Descrição do Produto: Psyllium Husk 1500mg por Porção, 300 Cápsulas – Suplemento de Fibra 3 em 1 com Inulina
O Psyllium Husk 1500mg é um suplemento de fibra de alta qualidade, projetado para promover a saúde digestiva de forma eficaz e prática. Cada frasco contém 300 cápsulas, oferecendo uma solução conveniente para aqueles que buscam aumentar a ingestão de fibras em sua dieta. Este produto é uma combinação poderosa de casca de psyllium, inulina e um complexo de acácia, proveniente de fontes autênticas da Índia, conhecido por sua riqueza em fibras solúveis.
- Características Especiais: 300 cápsulas de fibra de casca de psyllium com um complexo de inulina e acácia, garantindo uma fonte autêntica e rica em fibras solúveis.
- Benefícios e Uso: Suporte à saúde digestiva 3 em 1, fornecendo fibras dietéticas essenciais e prebióticos naturalmente presentes.
- Suprimento e Porções: 300 cápsulas por frasco, 3 cápsulas por porção, totalizando um suprimento de 100 dias, com 1.500mg de complexo proveniente de 1.395mg de casca de psyllium, 75mg de inulina de raiz de chicória e 30mg de acácia senegal.
- Propósito: Um suplemento de fibra tripla à base de plantas que contém pó de casca de psyllium, promovendo a ingestão ideal de fibras dietéticas para homens e mulheres.
- Qualidade Garantida: Ingredientes não transgênicos. Fabricado nos EUA. Testado em laboratório por terceiros e aprovado. Não contém glúten, laticínios, ovos, amendoim, soja, trigo ou levedura.
1. Saúde Digestiva Aprimorada: O psyllium é conhecido por ajudar a regular o trânsito intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
2. Apoio à Perda de Peso: A fibra solúvel pode ajudar a aumentar a sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle do apetite.
3. Equilíbrio do Colesterol: O consumo regular de psyllium pode contribuir para a redução dos níveis de colesterol LDL, promovendo a saúde cardiovascular.
4. Prebióticos Naturais: A presença de inulina e acácia favorece o crescimento de bactérias benéficas no intestino, melhorando a microbiota intestinal.
5. Fácil Integração na Dieta: As cápsulas são uma forma prática de adicionar fibra à dieta diária, sem a necessidade de preparar alimentos específicos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 cápsulas do Psyllium Husk 1500mg por dia, acompanhadas de um copo cheio de água. É importante garantir a hidratação adequada ao consumir fibras, pois isso ajuda a maximizar os benefícios do suplemento e a evitar desconfortos digestivos. Este produto pode ser facilmente incorporado à rotina diária, seja antes das refeições ou como parte de um lanche saudável.
Amazon Customer –
I use this for primarily baking.
It mixes easily and thickens the batter, providing structural integrity to baked goods. It’s particularly good for making breads or things that use yeast.
It gives a more springy texture compared to alternatives like guar gum and xanthan gum, so it’s not a perfect replacement if using it for cakes.
It does have a bit of a psyllium husk aftertaste, similar to its smell, but in most cases, it’s entirely unnoticeable.
Amazon Customer –
I’m really trying to make friends with this product because it is not eligible for return. I ordered this because I no longer see the unflavored where I normally buy, the sugar free is now made with stevia and is exorbitantly expensive, and the capsules don’t work well for me. This powder desolves almost too quickly, and becomes so thick, with lumps and foam on top, I can hardly get it all 2 cups of it down. Three scoops is just too much, causing gas and rapid evacuation, so I have just been using a heaping teaspoon full, mixing with a small whisk and swallowing it as quickly as possible. It does its job very well though, so I will power through this bag and make a determination to repurchase when it is nearly gone.
pStove –
So far so good. Doing the job my doctor said it would do. Two per day works for me (one with breakfast, one with dinner). The only reason I didn’t give 5 stars is that the capsule is a little difficult to swallow in that it can stick to my mouth. Honestly, a pinch of liquid moves it along so not terrible, just mentioning if anyone has trouble swallowing pills. I can normally just swallow any pill and then drink liquid afterward. These are a great value for the price and will purchase again.
rayja –
This is a nice large size for my baking of bread as it is an essential ingredient for achieving a good rise in gluten free baking, plus added fibre. I have used the Now brand for a long time, but it is not available all the time. This brand did not have any color effect on my dough product and is a bit more economical. I certainly would buy this again.
The product works great. But I was taking it at the same time as other medication’s and didn’t realize that it was affecting them. My glucose level wasn’t being controlled by a medicine that always worked, and another medicine stopped working. I was feeling poorly about a week after starting this psyllium husk. Once I started investigating, I realized that Psyllium husk can affect the absorption of other medication. I read an article that you should take this at least two hours after any other medications. Otherwise, this has been a really great Supplement to help combat Ozempic side effects.
Amazon Buyer –
I wanted the benefit of this product to avoid the chemicals in the other flavored fiber powders but the mixing with water was bothering me and it wasn’t dissolving completely. I just found out that using a Milk Frother or a Wand Drink Mixer works amazing. It’s cheap to buy, easy to use, and dissolves this fiber completely in water in a couple of seconds and makes it much better to drink.
CK –
Could use a bit of flavor enhancement to be better. You can treat the orange but very lightly, when it should have a bit more strength. Works as expected.
Carol –
Clean, natural, with prebiotics and probiotics and pysllium fiber – in the past, I’ve had terrible luck with fiber pills and swore I would never take any again. But this one has inulin (from chicory) and something prompted me to try it. To my amazement, ZERO BAD SIDE EFFECTS (be sure to swallow the pill with a full glass of water!), but several GOOD effects – getting things moving, for one.
This seems to help with weight loss. (Which wasn’t even one of my goals in taking it.)
No awful flavors, no horrible “coming back up again” –
I only take one pill, most days (I rarely remember to take non-Rx every day).
I’ve recommended this one to my sisters, daughter, mother, niece…. and my husband takes fiber pills every day (doctor’s orders, for him).
We’ll have to do the Subscribe-and-Save with this one!