Pea Vegan Protein Powder w/Low Sodium | 100%%%% Plant Based Protein Powder | Kosher, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Keto Friendly, Organic Protein Powder | Unflavored Protein Powder 16oz
- ✔️SIMPLES PROTEÍNA – Proteína em pó vegana 100%%%% à base de ervilha, sem aditivos. Proteína em pó orgânica sem sabor, sem adoçantes e com textura suave, feita com isolado de proteína em pó. Proteína em pó sem laticínios cultivada e processada nos EUA
- 😍QUALIDADE PREMIUM – Fonte, processamento e embalagem de proteína em pó vegetal nos EUA com controle de qualidade desde a semente até a prateleira. Proteína em pó sem laticínios com isolado puro de proteína vegetal orgânica
- 👍VERSÁTIL – Opção perfeita de proteína em pó cetogênica vegana! Proteína em pó com baixo teor de carboidratos e sem sabor, feita com proteína em pó orgânica de ervilha que se mistura facilmente em smoothies, shakes ou receitas de panificação. Proteína em pó facilmente misturada com proteína em pó de ervilha orgânica
- 🍃PODER DAS PLANTAS – Melhor proteína em pó à base de plantas feita com isolado puro de proteína de ervilha orgânica. Proteína em pó sem glúten feita com proteína em pó sem adoçantes. Também atua como um suplemento de ervilha
- 🔻REDUZIDO EM SÓDIO E CALORIAS – 70%%%% menos sódio do que outras proteínas em pó de ervilha. Apenas 14 mg por porção! Proteína em pó de baixa caloria feita com os melhores ingredientes orgânicos
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Proteína vegana de alta qualidade
- Versatilidade na cozinha
- Baixo teor de sódio
- Livre de glúten e lactose
- Certificações e qualidade
- Saúde e Bem-Estar: A Pea Vegan Protein Powder é uma excelente fonte de proteína vegetal, ideal para quem busca manter uma dieta equilibrada e saudável.
- Facilidade de Uso: Seu sabor neutro permite que seja facilmente incorporada em diversas receitas, desde smoothies até pratos assados, sem alterar o gosto original.
- Controle de Sódio: Com 70%%%% menos sódio do que outras opções, é perfeita para quem precisa monitorar a ingestão de sódio na dieta.
- Opção Inclusiva: Livre de glúten e lactose, atende a diversas restrições alimentares, tornando-se uma escolha segura para todos.
- Qualidade Garantida: Com certificações kosher e orgânicas, você pode confiar na origem e na qualidade dos ingredientes utilizados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de sopa (15g) de Pea Vegan Protein Powder em 200ml de água, leite vegetal ou suco. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se o consumo antes ou após o treino, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde, para maximizar os benefícios nutricionais e apoiar a recuperação muscular.
Janet –
I have digestive issues, so was looking for a protein supplement that was easy to digest. I had absolutely no issues with this protein powder! It’s not gritty, and is less chalky that others I’ve tried.
I mixed it with coconut milk yogurt, and it didn’t mix in well. Works best if you mix it with a small amount of liquid first, then mix in. Worked great in smoothies, didn’t taste it or notice a difference in texture.
Would have rated a 5, but the packaging was very disappointing. It was impossible to reseal the package, and I ended up having to put it in another container. Also, the text of the package could have been more helpful with tips on how best to use. Can I add it to baked goods? What’s the best way to mix it with yogurt? Maybe a QR code for recipes?
Anna –
I switched from one I used to use when they stopped testing for glyphosate – these guys at least try to make a statement about it.
Kevin L Johnson –
Dental issues have left me unable to chew much of the time. Getting in my protein has been challenging. I HATE protein powders! I don’t want any extra ingredients, including sweeteners. This is the only one I’ve tried that doesn’t make me gag. And that’s high praise coming from someone on the spectrum who has a ton of sensitivities around flavor, texture and aroma. I put it in my coffee, soups, casseroles and smoothies. It’s the only protein powder or supplement in the last 30 years that I haven’t ended up giving away or throwing it out. With my highly sensitive palate I call that a win.
Lindsay evangelista –
I bought this because I wanted an organic, vegan protein option for my smoothies and yogurt bowls. It says unflavored, but it is peas. However, it’s very bland and almost a chalky flavor. It’s does smell like peas. I love it because it’s a great protein source and vegan. It blends fine in smoothies, but you will taste it.
I use it, just not a lot as I thought I would. I think I will look for another option, that might not taste as obvious. I’m giving it 5 starts because it is, exactly what it say it is. Organic pea powder.
K Mac –
The strange flavor is awful and will leave a permanent smell your blender bottles! Beware!
Krista Johnson –
Unfortunately, this arrived damaged. The bag wasn’t completely sealed and part of the product leaked out into the packaging. Not sure I want to use this, but can’t return it. I’m not sure if this happened at the factory or during shipping.
Anna –
I have been looking for different ways to get more protein and other nutrients in my diet. I have heard about pea protein and how it is a popular alternative to whey and other options. I wanted to give it a try. I tried this company’s cheese powder and really enjoyed it. When I saw the released a new product I thought this was the perfect time to try pea protein since I have been curious about it in the past.
The product is a nice size and you do not need a lot per serving so it will last a good time. I used it for smoothies so far. The smoothie in my picture I used the powder, milk, blueberries, strawberries, and pineapples. It is so good. I found a recipe online for a Chocolate shake with pea protein and that’s what I want to try next.
The packaging is bold and easy to read. I like that. The green color is fitting. The powder is very refined and blends really well. It also does not make my smoothie taste chalky like some protein powders taste like. I do like that it is flavorless so I can use it in many ways and in anything without it overpowering it.
I have already recommended this product to my mom friends. We are all focused on eating healthier. I will definitely keep buying again.
Tracy M. Ryan –
If you need low sodium, this is the best I could find. I am not sure how good it really is, quality wise, but there were no side effects or after taste. I am 65, and I did build muscle with a routine weight lifting schedule. Rice protein and hemp protein were added for the full EAA spectrum.