Descrição do Produto: Jiva Organics Psyllium Husk Powder 1.75 LB Bulk Bag
Descubra o poder do Jiva Organics Psyllium Husk Powder, um produto essencial para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Com 1,75 lb de pura fibra em um pacote prático e reutilizável, este pó de casca de psyllium é a escolha perfeita para quem segue dietas como a keto, paleo ou vegana. Seu sabor neutro e textura fina permitem que ele se misture facilmente a uma variedade de receitas, tornando-o um aliado versátil na cozinha.
- Mixes Well, Perfect For Baking Keto Bread & More: Adicione uma colher de chá de psyllium husk em seu smoothie, suco ou bebida favorita. Ele é ideal para receitas de pães keto sem glúten, massas de pizza e biscoitos. Com Jiva Organics, é super simples aproveitar os benefícios saudáveis dessa fonte de fibra orgânica.
- HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE & COUNTLESS USES: Cada colher de chá contém cerca de 4g de fibra, tornando-o uma excelente adição a água, sucos, leites vegetais, smoothies e produtos assados. É perfeito para quem adota um estilo de vida saudável, incluindo opções de alimentação limpa e biohacking.
- Product of India: Este produto é certificado orgânico pelo USDA, garantindo a pureza e a qualidade que você merece.
- Psyllium is often used as fiber to help: É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde específicas.
- 28 Oz Value Bag: O pacote é feito de papel kraft com um selo reutilizável, garantindo frescor e praticidade.
1. Aumento da Fibra na Dieta: Cada colher de chá fornece 4g de fibra, essencial para a saúde digestiva.
2. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Ideal para diversas receitas, desde pães até smoothies, facilitando a inclusão de fibra na alimentação diária.
3. Apoio a Dietas Específicas: Perfeito para quem segue dietas keto, paleo, veganas e sem glúten, ajudando a manter a saciedade.
4. Produto Orgânico e Não-Transgênico: Garantia de qualidade e pureza, sem aditivos químicos.
5. Fácil de Usar: Mistura-se facilmente em líquidos e massas, tornando o preparo de refeições saudáveis mais prático.
Para aproveitar ao máximo o Jiva Organics Psyllium Husk Powder, adicione uma colher de chá a 240 ml de água ou suco e misture bem. Deixe descansar por alguns minutos antes de consumir, para que a fibra possa expandir e criar uma consistência mais espessa. Você também pode incorporá-lo em receitas de pães, bolos e biscoitos, substituindo parte da farinha ou adicionando à massa. Lembre-se de aumentar a ingestão de água ao usar psyllium para garantir uma digestão saudável.
Wendy Pepe –
This is the powder version of psyllium husk. It’s convenient to sneak into your food. Like adding 2 tsp to bread crumbs, or a teaspoon to oatmeal etc. More pleasant than drinking. However, if u mix well, it’s also tolerable in oj. – it works great for my belly. 😉
Alicia D’Ambrosia –
Doesn’t dissolve at all in cold things. Earthy taste, very clumpy and makes things very thick. But it does it’s job in the poop department. Wish I didn’t miss the return window to return though as I prefer a grainier psyllium husk that dissolves better. Since I refused to throw this out or just let it waste space, this may be growing on me as I have realized that I’d just rather mix it in a shaker or blender bottle, with water or juice and chug it. Right away. Before it gets thick. I’m taking it as a good, organic fiber supplement…it’s not supposed to be fun or delicious.
Robert H –
This doesn’t taste particularly good and it doesn’t dissolve that well either. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the product; that is the nature of psyllium husk powder. I started using It at the recommendation of my GI doctor. My first experiment was using name brand Konsyl I bought at my local big box store. It worked; in fact the results were amazing (regular poops at last). I decided I’d be using the product on a permanent basis so I searched Amazon and found the Jiva Organics. It looks, tastes, and works the same as the name brand stuff. I am reusing the Konsyl container for daily use because the paper bag wouldn’t be as convenient or as durable as a plastic canister.
This is a good product and it is recommended. Note there’s no dosage or other information on the label
Izzy –
Old enough that my legumes are now failing me. Tried Metimucil 2 different times and kept giving away. Tasted horrible and really unhealthy additives.
Only have had this for a few days but found the secret mixing process – not it wasn’t my bullet blender, immersion tool, protein like shaker dispenser but a good old DINNER FORK and its all disolved. No clean up either, yeah. I chill the water and squirt some liquid Stevia in and it goes down easily.
Mark A. Mathews –
… but having used psyllium on the advice of my Doctor for over twenty years, I have to say I am extremely impressed with the quality of the bag I received from Jiva Organics some months ago.
This product is cheaper in bulk than the Konsyl and CVS brand I am accustomed to but it is also significantly less repugnant. Any version of psyllium will work, but the issue is forcing yourself to take it day after day, so the taste makes a big difference to me.
The taste of the other brands I mentioned are reminiscent of the dust from a horse trail, which is not a pleasant association. This product is relatively tasteless.
This version also dissolves in water immediately when agitated without forming clumps, which I find much easier to swallow quickly before it gels. It appears to be extremely well dried.
I keep mine in an airtight container; once psyllium gets damp it’s going to be difficult to dole out.
And as any user of psyllium should already know, you have to drink extra liquids after taking it, otherwise you are likely to wake up in the middle of the night with a cramp.
After twenty years you’d think I would have learned that lesson, but I still sometimes forget …
Amazon Customer –
I need to take fiber for digestive issues. This one dissolves well. It has no taste at all. Sometimes I squeeze in some lemon juice. I will also try orange juice.. It is natural and organic without added chemicals type of E… for color and artificial taste. I just thought of maybe adding it to regular orange juice instead of water. Possibilities are there… What matters most you do not want to help your body adding fiber and at the same time hurt it with all the chemical additives. This one is perfect- natural and organic.
D&LL –
According to the label of Jiva Organics Organic Psyllium Husk Powder, each 0.5 g serving contains only 0.3 g dietary fiber. This is only 60% dietary fiber, compared to my preferred brand’s 80% dietary fiber. This is significant in that, at the same cost per ounce, net cost of Jiva would be 33% more dollars per gram of dietary fiber.
Scott P. –
I started using Chia Seeds due to a nerve issue after shingles. This was the best deal I could find at 2.2 pounds and since both my wife and I use it, the product will last longer and although I like to buy locally we are on a fixed income is this is the best price I could find on Amazon and locally. Will update after using for a while if there is any difference in the product compared to others (if update is possible)