O PuraDyme PuraZyme é um suplemento de enzimas digestivas em cápsulas desenvolvido por Lou Corona, projetado para otimizar a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes essenciais. Composto por uma mistura poderosa de enzimas, este produto é uma solução prática e eficaz para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde digestiva. Cada frasco contém 120 cápsulas, oferecendo uma abordagem conveniente para o bem-estar gastrointestinal. O PuraZyme se destaca por suas atividades enzimáticas elevadas, focando na degradação de proteínas, carboidratos e gorduras que não são adequadamente digeridas, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente e equilibrada.
As enzimas presentes no PuraZyme são fundamentais para a pré-digestão dos alimentos, ajudando a reduzir o acúmulo de substâncias indesejadas no organismo. Ao facilitar a quebra das moléculas alimentares, o PuraZyme não apenas melhora a digestão, mas também potencializa a absorção de nutrientes, contribuindo para uma saúde gastrointestinal ideal. Com o uso regular, os consumidores podem experimentar uma redução significativa em desconfortos digestivos, como inchaço e gases, promovendo um estado geral de bem-estar.
– Melhora a digestão: PuraZyme ajuda a quebrar as moléculas de proteínas, carboidratos e gorduras, facilitando a digestão e absorção dos nutrientes essenciais.
– Promove a saúde gastrointestinal: Ao reduzir o acúmulo de proteínas, carboidratos e gorduras não digeridas, PuraZyme contribui para um equilíbrio saudável no trato gastrointestinal.
– Aumenta a absorção de nutrientes: Com uma digestão mais eficiente, o corpo é capaz de absorver melhor os nutrientes dos alimentos, maximizando os benefícios para a saúde.
– Alivia desconfortos digestivos: PuraZyme pode ajudar a aliviar sintomas como inchaço, gases e indigestão, proporcionando alívio e bem-estar.
– Potencializa a saúde geral: Ao melhorar a digestão e absorção de nutrientes, PuraZyme contribui para uma saúde geral aprimorada, fortalecendo o sistema imunológico e promovendo a vitalidade.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de PuraZyme antes das principais refeições. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme as necessidades individuais, sendo aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Essa prática garantirá que você obtenha o máximo benefício do produto, adaptando-o às suas necessidades específicas e promovendo uma digestão saudável e eficiente.
SweetJenny –
I took these on an empty stomach and could feel them working. Felt “funny” as if I was detoxing. I lowered the dose to 2 pills twice a day with food instead of on an empty stomach and that didn’t make me feel “funny”. It definitely does the job for me. I feel like food is getting digested and I have good bowel movements. I will try again to have these on an empty stomach in a week or so, maybe my body will get more used to it by then.
ItsMe –
I purchased the 120 capsule bottle. Let’s get the math straight:
Serving Size: 4 capsules
Recommended: 4 capsules, twice daily.
8 capsules per day.
So 1 bottle of 120 capsules will last 17 days.
At $70 per 120 capsules you’re looking at $140 per month. 😬. That’s about $4.66 per day.
I don’t know if your pockets are lined with gold but mine are not. Seriously expensive.
I can’t tell if the product is working in such a short period of time. If you take the product for however many months, do know it’s going to break the bank. I’m sure the product is good but there’s no refund if it doesn’t live up to your expectations.
I really can’t tell the product is making any significant changes in my body but I did question it because my bottle felt empty after 9 days. So I went back and counted the capsules and wondered why it felt so empty…oh yeah… 8 capsules per day.
This is an update to my initial review.
I have now been corrected by the manufacturer and also informed about what this product is intended for as it is not listed in the description nor on the website from the manufacturer.
*I highly recommend contacting the manufacturer and discussing their products to get a better understanding of what they are for and how to use them for your specific health goals as their website and description online is extremely vague. Below is a statement I received from one of their representatives:
The PuraZyme label lists a 4 capsule serving size for a total of 30 servings. Suggested use is 2 servings/day.
Many people take one serving per day. That is an option as the suggestion of taking 2 servings twice daily is just that, a suggestion.
I personally take ½ serving twice daily (ie. 2 capsules). I take 2 capsules in the (AM) and 2 capsules in the (PM) on an empty stomach.
To be clear there are 30 (4capsule) servings in a 120ct bottle of PuraZyme as stated on the label.
PuraZyme is formulated for a 2 week detox program. Then most stay on a ½ serving twice daily after their 2 week program or move to LiyfZyme. Some even do both depending on their goals.
If you are using PuraZyme as an everyday digestive I would recommend the LiyfZyme.
So there we have it.
Robert R. –
I’ve never found a enzyme that did much for me, but Lou did his homework. Great product!
Amazon Customer –
A very good product it helps digest all the food in your stomach so it increases your energy levels in your body..goes straight into your bloodstream to fight off pathogens or bad bacteria that come from cooked Foods.. it gives you a overall sense of well-being
robert martin –
received in good condition
Amazon Customer –
Dan the Man McDonald who is a juicing Guru recommended these. They work very well but I go through them fairly fast and they’re more expensive hi. They last about 20 days but I keep buying them. I wish they were cheaper but they do work well. As he says, with digestion yeah you have to have the enzymes but you have to have the minerals. They go hand-in-hand
Stroke Victor –
I love this product it’s very high quality. It’s just very expensive. It does clear out old accumulated fat in the body. But I ran out. It lasted about 3 weeks Taking 3 times daily.
My request is for Lou to make this a 300 Count bottle. So folks can take ten pills daily. I will purchase more next month.
It helps to break up visceral fat and other Fast food if you have no choice but to eat that. Good Luck guys…
Lavina –
We have used many enzymes and love this one, from this company. All of the products from PuraDyme are great and work as intended.