Proteja sua pele dos danos causados pelo sol com o Protetor Solar Mineral Natural SPF 50 3 oz: Natural Tallow. Este protetor solar é formulado com ingredientes naturais e puros, incluindo sebo proveniente de animais alimentados com capim e óxido de zinco. Livre de óleos de sementes processados, fragrâncias, conservantes e filtros UV químicos, o protetor solar Sky and Sol oferece proteção solar tão pura quanto eficaz.
Além de proteger sua pele, este protetor solar é ecologicamente correto e seguro para os recifes de coral. Sua fórmula biodegradável não causa danos aos recifes e à vida marinha, sendo ideal para consumidores conscientes do meio ambiente.
Perfeito para estilos de vida ativos, o protetor solar Sky and Sol é resistente à água, garantindo proteção confiável que permanece mesmo durante atividades aquáticas, esportes e aventuras ao ar livre.
Sua fórmula única à base de sebo combina perfeitamente com os óleos naturais da sua pele, proporcionando um acabamento suave e não oleoso que se mistura perfeitamente com a maquiagem. Sem resíduos brancos, sem acne, apenas uma pele saudável e protegida.
Aproveite os benefícios dos cuidados com a pele à base de sebo, que nutre e protege sua pele. O protetor solar Sky and Sol oferece proteção solar eficaz enquanto promove a saúde e vitalidade da pele.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Ingredientes Naturais e Puros
- Amigo do Meio Ambiente e Seguro para os Recifes de Coral
- Resistente à Água para Estilos de Vida Ativos
- Fórmula Não Oleosa e Amiga da Maquiagem
- Cuidados com a Pele à Base de Sebo
Aplique o protetor solar generosamente em todas as áreas expostas ao sol, pelo menos 15 minutos antes da exposição. Reaplique a cada 2 horas ou após nadar, suar intensamente ou secar-se com toalha. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico.
Brooke –
Literally this is all natural bc it’s made from beef tallow so it’s so good for the skin. I used this while we were in the Caribbean and felt like it did just as good of a job as the comparable Banana Boat option.
Mike –
I’m amazed at how easily a 50 SPF physical barrier sunscreen can blend into my skin. The zinc oxide becomes totally transparent in a few seconds of rubbing. I also like the fresh fragrance of the ingredients, kind of a natural food store or produce smell.
Thomas McLemore –
I was really excited to try this product. I rubbed a bit on my arm and I must admit it was amazing. But not so fast!!! It smells every bit like chemical sunscreen. Like scrubbed my arm almost raw trying to get it off and I still smell it!! I have many mineral sunscreens including think baby, md solar sciences, badger, green solar goo, sun bum baby and none of them smell like this. They are all zinc based mineral sunscreens. I will try color science and naked Sundays next.
Maud –
I wear SPF everyday and for years even decades now. I used chemical creams of course and wanted to nourish my skin with products so clean you can eat them. I must say that I am not sure about the sun protection since I wear it inside or always have a hat unless I go to the beach and use a 50 SPF white cast but my skin has improved in a very short time! I even see less wrinkles, more firm skin, glowing and no white cast at all no smell at all (actually I have a very sensitive noise and I smell a very delicate clean smell). I now use it more as a moisturizer than a sun cream. It absorbs so fast it a great cream to use before primer and makeup !
I finally feel peace knowing I reduced tremendously the chemicals amounts I put in my body 🥰
Lauryn Harris –
I don’t think people truly understand how rare a product like this is. No complex ingredients. Every ingredient being natural and serving a purpose. Also how this doubles as a moisturizer. Zinc oxide is the least irritating way to prevent against UV rays along with tallow and beeswax oil acting as a moisturizer. Compared to my past sunscreen this is much less irritating and leaves my skin looking vibrant.
Ryan –
So, this stuff does work to their credit.. its aplication is easier than other natural sunscreens and it does offer good sun protection. But a big caveat is that the container is not user friendly and for how expensive it is its in the tiniest tube I was shocked. Unless you are only using it on rare occasions it won’t last long. Not long enough for a person going to the beach. Or if money is no issue this is great.
Busy mom –
This is a great sunscreen. Great for sensitive skin. Use it all the time.
MImi12 –
I have purchased this sunscreen twice. The first time it came in a metal tube and it was perfection. Felt amazing on my skin, no white residue after a few minutes, and it protected my skin well. The ingredients are superb. I would give it 5 stars, but the second time I ordered it it came in a plastic bottle and the formula had a white cast and wasn’t as moisturizing. Seemed different. Skip the plastic please!