TruKid Eczema Daily Sunscreen SPF 30 – Kids
O TruKid Eczema Daily Sunscreen SPF 30 é um protetor solar diário especialmente formulado para crianças com pele sensível e eczema. Com um fator de proteção solar (FPS) de 30, ele oferece uma proteção eficaz contra os raios UVA e UVB, essenciais para preservar a saúde da pele delicada dos pequenos. Este produto é dermatologicamente testado e aprovado pela National Eczema Association (NEA), garantindo que sua fórmula suave e sem fragrância não cause irritações, permitindo que as crianças brinquem ao ar livre com segurança.
Fabricado nos EUA, o protetor solar é composto por ingredientes naturais e nutritivos, como óleo de jojoba, aloe vera, óleo de girassol e óleo de chá verde. Esses componentes não apenas protegem, mas também hidratam e nutrem a pele, tornando-o ideal para o uso diário. Além disso, sua fórmula mineral não tóxica é resistente à água, o que a torna perfeita para atividades aquáticas e dias ensolarados.
A TruKid se preocupa com o meio ambiente, e por isso, o protetor solar é livre de bloqueadores químicos de UV e possui uma embalagem 100% reciclável. Com isso, você pode cuidar da pele do seu filho e, ao mesmo tempo, contribuir para a preservação do nosso planeta. O produto é também amigo dos recifes de coral, reforçando o compromisso da marca com a sustentabilidade.
Testado e recomendado por pediatras e dermatologistas, o TruKid Eczema Daily Sunscreen SPF 30 é uma escolha segura e eficaz para proteger a pele sensível das crianças. Ele está na lista dos protetores solares mais bem avaliados pela Environmental Working Group (EWG), o que atesta sua qualidade e segurança.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Proteção de amplo espectro
O TruKid Eczema Daily Sunscreen SPF 30 – Kids oferece proteção de amplo espectro contra os raios UVA e UVB, garantindo que a pele sensível das crianças esteja protegida dos danos causados pelo sol.
2. Ingredientes naturais e nutritivos
Formulado com ingredientes naturais como óleo de jojoba, aloe vera nutritivo, óleo de girassol e óleo de chá verde, este protetor solar é suave para a pele das crianças, proporcionando hidratação e nutrição enquanto protege contra os raios solares.
3. Amigo do meio ambiente
A TruKid se preocupa com o meio ambiente e, por isso, desenvolveu um protetor solar livre de bloqueadores químicos de UV e com embalagem 100% reciclável. Além disso, o produto é amigo dos recifes de coral, garantindo que sua compra seja ecologicamente responsável.
4. Recomendado por especialistas
O TruKid Eczema Daily Sunscreen SPF 30 – Kids é testado e recomendado por pediatras e dermatologistas, garantindo sua eficácia e segurança para uso em crianças com pele sensível. Além disso, está na lista de protetores solares mais bem avaliados pela EWG.
5. Proteção duradoura
Com fórmula de longa duração, este protetor solar oferece proteção contínua durante as atividades ao ar livre, garantindo que as crianças estejam protegidas do sol por mais tempo.
1. Proteção eficaz contra raios UVA e UVB, essencial para a saúde da pele sensível das crianças.
2. Fórmula suave e não irritante, ideal para crianças com eczema e pele delicada.
3. Ingredientes naturais que hidratam e nutrem a pele, promovendo bem-estar.
4. Compromisso com a sustentabilidade, sendo amigo do meio ambiente e dos recifes de coral.
5. Recomendado por especialistas, garantindo segurança e eficácia no uso diário.
Para garantir a máxima proteção, aplique generosamente o TruKid Eczema Daily Sunscreen SPF 30 – Kids em todas as áreas expostas ao sol, pelo menos 15 minutos antes da exposição. É importante reaplicar a cada 2 horas ou imediatamente após nadar, suar intensamente ou secar-se com toalha. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
barrybaker –
Best in the market, I’ve tried various other sunscreens for my Son, they all disappoint, either too greasy or make you look like a ghost, this product does neither.
WA –
Good product but it’s a pretty thick and sticky making it a little harder to rub in and spread to coat skin. I’ll use this tube up and keep looking for a good sunscreen that’s less thick and sticky.
Mommy LoCo –
When it comes to sun protection, we parents just want the best for our children. How heartbreaking is it to see a little one nursing a painful red sunburn!? It’s true that not all baby sunscreens are created equal. As a first time mom, I initially grabbed Banana Boat Baby thinking Banana Boat works well for me. I was horrified when I started seeing my one year old’s silky white skin darkening into a farmer’s tan (skin damage). Then I was introduced to the EWG (Environmental Working Group)’s recommended sunscreens based on environmental and sun safety. In addition to this product, I tried Badger Kids and BurnOut Kids (all comparably priced).
TruKid is my favorite. It is not thick and chalky (like Badger Kids) so it rubs in more easily and it does not leave my son’s skin feeling greasy. If you are used to the cheaper sunscreens, such as the Banana Boat, then you will find this one thicker because the active ingredient (Zinc Oxide) offers better protection against the sun (it’s what lifeguards put on their nose). I think others will agree, when it comes to the safety of our children, it is well worth it to spend just a little more money to get a much more effective product! This is a sunscreen that does what it says it will do; it protects against the sun’s harmful rays and helps to prevent skin damage. I will continue to buy this product for my son!
ranita –
I like this sunscreen but there is often a problem with the tube it comes in. The last one I bought was cut on the back (maybe due to an accidental knife cut? And it wasn’t me cutting open the box, it came in an Amazon shipping bag) so when I was squeezing out sunscreen at the top I unknowingly was also squeezing out a ton on the side. Another tube I bought previously had the stopper break off in the hole where the sunscreen comes out, so we always had to squeeze extra hard for that one. I’ll probably still keep buying these but it’s annoying so have these issues about 50% of the time.
Viki –
My son cannot wear normal sun cream as it brings up his eczema on one application… this cream is perfect as it doesn’t irritate his eczema at all and protects him from the sun perfecto! Very happy 😊
Kathleen S. –
I really like this product. It doesn’t smell like a sunscreen and it doesn’t burn my skin like most of the sunscreens on the market.
M. Johns –
I hate sticky stuff on my skin.
This is not sticky, so I use it more often.
It is hard to navigate all the new evil-free sunscreen products, but Tru Kid is always a trustworthy brand and my 5 kids love all their products!
AFWife2002 –
This is my favorite sunscreen. It works at least as good/if not better as any others I’ve tried, nice orange-like scent, not oily, not excessively thick, effectiveness is immediate. – added bonus the company uses biodegradable packing noodles (dissolve under water) and ships quickly for reasonable cost. I live in Hawaii and paid less than $5 to ship three tubes of it. It got here in less than a week.
In my search to find the best “healthy” sunscreen I have tried several and will summarize them in case anyone else is shopping around for the perfect sunscreen/sun protection. I have learned a lot thru trial and error and will share that in the case that it may help save others the “error” part. The rest of this review is mostly about sunscreen in general or for those looking for extra info.
Sunscreens I’ve tried:
Badger – works ok but very oily, has to be applied 30 min prior to exposure
Loving Naturals – works ok but VERY VERY oily, also has to be applied 30 mins prior. This is especially a problem if you apply it to children 30 min before leaving the house. I don’t want my kids running around the house leaving oily sunscreen residue all over the furniture, etc.
CA Baby – the is my 2nd favorite sunscreen. It works pretty good and is not oily like the above mentioned. However, it too needs to be applied 30 min prior. It is fairly thick and takes some effort to rub in, however I personally don’t mind this. On the up side, sometimes you can find this locally (Target usually carries it in the summertime).
Coppertone Water Babies Pure and Simple – this works ok, my biggest gripe about this is that (unlike the above mentioned) this sunscreen rates a “3/moderate health risk” with the EWG. No point in taking a larger risk than you need to. This sunscreen also seems to irritate one of my children’s skin. The only reason I would buy this is if I was in a pinch and had to buy something from a local store and this was the best they had. Out of all the sunscreens I’ve mentioned this one is the easiest to find in stores.
Here is the EWG’s website for more info on their ratings…
Furthermore, it is critical that you follow the directions and apply the sunscreen up to 30 min in advance if stated. I have found lesser effectiveness when I have tried cutting corners to get outside sooner. Your skin needs to stay cool during this time or you will just sweat it off. Reapplication is also critical, and I have found that even with drying off and spending some time in the shade to allow the second coat to soak in it still doesn’t work as good as the first application.
We live in Hawaii where the sun is strong year round. I have found that one of the best things I can do to protect my young children is to keep them indoors or in the shade during the hottest part of the day. In addition to that my children always wear rash guards at the pool/beach, and I don’t allow them to wear sleeveless shirts/dresses on days when they will be outside much. I like Coolibar” clothing for infants. Keep in mind that infants should be kept in the shade when possible and even then it is possible for them to get some sun on their delicate skin. I keep my 9 month old at home when I can, but when we go out to the pool/beach as a family I put her in protective clothing and apply sunscreen to her face and feet even when she is in the shade (she puts her hands in her mouth so much I usually don’t do her hands).
In short, Sunny Days is the best sunscreen I’ve tried and I use it all the time. However, sunscreen should not be your only line of defense. Clothing, shade and a little common sense should also come into play.
Hope this helps someone ~ Aloha
Natalie Mocharnyy –
We initially bought this for a vacation to make sure it was reef safe and ever since then, we buy it whenever it runs out. This sunscreen smells amazing and for being a mineral sunscreen, it rubs into the skin fairly well. I highly recommend!
Samantha T. –
I searched for a long time for a sun cream that didn’t irritate my son’s eczema and finally I’ve found it! A little pricey for the quantity but well worth it.