O Puori Vegan Plant Protein Enhancer Powder é um suplemento em pó com sabor neutro, desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Composto por proteína de ervilha de alta qualidade e enriquecido com cálcio derivado de algas marinhas, este produto oferece uma solução prática e eficiente para aumentar a ingestão de proteínas e cálcio em dietas baseadas em plantas. Cada embalagem contém 25 porções, tornando-o uma opção conveniente para o dia a dia.
Este suplemento foi criado com o objetivo de facilitar o consumo diário de aminoácidos essenciais, que muitas vezes são difíceis de obter em quantidades adequadas em dietas vegetarianas ou veganas. A proteína de ervilha é uma fonte completa, fornecendo todos os aminoácidos essenciais necessários para a manutenção da saúde muscular e do bem-estar geral. Além disso, o cálcio de algas marinhas, que é naturalmente rico em minerais, é uma alternativa saudável ao cálcio proveniente de laticínios, frequentemente escasso em dietas veganas.
A história dos ingredientes do Puori Vegan Plant Protein Enhancer Powder é marcada pela pureza e qualidade. O cálcio de algas marinhas é extraído de algas vermelhas fossilizadas, preservando seus nutrientes através de um processo a frio que garante uma absorção superior em comparação com outras fontes de cálcio. Cada lote do produto é rigorosamente testado pelo Clean Label Project, que assegura a pureza e potência, com resultados disponíveis para consulta pública, promovendo total transparência.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Fonte de proteína vegana de alta qualidade com todos os aminoácidos essenciais.
- 2. Enriquecido com cálcio naturalmente derivado de algas marinhas.
- 3. Fácil de incorporar em shakes e receitas alimentares.
- 4. Testado quanto à pureza e potência pelo Clean Label Project.
- 5. Publicação de todos os resultados dos testes para total transparência.
O Puori Vegan Plant Protein Enhancer Powder oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina alimentar. Primeiramente, ele fornece uma fonte confiável de proteína vegana, essencial para a construção e reparação muscular. Em segundo lugar, o cálcio derivado de algas marinhas contribui para a saúde óssea, especialmente importante em dietas que excluem laticínios. Além disso, sua fórmula de sabor neutro permite que seja facilmente adicionado a smoothies, sopas e receitas de panificação, sem alterar o sabor dos pratos. Outro ponto positivo é a garantia de pureza e qualidade, que traz confiança ao consumidor. Por fim, a conveniência de ter 25 porções em uma única embalagem facilita a adesão a uma dieta saudável e equilibrada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (20g) do Puori Vegan Plant Protein Enhancer Powder em 200-300ml de água, leite vegetal ou incorporá-lo em suas receitas favoritas, como smoothies, panquecas ou sopas. O uso diário é aconselhado para maximizar os benefícios nutricionais, podendo ser ajustado conforme a orientação de um profissional de saúde. A versatilidade do produto permite que ele se adapte facilmente à sua rotina, garantindo que você atinja suas metas de ingestão de proteínas e cálcio de forma prática e saborosa.
Ana –
I had been using another brand of vegan protein boost for years and the company stopped selling it. I found this brand, tried it and immediately feel in love with it. NO gritty texture at all! I add it to my yogurt, seed butter, avocado, just about anything when I need an extra 10 grams.
Wish I had found it sooner but so happy to have it now!❤️
Oksana –
I use this protein powder in my green smoothie bowl everyday. I like that it does not have any natural flavors ( which has nothing natural in it) and thus I can taste whatever fruit or superfood I put in my smoothie. This protein maybe not the cheapest but I am willing to pay for a quality product that has Clean Label Project certification, Pesticide Free certification and Clean Label Transparency Project Certification. Clean Label Project is a nonprofit organization that examines labeling safety issues and tests products for presence of heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, and toxins like bisphenol A also known as BPA. Because Puori is on their “nice and not naughty” list, I consume this protein knowing that it is good and beneficial for me and my body. In addition, this protein has algae calcium which is a great addition to my smoothie bowl since it has additional benefits. I am happy I have found this product but I did not stumble on it accidentally. I had to dig the wide word web and spent some time looking for a good quality pea protein.
Nicholas Rodriguez –
I found out about Puori from the clean label project after I stumbled upon a review that the all natural plant protein my wife was buying was loaded with harmful chemicals and other bad things. I have bought several Puori products from the multivitamin to the collagen and they all seem clean, high quality, and taste good. This protein is great smoothies and I like the fact that it isn’t favored cause it takes on the favor of the ingredients that are blended with it. It is a little spendy, but at the same time Id rather pay a few more dollars from something that I know is made with good ingredients. Its my health, which is my biggest investment.
J. P. Medina –
High quality product; easily digested, easily blended, great source of energy!
Plant based protein powders are more available than ever with two common problems; gritty powder and tough to digest. Puori has found the secret to creating a protein powder that stays with me through rigorous exercise without the bloating and discomfort. In addition, the neutral flavor and fine powder allows fruits and vegetables to take center stage in my smoothies.
Highly recommended
Abby –
It is hard to find a good plant protein powder since so many have either sweeteners, heavy metals or are gritty) I love this protein powder because It is not gritty and tasteless. I blend with with greens and fruit as a smoothie and can barely detect it. A big selling feature to me is that it has been tested for heavy metals which is super hard to find in a plant protein. It also has added calcium and no sugar 🙂
Louise M.R. – @Riseupfightwear –
I was looking for a good quality, unflavored pea protein powder that didn’t taste horrible and yet had lower calories. Found it here! With only 100 calories per 20g of protein, 0 flavor, Vegan and it was on sale, I couldn’t go wrong! You can add your fruits, veggies and nut butters and not worry about adding too many calories. It blends really well due to how finely powdered it is and I even use in my low cal baking recipes! This product contains 95% Pea protein isolate and a Vegan Algae Calcium which is a great combination because it not only helps to maintain muscle mass but also supports bone health. I was also happy to see this company is responsible in harvesting the Algae to preserve the local marine environment. I definitely recommend a try on this product! It’s vegan, low calorie, 0 carbs, blends really well and the company has good business ethics!
The canister is always bent and damaged in all directions when it arrives at our front door. Don’t know if it’s the warehouse’s fault or where to even begin.
Erica –
I was researching protein powders to fit my needs when I discovered that most of them on the market were harmful and contained warnings on the bottle. My research lead me to Puori which is clean label project certified. In short clean label project is a National non-profit organization which works to bring transparency to food and consumer product labeling. CLP has tested over 100 protein powders/drinks and discovered heavy metals, BPA, pesticides, and other contaminants in most of the products. Puori was one of a few certified protein powders on the site so I took a chance. This is the best tasting protein powder that I have tried. You can still tell that the protein is added to the smoothies and it does change the taste. However, I still enjoy my smoothies and most importantly I feel safe consuming the product while meeting my goals. I am on my second bottle and I will purchase again.