O Provon Sabonete Líquido Antimicrobiano – 473 ml (16 oz) com Dosador é a solução ideal para quem busca uma limpeza eficaz e proteção contra germes e bactérias no dia a dia. Com uma fórmula avançada que contém 0,3% de cloroxilenol (PCMX), este sabonete não apenas elimina uma ampla gama de microrganismos, mas também é gentil com a pele, garantindo que suas mãos permaneçam macias e hidratadas mesmo após uso frequente. A embalagem com bomba dosadora facilita a aplicação, tornando-o perfeito para ambientes como lares, escritórios, escolas e hospitais, onde a higiene das mãos é crucial.
A ação antimicrobiana do Provon é rápida e eficaz, proporcionando uma defesa robusta contra infecções. Ao contrário de outros sabonetes medicados que podem ressecar a pele, o Provon é formulado com condicionadores que ajudam a manter a umidade natural das mãos, oferecendo uma experiência de limpeza confortável. Este produto é amplamente recomendado por profissionais de saúde, o que atesta sua qualidade e eficácia.
- 1. Proteção eficaz contra germes e bactérias, garantindo segurança em ambientes propensos a infecções.
- 2. Fórmula suave que não resseca a pele, mantendo as mãos hidratadas e confortáveis.
- 3. Praticidade da embalagem com bomba dosadora, ideal para uso frequente e fácil acesso.
- 4. Ação antimicrobiana de amplo espectro, eficaz contra uma variedade de microrganismos, incluindo vírus e fungos.
- 5. Recomendado por especialistas da saúde, assegurando a confiança na qualidade do produto.
Para utilizar o Provon Sabonete Líquido Antimicrobiano, aplique uma quantidade adequada do sabonete nas mãos úmidas. Esfregue as mãos vigorosamente até formar espuma, garantindo que todas as áreas sejam limpas, incluindo entre os dedos e sob as unhas. Enxágue bem com água corrente. Este processo deve ser repetido sempre que necessário, especialmente antes das refeições, após o uso do banheiro ou sempre que suas mãos estiverem visivelmente sujas. Lembre-se de que este produto é destinado apenas para uso externo e deve ser mantido fora do alcance de crianças.
PattyT –
I recently got a couple of tattoos and, from experience, I know how important it is to keep new ink well cleansed and free of bacteria. I do have regular antibacterial soap at home but it has a lot of fragrance in it and not much antibacterial properties. I once used a soap called Hibiclens Antiseptic/Antimicrobial Skin Liquid Soap when I had MRSA on my cheek which is a very serious bacterial infection that doesn’t respond well to antibiotics. It was amazing. I thought I would buy some for my tattoos but my tattoo artist suggested I didn’t get it because it is red in color and has a high amount of fragrance. He suggested Provon so I got that. Hibiclens has a whopping 4% of the chemical that zaps bacteria and other germs. This soap only has .3% (not 3% but 3/10th of a percent) of the same ingredient so, if you want a really heavy duty antibacterial soap, go with Hibiclens.
For my tattoo needs though, this works great. It is light yellow and has a slight medicinal scent. It is very concentrated and just a little is plenty to wash a tattoo or your hands. It rinses off well and isn’t drying. I have been using this soap on my new tattoos and they have healed fine. No peeling, no scabs, no infections! I have a couple of touch ups scheduled and a big cover up so I will be using Provon for that work too. I feel it is better than run of the mill hand soap that calls itself antibacterial. Some studies have shown that they are not even effective at all at killing germs!
The bottle of 16 ounces is a little pricey so I wouldn’t use this soap on daily hand washing basis but I do use it daily on the tattoos and when I am doing a job with my hands that gets them germy or grimy. I really don’t think most people need more antibacterial ingredients for things like piercings, tattoos, and everyday hand washing. I do think, if you have a really nasty bacterial issue that needs to be dealt with, Hibiclens is much more effective. It saved me from hospitalization and losing a chunk of my cheek where the super infection had embedded itself. Too bad it is so red that it could stain tattoos or I would use it on them as well just to be very cautious.
Still, I am happy with this soap and will purchase it again for tattoos and other things when I want to be sure I zap mild bacteria and germs and get the area super clean.
knithappens –
Perfect for medical uses.
philip cohen –
This product is GREAT! I had patches of flaking skin. I replaced other products for washing and treating my skin with this product and in only a few days, I was good as new!
KayyJayy.OH –
I ordered this soap a week ago in a desperate attempt to rid myself of the dreaded “nose bump” on my left nostril piercing. The piercing shop I went to is the best around, extremely reputable and this is 100% somehow caused by me or my dumb inability to heal at the rate of perfection. I was advised by my piercer to spray this saline solution onto the piercings (I got both nostrils pierced on the same day) once in the morning and once at night. I can’t say why but my right piercing healed well. I had a bump for a couple weeks but it never got quite as inflamed as the left side.
I am kicking myself hard for avoiding taking pics on that side/not taking a before pic because I AM BLOWN AWAY at the results I have witnessed. Even over night, there were results!!!! I got home late (6/12/21) and ripped my beautiful brown box open to soothe the tender bump. It was, indeed, soothing. There is a medicinal feeling to this soap. You can tell the antiseptic qualities are getting in there. This is my method… I dampen a q tip and use it to dampen the piercing. I dampen it again then use a drop of the soap on the cotton. I form a lather against clean skin, then use the lather to go around a few times, lifting the post gently so the soap can really get in there. I let it sit a moment and then use the other end of the q tip to rinse it off. I Just started doing the inside of my nose the other day, for good measure.
I couldn’t be happier. I really couldn’t ask the soap to work faster, as my body is the one who’s slacking here. I tell myself DON’T OVER DO IT because i just want to wash the thing with the soap. It feels good and every time I do it gets a little better. IDGAF if they gave me 1/3 of a bottle for $20, this stuff is worth its weight in gold for a person suffering from self inflicted facial deformity (or any painful or unattractive piercing mishap). No joke, at 1 am tomorrow it will be a week and the thing is almost gone. I’ve had it for at least 2 months, trying to be patient using saline, time, and the occasional sea salt “mask”. I’m looking forward to seeing how a fresh tattoo heals using this soap.
Athena Engel –
My have abandoned originally purchased this soap for use while healing from tattoos. We’ve since discovered so many uses for it that our house will always buy it, tattoo or not. My grandson is 15 months, he has a reaction to tomato products. It causes a terrible diaper rash. We give him a bath using this soap and it soothes it, so he can relax and play. By next diaper change, the rash is gone. It has a pleasant scent, my husband uses it in the shower for any cuts or scrapes he gets at work, it helps him heal and he’s never had any of them get infected. I cut off half my pinky, it’s gone, of course, but Provon helped minimize the scar and I never had an infection (after the stitches were removed so I could wash it. A tiny bit of Provon goes a long way! It seems to last forever, even though it get used daily for something or other. It is an amazing soap and I’d recommend it to anyone.
Laurissa –
It is a great hand wash to kill germs. And it is easy on your hands with the added lotion.
Yuliana Alvarez –
It’s cheaper and same quality. Better to purchase through here.
iKathi –
I live the fresh smell if this soap.