Descrição Detalhada:
As Pulseiras para Enjoo de Movimento são uma solução inovadora e natural para quem sofre com náuseas, dores de cabeça, insônia, ansiedade e enjoo causado por movimentos. Fabricadas em silicone de alta qualidade, essas pulseiras são macias, confortáveis e possuem um design elegante que se adapta perfeitamente ao pulso. O seu design ergonômico garante que a pulseira se mantenha no lugar, mesmo durante atividades físicas. As contas de acupressão, compostas por silicone branco e metal, não apenas proporcionam conforto, mas também incorporam terapia magnética, aumentando a eficácia do produto.
A técnica de acupressão utilizada nas pulseiras é uma terapia alternativa segura e suave, que atua estimulando quatro pontos de pressão específicos (H7/P7/LU9/P6) localizados no pulso. Essa estimulação ajuda a aliviar sintomas comuns como enjoo de movimento, enjoo matinal, ansiedade, insônia, estresse, dor de cabeça e náuseas, sem a necessidade de medicamentos e seus efeitos colaterais. A pulseira é ajustável, permitindo um encaixe personalizado, e pode ser facilmente adaptada a diferentes tamanhos de pulso, tornando-a ideal para adultos, crianças e mulheres grávidas.
Essas pulseiras são especialmente eficazes para quem enfrenta enjoo em viagens de avião, carro ou barco, além de serem úteis para mulheres grávidas que sofrem com enjoo matinal. A acupressão também é benéfica para reduzir os efeitos colaterais de tratamentos como quimioterapia e condições pós-operatórias. Ao usar as pulseiras, você pode desfrutar de uma vida mais saudável e ativa, sem que o enjoo atrapalhe suas experiências, seja em uma viagem ou no dia a dia.
Você receberá uma unidade das Pulseiras para Enjoo de Movimento, que inclui uma pulseira na cor Beryl e outra na cor Pink, cada uma com seis contas de acupressão. Experimente a liberdade de se mover sem preocupações e aproveite cada momento da sua jornada.
- Alívio natural e eficaz de enjoo de movimento, enjoo matinal e outros sintomas relacionados;
- Material de silicone de alta qualidade, que proporciona conforto e durabilidade;
- Design ergonômico que se adapta perfeitamente ao pulso, garantindo segurança durante o uso;
- Pulseira ajustável para um encaixe personalizado, ideal para diferentes tamanhos de pulso;
- Estimulação de pontos de acupressão que promove alívio imediato e sem efeitos colaterais.
Para utilizar as Pulseiras para Enjoo de Movimento, ajuste a pulseira ao redor do pulso como um relógio, assegurando que as contas de acupressão estejam posicionadas corretamente sobre os pontos de pressão (H7/P7/LU9/P6) conforme indicado no manual de instruções. É importante garantir um ajuste confortável, mas firme, para maximizar a eficácia da acupressão. As pulseiras podem ser usadas sempre que você sentir sintomas de enjoo de movimento, enjoo matinal, ansiedade, insônia, estresse, dor de cabeça ou náuseas. São adequadas para uso por adultos, crianças e mulheres grávidas, proporcionando um alívio natural e prático em diversas situações do dia a dia.
Atl Chris –
I used the metal piece. No instructions on where to place the band for antinausea so I had to Google it. I used to get car sick all the time and now it’s very very minimal!
Anny Sánchez –
Great product!
Isabelle –
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I tried these out because sometimes I get motion sick in the car and I think they actually have helped!
A couple strange things about them:
1. I ordered a 2-pack and received 2 different styles, not just 2 different colors. Honestly both styles are fine so this isn’t really a complaint, just be aware that they’re not always the same.
2. The instructions seemed to be pretty badly translated to English so they were fairly unhelpful. I had to look up where to place them on my wrist to be on the right pressure point and mess around with them for a while to figure out how to get them to be comfortable but not too loose. My video and picture show both on the same wrist just to show you how I ended up preferring to wear them, I think ideally you’d wear one on each wrist.
3. They’re a little tough to put on alone but with practice I can get them on and off pretty easily now. It helped me to use my lap/a table to hold the strap in place while I fasten it.
Nice features:
1. You can move the little bead to any of the holes on the bracelet so these seem like they’d be super customizable for different wrist sizes!
2. They included spare beads in case you lose some. There are 2 metal beads and 4 plastic ones. The metal ones are definitely more comfortable in my opinion
3. The band has notches that the instructions said you can cut if you end up with too much extra length. I haven’t done that yet but it’s a nice feature!
*Note: In the video you can see that I’m wearing my bracelets with the notched side of the band up. I think this is the opposite of what the instructions suggested but I found it to be a lot more comfortable once I tucked the extra band back under. (Buckle and tuck type of watch band, I think it’s called?)
Amazon Customer –
Went on a cruise to Alaska. I’ve never been seasick before but this trip was on a smaller boat with several excursion trips on even smaller boats and charter busses and very small planes and I knew the weather would be unpredictable so I wanted to have a backup plan just in case. Did a pre-trip trial of a seasick patch and the side effects (for me) were so bad I had to come up with another option. I thought Dramamine would knock me out, and I’d read it’s not that effective, so I chose this band. First full day at sea we hit rough waters and I was MISERABLE. These bands did nothing except make my wrists / arms uncomfortable. A concoction of Benadryl and Dramamine purchased on the boat kept me from getting sick again. Don’t waste your money on these bands.
Amazon Customer –
Si quieres perder dinero, compra este producto no sirve para nada. Solo causa dolor constante
BookwormMomma –
Light and comfy How would one know where the pressure point is located on the wrist? One metal peg is easy to insert. The 2 other plastic pegs are impossible to insert in the holes Sadly, a bad design altogether. I would not recommend it.
Kindle Customer –
If you have vertigo, and tend to have motion sickness in higher altitudes, since getting this, both are a thing of the pass. I used to use the elastic bands but they are an eye sore and the fancy rechargeable kind which is bulky. Found these and virtually had no issues with vertigo or motion sickness, specially when going to amusement parks and roller coasters, which I love, became an issue, after eye surgery. Recently I had my first ear infection of my lifetime and I was glad to have these babies as my balance was affected by the infection and the bands helped me, feel grounded instead of like being on a boat. The company has many colors and they changed the design recently, I like the newer version better as it is easier to put on single handily, but both designs work better for me than the elastic bands and the expensive, rechargeable nausea band.
Anonymous –
Awhile back, I bought Sea-Bands brand wristbands for nausea. They work incredibly well for me (though they don’t seem to for everybody). I decided to buy a backup set that are adjustable instead of cloth, so I tried these. The instructions are horrible, but since I’ve already been using the other brand, I basically knew what to do. The video on this webpage helps some, but you should google for better help on the location of the pressure points – and make the straps comfortably snug, not tight.
If I could, I would give the wristbands 5 stars for effectiveness, comfort, and value, and 0 stars for the instructions.
Isabelle –
We have not gone on our cruise yet so hoping they work