Descrição do Produto: Muscle Feast Micellar Casein Protein
A proteína de caseína micelar Muscle Feast é a escolha ideal para quem busca um suplemento de alta qualidade, totalmente natural e livre de hormônios. Proveniente de vacas felizes que pastam livremente em campos verdes, esta proteína é cuidadosamente elaborada para garantir que você receba apenas o melhor. Com 4 libras de pura caseína micelar, este produto não contém sabores artificiais, enchimentos ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados, proporcionando uma experiência de consumo limpa e saudável.
- GRASS-FED E HORMONE-FREE: A caseína micelar é obtida de vacas que pastam livremente e não recebem hormônios adicionais. Elas são criadas em pastagens, com acesso contínuo durante a estação de crescimento.
- TODOS OS INGREDIENTES SÃO NATURAIS: Nossas proteínas são 100% naturais e não contêm OGM; não utilizamos enchimentos ou ingredientes artificiais.
- INGREDIENTES PUROS: O isolado de whey natural é livre de glúten, compatível com a dieta cetogênica e proveniente de vacas felizes criadas em pastagens. Nossa proteína é originária de um país que baniu o uso de hormônios artificiais para bovinos; não contém enchimentos ou sabores artificiais.
- AMINOÁCIDOS ESSENCIAIS: A whey livre de hormônios e alimentada com pasto contém 4,2g de BCAAs, além de todos os aminoácidos essenciais para uma síntese proteica ideal.
- RÓTULOS PODEM VARIAR: O pó de proteína de caseína 100% natural foi recentemente certificado pela American Vegetarian Association como vegetariano; estamos atualizando nossos rótulos para refletir essa informação; você pode receber um rótulo sem o selo, mas os ingredientes foram aprovados pela American Vegetarian Association.
1. Qualidade Superior: A proteína é proveniente de vacas alimentadas com pasto, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade e sabor inigualável.
2. Sem Hormônios: A ausência de hormônios artificiais proporciona uma opção mais saudável e segura para o consumo.
3. Aminoácidos Essenciais: Com 4,2g de BCAAs, a caseína micelar é ideal para a recuperação muscular e suporte ao crescimento.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser facilmente incorporada em shakes, smoothies ou receitas, tornando-se uma adição prática à sua dieta.
5. Aprovação Vegetariana: Certificada pela American Vegetarian Association, é uma escolha adequada para vegetarianos que buscam uma fonte de proteína de qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção de 30g (aproximadamente uma colher medida) de Muscle Feast Micellar Casein Protein em 200-300ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para um aumento na cremosidade e sabor, você pode adicionar frutas, manteiga de amendoim ou outros ingredientes de sua escolha. Consuma antes de dormir ou entre as refeições para maximizar a absorção de proteínas e promover a recuperação muscular durante a noite.
Aaron –
I’ve been using this for about a week so far and I can’t see anything wrong with this product.
I’m a college athlete who had been looking into casein for quite some time, however I’m also very health oriented and refuse to use anything loaded with artificial flavors, preservatives, fillers, etc. This casein is completely free of everything unwanted – it is pure, unadulterated casein protein. This is what protein should be! I took the casein by O.N for about three days and was completely off my game: my stomach felt horrible, my digestion was off, and I got a terrible headache. With this product, there is nothing. Yes it’s unflavored, but it just tastes like watered down milk, as essentially since 80% of milk is casein protein – should come as no surprise. So to any people who rate this low due to taste – no, just no – this is supposed to taste like this. As for the benefit of the protein itself, I have noticed a considerably difference in my rate of recovery. I put about 1 1/2 scoops in water and take it before bed ( the equivalent to about 30g) – first let me say how much it will make you full ( which is awesome) – upon waking up I notice I am not as hungry as I usually am (as a 6’3 215lb male, I know this feeling well) – and I am also NOT AS SORE. From nearly a decade of sports, working out, and good organic diet, I know my body extremely well. I know how I should feel, and by taking this, by having the slow absorption of A.A’s throughout the night as I sleep – it’s incredible. Also one thing that really stood out to me was the fantastic price. SERIOUSLY, THIS STUFF IS WORTH THE MONEY. There is 82 servings in the large container, for the price (mine was $56) – this is $0.68 per serving of protein free of everything but what nature intended. You would literally be a dolt to NOT buy this brand over other brands.
I will be using this for quite some time, as should you guys. This company has my full approval if it keeps producing quality products like this casein protein.
All in all, there are literally no negative issues with this product.
NC customer –
Good quality and worth the price.
I use this for nighttime protein if I’ve pushed the workouts that day – or even to add protein into some of the foods we make – even pancakes – you can add a couple of scoops to your pancake mix and enjoy “protein pancakes” with out affecting the taste.
Because it is casein – it cooks and bakes nicely – you don’t want to do that with whey or whey isolate because you will get weird clumps – it doesn’t “play nice” with heat. Casein protein doesn’t have that problem. Also, it’s a nice slow digesting protein that will leave you feeling satisfied for longer than whey – though I still do use whey isolate for my post workout recovery shakes.
Michael J. Deluca –
Having used protein shakes the last 15 years I haven’t come across a company like Muscle Feast that produces a cleaner protein. The Unflavored Whey Isolate and Casein proteins are roughly 92% and have none of the extra fillers used by other companies like ON and BSN. Even their Chocolate Protein Flavor is 85% and uses natural flavoring like Coca powder and Stevia to add flavor to their powder.
This all sounded too good to be true at first so I reached out to the owner of Muscle Feast *Sean Gillespie** to ask him about how they manufacture their protein powders: Please see Emails below
“Hi there, I just bought some Casein protein power off of you on Amazon. I checked your website and you don’t mention where you make your products. Could you please send me information on where you make your protein products and other supplements? I need to know that I’m not buying something made in China. Also I would like the name of who inspects the quality of your products so I can check to see if it’s legitimate. Thank You. Mike”
Mike, All of our protein powders come from Wisconsin. Our Dextrose, Maltodextrin and waxy maize come from farms across the US. Our Oat powder comes from Canada. Most of the amino acids and creatine originate from China (they supply about 99% of all the amino acids and creatine sold in the US; Creapure Creatine is manufactured in Germany). Japan does most of the other 1% but their quality is not as good as the product from China. I share your concerns about China. That is why we only purchase products through China from Prinova and Green Wave, Inc; both companies have full time US employees in China that verify the Chinese suppliers they are using are following US GMP procedures and they also do independent testing on the ingredients for purity. For inspections, we are regularly inspected by the Ohio Department of Agriculture and we are also registered with the FDA and subject to random inspections from them as well. **Sean Gillespie**
“Thanks Sean.
You’ve been very informative. I just have one other question. I’ve never come across a more pure protein on the Market. Your unflavored Casein is 92.7% Protein and your Whey Isolate is 92.8% Protein. How can do you make your proteins so clean and free of fillers?
Mike, All isolate proteins will range from about 91% to as high as 95% (Ion exchange can hit 94-95%). We do not like the ion-exchange protein as it partially denatures the protein and the sodium content is really high. Most companies cut their proteins to drop the protein content down (make the product less expensive to produce) and many of them use less expensive forms of protein; like whey concentrate, sodium or calcium cassenaite. We just decided to keep our proteins as clean as possible and all natural to ensure we were putting out the best products possible.
The downside of our protein powder is that they do not thicken like other products do when you mix our proteins in water. If you put our proteins in water, the consistency of the water does not change much. We recommend taking our proteins in milk or a milk substitute.
**Sean Gillespie**
I just tried the chocolate casein protein and it mixes easily and tastes great. Just as good as chocolate milk. I would highly recommend Muscle Feast’s supplements. They are just a small company that offers outstanding customer service and are there to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to contact them at [email protected] and try their protein shakes for yourself. After years of having protein shakes with added sweeteners and fillers I know I’m going to stay with their protein shakes for years to come.