Descrição do Produto: Pure Encapsulations Digestive Enzymes Ultra
O Pure Encapsulations Digestive Enzymes Ultra é um suplemento de enzimas digestivas vegetarianas que se destaca por sua formulação avançada, projetada para apoiar a digestão de proteínas, carboidratos, fibras e laticínios. Com 90 cápsulas, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam otimizar a absorção de nutrientes e melhorar o conforto digestivo.
- Absorção de Nutrientes: Contém uma mistura de enzimas vegetarianas desenvolvidas para apoiar a biodisponibilidade e absorção de nutrientes, promovendo uma digestão eficiente.*
- Suporte à Digestão: Facilita a quebra normal de proteínas, peptídeos, polissacarídeos e dissacarídeos, auxiliando na digestão de laticínios, fibras e proteínas.*
- Enzimas Digestivas: Oferece uma combinação de enzimas digestivas vegetarianas de amplo espectro, projetadas para proporcionar atividade ideal em uma ampla faixa de pH.
- Blend de Enzimas para Laticínios: Esta mistura de enzimas vegetarianas apoia a digestão de laticínios, açúcares, lactose e certos carboidratos complexos, aliviando o desconforto ocasional, como gases ou inchaço.
- Diferencial Pure: O que deixamos de fora também é importante; os produtos Pure Encapsulations são isentos de alérgenos comuns, ingredientes artificiais ou desnecessários e OGM.
1. Melhora na Digestão: Ajuda a quebrar alimentos complexos, facilitando a digestão e reduzindo o desconforto gastrointestinal.
2. Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: Promove uma melhor biodisponibilidade dos nutrientes, garantindo que o corpo aproveite ao máximo os alimentos consumidos.
3. Alívio de Sintomas Digestivos: Contribui para a redução de gases e inchaço, proporcionando conforto após as refeições.
4. Formulação Vegetariana: Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, sem comprometer a eficácia das enzimas digestivas.
5. Isento de Alergênicos: Seguro para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares, pois não contém ingredientes artificiais ou OGM.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Pure Encapsulations Digestive Enzymes Ultra antes de cada refeição. Isso garantirá que as enzimas estejam disponíveis para auxiliar na digestão dos alimentos consumidos. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Lotus54 –
I have used another Pure Encapsulations product in the past (Phyto-ADR, an adrenal support formula), so when I developed Chronic Pancreatitis and realized I would need to start taking Digestive Enzymes on a regular basis, I was relieved to discover Pure Encapsulations makes several varieties. I trust this brand immensely. I compared this particular product with two others that Pure makes, Pancreatic Enzymes and Pancreatic VegEnzymes, the former being pig-derived and the latter being plant based. I did a lot of reading about how enzymes work, and animal-based vs. plant-based performance. I decided a plant-based formula was better for my needs because from what I’ve read, they are able to stay stable and start working while in the stomach, then continue to work in the small intestine, versus animal-based enzymes which only start working in the small intestine. The head start in the stomach seemed important, considering my pancreas is still healing and I’d like to save it as much work as possible. Now, back to this product, which is also plant based. I chose this product over the Pancreatic VegEnzyme formula because it actually contains a higher enzyme content as well as a larger variety of enzymes. The pancreatic formula only contains the primary protease, lipase and amylase enzymes (which work on protein, fat and carbs respectively), whereas this Digestive Enzyme Ultra formula contains those mentioned plus additional enzymes such as lactase (dairy), cellulase, invertase and more. I figure I’ll need help with digesting everything I eat, so this seemed to be a more complete option.
I was very surprised at how tiny these capsules are! I’ve had digestive enzymes in the past and they’ve always been larger, these are very small. That’s nice though, they’re super easy to swallow even without water if needed or in a bite of food, and because they’re so small they fit into a smaller bottle which is convenient to toss into almost any purse to take along with me. Because a damaged pancreas often doesn’t produce enough enzymes to break down food fully, the result is identifiable food in the stool that wasn’t properly digested. There has been no sign of this since taking this formula, which is some comforting proof that it’s working. I’ll definitely stick with this brand that I have come to trust and would recommend these to anyone.
One general word of caution about enzymes: compare brand labels carefully, digestive enzymes have become more popular lately and as a result brands are popping up from nowhere and I’ve run into a lot of junk websites/products in the process. Make sure the enzymes are labeled in their own units (HUT, SAPU, FIP, etc) and not in generic milligrams, which tell you only the weight and not the actual quantity of each enzyme. You don’t need to understand these units, simply compare HUT to HUT and SAPU’s to SAPU’s for example, to see which brand offers the highest quantities overall. You can look at the complete label for this formula and Pure’s other formulas on their website
Update 01/17/14: I just thought I’d add a quick note now that I’ve been taking these regularly for several months. I have noticed a huge difference since taking these and wouldn’t trade these for the world. On the occasions when I’ve skipped them I usually feel some discomfort and it’s a reminder of how well they are working. I started taking these for my pancreatic problems, but I’ve noticed massively improved digestion/elimination benefits as well. Just thought I’d offer that update.
Ryan –
I’ve used these in college and other times and I’ve found this is the best brand for especially digestive enzymes. I usually take it before a big meal and have no issues digesting during and after. Gives you this feeling of balancing out when you don’t have to digest a big meal and have stomach upset, bloating, etc.
Tess –
Trouble digesting food? Feel heavy and like a ROCK is sitting in your stomach for days after you eat? THIS WORKS!! Side effects such as naseau, or adverse reactions: NONE!! This is by far the BEST brand of supplements I have gotten, and was referred to me by my Nutritionist, who is an NP. I am a healthy eater, A NEG blood type, and a slim person at 5′ 2″ and 110 lbs, but have always had issues after I eat, especially any meat, potatoes, bread. Sometimes for 3 plus days like I have just eaten a large meal, though I had not. My DR and then NP suggested I take these, 2 before a meal, then 1 afterwords with HCL. MY GOSH!! Within 3-4 days I noticed a huge difference, in that my body was actually PROCESSING MY FOOD!! Instead of food sitting in my gut, rotting, backing up my system and becoming TOXIC, I was able to DIGEST food and eliminate the waste.
1 Year and counting… I wouldn’t leave home without them!!! Don’t make me have to do a video on this, Y’all!
I also have severe food allergies, and these DO NOT affect my body, I tolerate them VERY WELL!! My allergist say’s I should live in an oxygen tent because my food and airborn allergies are off the chain. I’m even allergic to garlic, onion, parsley, pepper, tea, coffee, shellfish, spinach, lettuce…. I drink a lot of home made bone broth. After eliminatig so much from my diet I can easily tell when I take/consume anything that would cause me to flare up. These are one of the few things I can take that **DO NOT** cause me any allergic reactions! Can I get a Hallelujah ?!
REDUCED ANXIETY- Knowing I would feel awful each time I ate a meal, really began to create anxiety for me. Now, taking this product, I know that my body has what it needs to help break down my food, and I dont have to stress about it. I have a small pill box I carry in my purse, and these are always on me, with HCL, where ever I go! Any restaurant, date, ball game: No worries! I know I can eat mostly what normal people are having and not have to be sick for days after.
Yes, it is somewhat expensive, but well worth every penny not to feel sick. Do yourself a favor and buy bulk, the 120. You wont regret it.
Tammy N. –
The small bottle 90 capsules lasts only 2 weeks if you take it as suggested. So the price seems a little exorbitant. Anyway, I decided to purchase the bigger bottle to last a month for almost $65 bucks and the 2 bottles are exactly the same size. Do I need to count? I don’t remember the smaller bottle being half empty.
merlin gooch –
good products
crackerjack –
These seemed to do a decent job with helping my food to digest. I wouldn’t say I noticed any miracle or anything but I felt good and had no negative issues.
Gapo –
My tummy loves these enzymes.. I just feel good & healthy knowing I’m assisting my gut to absorb all the nutrients from my food.
Amazon Customer –
I had been using Zenpep and wanted something OTC to replace those enzymes. This was the closest match and has worked well in controlling my digestive problem. If I can get a prescription for Zenpep that is covered by insurance, I would probably use it, but if the co-pay for the prescription isn’t better that what I’m paying for these, I would not see a need to go back. I would tell anyone to check with your doc, first.
Tammy N. –
Tiene una buena cantidad y calidad de enzimas. Lo tomo regularmente
kay :) –
I would repurchase these over & over! There’s no taste, so small so definitely easy to swallow! I love taking these vitamins after bigger meals or any meal to help me digestive it a little better!