2 years to clear the HPV 16 and a year to clear HPV 18, but I know this product helped big time to boost my immune system! Just stick with the routine, stay positive, try to eat right as much as you can and you’ll beat this virus!!!
SurferDude –
I’ve had chronic EBV for at least 10 years which has morphed into RA and other immune issues. Recently my old protocols stopped working due to a large amount of stress (herbs and supplements). That being said, I had to think outside of the box to keep EBV and other viruses at bay. I needed to boost my immune system and reduce stress so that my body could naturally fight disease. I used this product beta-glucan, a thymic protein (proboost), and monolaurin (laurdicin) to naturally boost my immune system so that I could stop reoccuring EBV and RA. This seems to work for now until the virus gets adjusted. Ive changed my protocol several times but this one seems to kick it in the butt quicker. I also notice less shedding of hair and way more energy. Great product at an affordable price. I take 2 pills (split up 500mg each) a day and usually 1 packet of proboost. Natural ways to boost the immune system and combat disease. Thanks!
Marc Bentley –
Great product from an excellent company. Their products have always been superior to all others.
CL –
I’m sure this is good but I could not take it, after 5 days I had such severe pain in the GI tract die to gas and cramping as well as joint pain which I looked up and is a side effect.