Descrição do Produto: Kaged Post-Workout Protein Powder | Re-Kaged Whey Protein Isolate Shake para Recuperação Pós-Treino | BCAAs Completos
O Kaged Post-Workout Protein Powder, conhecido como Re-Kaged, é um suplemento premium de proteína isolada do soro do leite, desenvolvido especialmente para otimizar a recuperação muscular após treinos intensos. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina proteína de alta qualidade com BCAAs (aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada) completos, este shake é ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam maximizar seus resultados. Cada porção fornece uma dose concentrada de proteína, ajudando na reparação e crescimento muscular, além de reduzir a fadiga e acelerar a recuperação. O Re-Kaged é livre de aditivos artificiais e contém enzimas digestivas que facilitam a absorção, garantindo que seu corpo receba todos os nutrientes necessários de forma eficiente. Disponível em sabores deliciosos, este produto se torna uma opção prática e saborosa para quem deseja manter a performance e a saúde em dia.
1. Recuperação Muscular Acelerada: A combinação de proteína isolada e BCAAs ajuda a reparar e construir músculos mais rapidamente após o exercício.
2. Melhora da Performance: O uso regular do Re-Kaged pode aumentar a resistência e a força, permitindo treinos mais intensos e eficazes.
3. Fórmula Limpa e Eficiente: Sem aditivos artificiais, o produto é ideal para quem busca uma suplementação saudável e de qualidade.
4. Facilidade de Digestão: As enzimas digestivas presentes na fórmula garantem uma absorção rápida e eficiente dos nutrientes.
5. Sabor Agradável: Disponível em diversos sabores, o Re-Kaged torna a suplementação pós-treino uma experiência prazerosa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma medida (aproximadamente 30g) do Kaged Re-Kaged em 240ml de água ou leite desnatado. Agite bem em uma coqueteleira ou misturador até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O ideal é consumir o shake imediatamente após o treino, para maximizar a recuperação muscular e a reposição de nutrientes. Para um aumento adicional de calorias e nutrientes, pode-se adicionar frutas ou aveia à mistura.
Kay –
Wow! I am very impressed with the Kaged products! First I tried the chocolate shake flavor and it was great, then I tried this Orange Kream flavor and it’s heavenly good! The milk stays a cream color, natural, and it dissolves very well with a handheld milk frother. Very palatable and easy to drink after a good workout.
Irene P. –
I purchased this product based on previous reviews, happy I did. It is very similar to that beachy brand that you have to subscribe to in order to get a “discount” on products. The orange flavor is awesome, much like an orange dreamsicle and the calories are low considering the amount of protein! I place crushed ice at the bottom of my cup, then the powder and the water…..shake and voila! YUM after some hard workouts/weight training. I have noticed that my muscles are not as sore later or the next day. Will definitely be purchasing more of this.
Dave B –
I like Kaged products but hate the taste of this one. It truly tastes like a syrupy melted Dreamsicle. I add extra ice and water but I can’t stomach it. Sorry. Some people love the flavor. I would love an option that is much more mellow in flavor.
Santa Fean –
We bought this to add protein to our breakfasts (mostly in smoothies). We are not professional weight-lifters, who may have different priorities. One scoop of protein powder is usually about 3 tablespoons. The 1 scoop serving size of this is 6.5 tablespoons! Also, the contents settled to fill only half the container, so I weighed the recommended serving size and found that one scoop was 48 g instead of the 41.7 grams they say is in a scoop. So, if you are focused on monitoring your grams of protein, weight the powder and adjust the serving size.
I bought this brand and flavor because I thought the Orange Kream would be better in fruit smoothies than vanilla or chocolate, and it is, but it is very sweet.
Bry –
It has protein along with the creatine and glutamine and other amino acids that you need for recovery. Having that protein already mixed in, saves me so much extra time. Excellent product, and each scoop is 28 grams of protein and a decent amount of creatine. I haven’t taken creatine in over a decade and I’m 37 but my job is very physical and I’m in very good shape and look like I’m about 28 haha seriously, and my recovery was unbelievable this week because I work nights so I take it when I get home at 4 a.m. and the next night I can lift heavy and burn the 3,000 calories on average that I burn every night at work with ease and I have the same strength that I had at the beginning of the shift that I do at the end and I feel like an animal haha. I forgot the feeling of creatine and how it repairs the muscles so quickly to help you recover so quickly
stephanie –
This stuff is great!! It is very delicious and the most tasty protein powder I have ever tried. The flavor is spot on and does not let you down. I buy the iced lemon cake flavor and it is exactly what you would expect and imagine the real thing to taste like. It’s sweet and has a creamy consistency when mixed with water. Even though it’s lemon it’s more sweet than a tangy lemon taste. It really hits the spot when I find myself with a dessert type of craving. Highly recommend.
Dave B –
This is my 3rd order of Re-Kaged, I love this stuff! It tastes great and seems to work well. However my 3rd tub came in and its different. The first 2 say Anabolic Protein Fuel on the front label and the powder inside is a pinkish color. My 3rd tub came in and the front label and nutrition info are different, its now called Premium Post-Workout. Also, the powder is a light yellow color. I haven’t tried it yet to see if its the same Orange Kream flavor. I guess they changed the formula slightly. Can anyone verify that?
BuffaloMan10307 –
First of all, the flavor is actually quite good. A subtle lemon flavor on top of a frosted cake flavor. One scoop mixed very well with about 12 oz of water which was surprising given that other powders always seem to leave chunks. So far I am a fan of this powder.