A Argila Verde Illite Provida é um pó fino de 1kg, ideal para máscaras faciais e corporais. Ela atua como um regenerador natural da pele, proporcionando diversos benefícios. A Argila Verde Illite Provida é um produto natural e versátil, conhecido por suas propriedades regeneradoras e purificantes para a pele. Com uma textura fina em pó, esta argila é perfeita para uso facial e corporal, proporcionando uma limpeza profunda e revitalização da pele.
Esta argila é rica em minerais essenciais, como magnésio, cálcio, potássio e ferro, que ajudam a nutrir e fortalecer a pele. Além disso, possui propriedades adstringentes e desintoxicantes, que ajudam a remover impurezas, excesso de oleosidade e células mortas, deixando a pele mais limpa, suave e radiante.
A Argila Verde Illite Provida também é conhecida por sua capacidade de estimular a circulação sanguínea e promover a regeneração celular. Isso ajuda a melhorar a aparência da pele, reduzindo manchas, rugas e linhas finas. Além disso, a argila possui propriedades calmantes e anti-inflamatórias, que podem ajudar a acalmar a pele irritada e reduzir a vermelhidão.
Este produto é 100% natural e livre de aditivos químicos, o que o torna seguro e adequado para todos os tipos de pele. Pode ser usado como máscara facial, esfoliante ou cataplasma para tratar problemas de pele, como acne, poros dilatados, eczema e psoríase.
Experimente a Argila Verde Illite Provida e desfrute dos benefícios de uma pele saudável, revitalizada e radiante.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Propriedades Regeneradoras
A Argila Verde Illite Provida possui propriedades regeneradoras que ajudam a estimular a renovação celular e melhorar a aparência da pele. Com seu uso regular, você pode obter uma pele mais jovem e saudável.
2. Limpeza Profunda
Esta argila é conhecida por sua capacidade de realizar uma limpeza profunda na pele, removendo impurezas, toxinas e células mortas. Sua textura fina em pó permite uma aplicação suave e eficaz.
3. Nutrição e Fortalecimento
A riqueza de minerais presentes na Argila Verde Illite Provida, como magnésio, cálcio e potássio, ajuda a nutrir e fortalecer a pele, deixando-a mais saudável e resistente a danos externos.
4. Redução de Manchas e Rugas
Graças às suas propriedades estimulantes da circulação sanguínea e regeneração celular, esta argila pode ajudar a reduzir manchas, rugas e linhas finas, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e uniforme.
5. Versatilidade de Uso
A Argila Verde Illite Provida pode ser utilizada de diversas formas, como máscara facial, esfoliante ou cataplasma. Sua versatilidade permite adaptar o uso de acordo com as necessidades específicas da sua pele.
- Regeneração celular que promove uma pele mais jovem e saudável.
- Limpeza profunda que remove impurezas e toxinas, resultando em uma pele mais limpa.
- Nutrição intensa através de minerais essenciais, fortalecendo a pele contra agressões externas.
- Redução visível de manchas e rugas, melhorando a uniformidade da pele.
- Versatilidade no uso, permitindo adaptações conforme as necessidades da pele.
Para utilizar a Argila Verde Illite Provida, siga as seguintes instruções:
- Misture uma quantidade adequada de argila com água mineral ou chá de ervas até obter uma pasta homogênea.
- Aplique a pasta na pele limpa e seca, evitando a área dos olhos e lábios.
- Deixe agir por 15-20 minutos ou até que a argila esteja seca.
- Enxágue com água morna e seque suavemente a pele.
- Recomenda-se utilizar a argila de 1 a 2 vezes por semana, de acordo com a necessidade da sua pele.
Lembre-se de sempre realizar um teste de sensibilidade antes do uso e evitar o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um dermatologista.
Hillbillyland_Chix –
I purchased this to being making mud mask to match my needs as I want and it does that fine but the product isn’t very finely milled and it doesn’t want to apply a thin and smooth mask that can be easily removed. I mixed up the 1st mask applied it and it ended up being a thicker clump mask that dried down to cement and didn’t have any deep pore clean properties that I could see or feel on my face, I think I can use a spice grinder and try again and see if there are any changes in my opinion.
Rachel W. –
OHMGOODNESS! Okay, so the grade could be finer, but the quality is great! If you’re bothered by the larger chunks, then grab a flower sifter and get to work! This is a great price for an excellent amount of clay, and the larger bits are few and far between (at least in my bags).
I have combination skin that tends a lil towards oily. I use this mask 3 times a week, and it is saving me a FORTUNE making it myself! 10$ for 8 oz in the store? Never. Again.
My Mud Mask Recipe:
Noxzema Classic Clean Moisturizing Cream
Green Clay Powder
H2O (Green tea will also work to help calm your skin, while the caffeine naturally tightens skin around your eyes)
Rosehip Oil (only if you would like to deeply moisturize)
Be sparing with the Rosehip oil! It is thick, and makes the mask a lil harder to remove fully. A couple drops in a large batch will work wonders!
I keep mine in an airtight BPA free Tupperware thingy, and apply it with a lovely lil brush 🙂 All in all, I will have mud masks for MONTHS now, and am saving a TON of money. For anyone who is serious about their mud masks: This is for YOU.
Laurielle –
Yes, there are larger particles that you should probably either sift out or sift and crush (maybe if you have a mortar and pestle?), but the clay does a great job for a facial mask. I leave the large particles in and just try to be careful when applying/rinsing the mask. A previous comment stated that it wasn’t green clay; I don’t agree – it IS more of an army green, so it’s more grey-green, but the clay does the job sucking everything out the way that dirt/mud (previous comment) wouldn’t. Unless you’re hoping to impress someone with the green-ness of your clay mask (if they aren’t scared and run away first hehe 😉 ), then I will be picking this product over a super green looking mask that either has additives or is just way more expensive. The price is awesome for the quantity. I will buy it again and also recommend it to friends and family.
Amanda –
I received this product earlier than what I had thought. The packaging was extremely secure, almost to the point that it was difficult to get it open. That’s a good thing though. It came wrapped in layers of newspaper, my fiance and I had a kick out of browsing the pages and seeing how newspapers are set up in a different country. It was very neat. Anyway the clay itself is more gray than green so I was a bit worried that maybe there is something else in it? Or perhaps this is normal. I’m no expert on clay and this is my first time ever using it but boy does it work! My skin feels amazing, the mask gets extremely tight when it dries. I was hoping to start a clay regimen in the morning but the seller says to only use this clay externally, i’m taking their advice and purchasing a food grade clay for consumption and using this one strictly for cosmetic purposes. Green clay truly is mother nature at her best!
Marc Bertin –
I like it , I use it one a week .
Simon –
As a French guy I use organic clay since I’m a child for everything.
I have healed from a broken wrist way faster than with drugs. My therapist was choked about the healing process. ( he was very skeptical about it when I told him I was using clay). I was supposed to have surgery, I have applied clay on my wrist for 1 month day and night and after 1 month It got back to normal. no more pain, I can do everything I was doing before ( push ups, traction, workout……) .
I love this clay! You can feel the mask working, but it is strong so I wouldn’t use it more than maybe once per week, as it is very drying. I was concerned with the elapsed time since my order, so I contacted the seller. He gave me a good idea why it might be delayed, and how long it might be. He then offered to send a replacement with tracking info should it not arrive by the end of the week. I got it the next day, and was very impressed with his understanding of my concern, as well as the offer to ship international with tracking! That would probably cost him more than I even paid for the clay! I was very satisfied overall, but be ready for a long wait! And nobody can blame the seller for the slow shipping, so I am 100% happy with this clay, this transaction, and this seller!!
sam –
Since I was diagnosed with cancer, most makeup products leave my skin itchy, rashy, or worse. I ordered this green clay to use to for my oily skin. It works wonders with no side effects. I use it as a mask (by adding water) for when I want a deep cleaning or as a kind of powder foundation (by adding a little cornstarch and a pinch of cocoa powder). Though it goes on a pale green as a foundation, the color fades so that it looks natural. (Thanks to YouTube for the recipe!) I am especially proud of its use as a foundation since I can’t wear commercial makeup any longer but I still want to feel a little “made up” on occasion. The clay has a faint but pleasantly earthy smell that will fade if you measure out the portion that you wish to use and let it sit out for a while. I mix my powder and leave it overnight in a little bowl and its ready to go first thing in the morning. I love it!2.2lb Illite Green Clay Super Fine Powder for Face Facial Body Mask Skin Natural Regenerator
Rapporto qualità prezzo eccellente prodotto discreto
I never thought I will ever put a clay mask or any other cosmetic mask on my face but my wife and her lady friend convinced me to do it, and boy em I glad I did. Plus I had to look like them otherwise I couldn’t make fun of them. Best product ever when combined with cucumber juice. Leaves skin soft and clean, beats the heck out of spending hundrets in Beauty salons. The packaging was great and arrived intact, with instructions and seller explanation. Truly this seller cares about his customers and it shows. We ordered again and our friend too.