5-HTP 50 mg da Pure Encapsulations é um suplemento de 5-Hidroxitriptofano que oferece suporte ao cérebro, sono, comportamento alimentar e à produção de serotonina. A serotonina é um neurotransmissor importante envolvido na regulação da atividade endócrina e cerebral, além de ser responsável pelo apetite. Este suplemento ajuda a estimular a síntese de serotonina, promovendo um equilíbrio saudável no organismo.
O suporte ao sono é outro benefício proporcionado pelo 5-HTP. A serotonina desempenha um papel fundamental na regulação dos ciclos de sono/vigília, ajudando a promover um sono tranquilo e reparador. Além disso, o 5-HTP tem sido mostrado como um auxiliar na moderação do apetite e na redução de desejos alimentares, o que pode ser benéfico para aqueles que buscam controlar o peso e adotar hábitos alimentares saudáveis.
A Pure Encapsulations se destaca pela qualidade de seus produtos. Todos os suplementos são feitos apenas com ingredientes premium, provenientes de fornecedores confiáveis e são cuidadosamente fabricados e testados para garantir sua potência e pureza. Além disso, a Pure Encapsulations se diferencia por não utilizar em seus produtos trigo, ovos, nozes e amendoins, glúten, corantes artificiais, aromatizantes e adoçantes, revestimentos e lacas, organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs) e aditivos desnecessários, como aglutinantes, enchimentos e conservantes.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte à síntese de serotonina, importante neurotransmissor para o equilíbrio do organismo.
- Promove um sono tranquilo e reparador, auxiliando na regulação dos ciclos de sono/vigília.
- Auxilia na moderação do apetite e redução de desejos alimentares, contribuindo para o controle de peso.
- Produtos de alta qualidade, feitos com ingredientes premium e testados para garantir potência e pureza.
- Livre de ingredientes indesejados, como trigo, ovos, nozes e amendoins, glúten, corantes artificiais, aromatizantes e adoçantes, OGMs e aditivos desnecessários.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de 5-HTP 50 mg por dia, de preferência com o estômago vazio, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada.
Michelle C –
After being on anti-depressants and dealing with the side effects for about 28 years, I have completely given up prescription drugs. I just wanted to give 5 Htp a try to see if it helped.
I started out with 50 mgs and then upped it to 100 mgs, and I’ve noticed a significant difference in my mood and stress levels. What used to send me over the edge, is no longer bothering me to the point of losing it. I feel calmer, more in control of my feelings and able to take time, think about things and handle things calmly.
This has been a great help to me and my relationships, so I will keep on buying. Thank you.
Andrew Oliver (main AZN account) –
Simply the best. Well worth the price. If you’re not familiar with; Pure Encapsulation – they are simply the best supplement company in the world. They will completely change your viewpoint on supplements and how much better a supplement from Pure Encapsulation is than 99% of supplements. Simply: it’s 100% supplement, no fillers, no preservatives etc etc etc. The two big result differences are; effectiveness and ease of digestion. I highly recommend.
adriana –
I ordered this product because I had trouble sleeping due to menopause. After reading several reviews, I found that this one had the best feedback. I’ve been taking one capsule before bed, and for the first time in months, I slept through the night without waking up. It truly gave me a deep feeling of rest, just by getting a good night’s sleep.
Melissa Coe –
I’ve reviewed other comments and reviews of other 5HTP products and only a few of the comments are helpful about the product itself. Most reviews are people telling of their own personal battles with fighting depression and anxiety or uncommon side effects (vivid dreams, upset stomach, etc.). I too had those side effects for the first few days I started taking 5HTP, but it was more my body getting used to the supplement rather than something being wrong with the product itself.
I’ve been using this brand for close to 2 years. Pure was was recommended by my doctor, it’s the only brand my Dr. trusts as it is the most consistent in product quality which can be hard to find in vitamins and supplements. Even though this brand is more expensive than other 5HTP options out there, this one is consistent every single time. I’ll continue to purchase Pure knowing that I will feel a consistent healthy calm every single day.
Tomn –
Product was delivered on time and in great condition.
Sarah Faye Leggett –
I ordered this because of recommendations from 2 different groups. One for trouble sleeping in menopause and 1 for coming off of seroquel for sleep. I read a lot of reviews and this one had the best reviews. I received this yesterday and took 1 about 2 hours before bed. For the 1st time in months I slept all night and didn’t wake up. Truly gave me so much happiness, just getting sleep. This will be a permanent supplement that is now added to my others.
Kelly C –
I’ve been taking 50mg of 5 HTP with 500mg of Tyrosine and 10mg of DHEA for a week now and noticed an improvement with energy, mood, and motivation. When I tried the tyrosine by itself, it made me anxious and jittery. When I took the 5 HTP by itself, it helped to lift some depression and make life bearable, but didn’t really have the energy I needed to get out of bed. Combining both of those along with 10 mg of DHEA I was able to see a marked improvement. I’m in my 40’s and the dhea was recommended by my endocrinologist based off labs. Anyway, the energy I have now is balanced. Not a nervous or jittery energy. Not only am I cleaning and organizing the house, I have a little dance in my step as well. I’m more patient and just have an overall feeling of wellbeing. I seem to sleep better too. More sound. As long as I’m not watching tv before bed. I have not tried any other brand of HTP so don’t have anything to compare it too. I have hashimotos, adrenal insufficiency (Addisons) and low iron, so I’m usually tired all the time, which makes me depressed because there’s so much my heart wants to do but don’t have the strength to. This combination has me feeling like myself again; ambitious and positive. And I think the DHEA is helping me to feel stronger. Great combination.
K. Palmer –
I could buy a size 16 instead of a size 22 if I could just get rid of my belly fat. I do not like tight fitting clothes around my belly. I heard on the Dr. Oz show that this product will help burn belly fat. Sorry, it didn’t even make a dent in my tummy, just my wallet. I eat properly, but due to a medical condition, I am not able to exercise. I don’t know if that makes a difference or not. So, sadly, this product was a thumbs down for me.