Descrição do Produto: It’s Just! – Psyllium Husk Powder
Descubra o poder do Psyllium Husk Powder da It’s Just!, um suplemento alimentar que transforma sua rotina de saúde e bem-estar. Este pó fino, proveniente da casca de psyllium, é cuidadosamente selecionado e moído para garantir a máxima qualidade e eficácia. Com aproximadamente 70% de fibra solúvel e 30% de fibra insolúvel, o Psyllium Husk é um aliado poderoso para quem busca uma dieta equilibrada, especialmente em regimes de baixo carboidrato e keto.
O Psyllium Husk Powder é conhecido por suas propriedades que melhoram a saúde digestiva. Sua rica composição em fibras promove a regularidade intestinal, atraindo água e resíduos para formar uma substância escorregadia que facilita a passagem dos alimentos pelo trato digestivo. Além disso, atua como um pré-biótico e laxante formador de volume, contribuindo para o funcionamento saudável do cólon. Ao ser misturado com água, sucos ou outras bebidas, o pó não se dissolve completamente, o que o torna ideal para diversas preparações.
Para os amantes da culinária keto, este ingrediente é indispensável. O Psyllium Husk serve como um aglutinante, imitando a textura tradicional de pães e produtos de panificação. Ao combiná-lo com a goma xantana, você pode criar delícias de baixo carboidrato que satisfazem o paladar sem comprometer sua dieta.
Produzido na Índia e embalado nos Estados Unidos, este produto é cuidadosamente processado em uma instalação que segue rigorosos padrões de boas práticas de fabricação (GMP). Cada lote é controlado, garantindo que você receba sempre a versão mais fresca e de alta qualidade, com uma vida útil de até 2 anos a partir da data de fabricação.
– Saúde Digestiva Aprimorada: Promove a regularidade intestinal e a saúde do cólon.
– Ideal para Dietas Keto: Perfeito para receitas de panificação de baixo carboidrato, mantendo a textura desejada.
– Fonte Natural de Fibra: Rico em fibras solúveis e insolúveis, essencial para uma dieta equilibrada.
– Produzido com Qualidade: Embalado em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de segurança alimentar.
– Frescor Garantido: Produzido em pequenos lotes, assegurando a máxima frescura e eficácia.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Psyllium Husk Powder, adicione 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do pó em um copo de água, suco ou smoothie. Misture bem e consuma imediatamente. Para receitas de panificação, utilize como substituto de glúten ou como aglutinante, combinando com outros ingredientes secos. É importante aumentar a ingestão de água ao consumir fibras para garantir a eficácia e evitar desconfortos digestivos.
Amazon Customer –
I like that this is a simple powder with a small serving size (1 tsp) that still has 4 g of insoluble fiber. I looked everywhere for something comparable, and I haven’t found anything that meets the nutrition facts. This was important to me, as other brands/capsules don’t have that much insoluble fiber OR require you to take like 6+ horse pills a day… pass.
That being said, this stuff really does taste like dirt and it doesn’t dissolve (as advertised). Kudos to folks in the reviews saying they can chug their glass of water and move on with their day. I wanted to vomit every time I tried that.
I was able to do what someone else here recommended, which was stirring it into another powder they put in their daily drink (for me, that’s collagen I mix into my morning tea). I mixed the 2 powders together with a fork, then mixed that really good into my tea, then kept mixing it as the tea cooled/as I drank it. Yes, you will still get tiny clumps, and yes, at the very end you kind of have to chug whatever dregs are left at the bottom. But A) it doesn’t taste nearly as bad, and B) it’s much easier to chug the last 2 sips of flavored, mostly dissolved tea than an 8 oz glass of dirt.
Amazon Customer –
The superior quality and performance of this product warrant repeat purchases. Its fine texture and excellent functionality are noteworthy.
KC Mills –
I add this to smoothies to get additional fiber. It also helps to thicken the smoothie and keeps me fuller for longer. Mixes really easily in the blender, and the larger bag is great for the price. This works great to get things moving, so I’d say it’s strong. It doesn’t have a smell as far as I’ve noticed.
B Livas –
Has a muddy colour and taste. Tried the first serving and will not finish the rest. Bag does not reseal properly. Will never buy this brand again.
Customer –
I buy psyllium husk to make keto bread. This brand gave me brown psyllium husk while I’ve been buying blonde. The taste with either is fine, but the color difference is obvious. I don’t mind the color difference but it’s important to know the difference in what I’m getting to avoid surprise results.
Amazon Customer –
I followed someone else’s review and ordered a coffee frother in addition to this powder as they said it would mitigate some of the texture issue (gritty) and make it easier to chug. The first 3-4 times I drank this powder, the frother helped to an extent but honestly? It tastes like drinking used cat litter (minus the ammonia). Get some orange-flavored Metamucil and call it a day. Maybe you could bake this into your morning baked-oats or muffins, etc and it would be much more manageable, but on its own is just no way to treat yourself on a daily basis. You deserve better.
Timothy Mullins –
This is perfect for anyone having trouble going to the bathroom. It’s powder and meant to be mixed with water. I use a flavor packet to help the taste as the taste of the powder can be off putting. It’s not flavorless or just has no extra flavor. It’s very earthy but two tablespoons with 16oz of water is perfect for me.
AS81828384 –
I love this stuff. Way cheaper than Metamucil and pretty much the same thing. I mix it into my oatmeal each morning (at the end to avoid the purple). I also enjoy mixing it with Greek yogurt. Makes it taste like a pie with graham cracker crust. A nice treat actually.
Customer –
Ordered this as an alternative to the orange flavored brand name products (as the taste of the orange flavored is not my thing). I’m very pleased with the fact that this product is 100% flavorless. You cannot taste this when adding it to things like protein shakes. It does get a little clumpy so you want to be sure to drink it without too much delay. I have a friend that recommened this to me, and she said she mixes it into brownie mix without issues. I have tried mixing it into hot coffee, which didn’t work out to well… so I don’t recommend using it in hot beverages.
Overall, I’d buy it again and I feel like I get a good value for my money.