Descrição do Produto: Sprouted Protein – Vanilla, 1000 GR
A Sprouted Protein – Vanilla é uma proteína vegetal premium, desenvolvida a partir de grãos germinados, que proporciona uma nutrição completa e de alta qualidade. Com 1000 gramas de puro sabor e benefícios, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável e saborosa para complementar a dieta. A proteína é extraída de fontes como ervilha, arroz e sementes, garantindo um perfil de aminoácidos balanceado e de fácil digestão. O sabor de baunilha natural torna a experiência de consumo ainda mais agradável, permitindo que você a adicione a shakes, smoothies, receitas de bolos e até mesmo em preparações salgadas. Além disso, a Sprouted Protein é livre de glúten, lactose e aditivos artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
1. Alto Teor de Proteínas: Cada porção oferece uma quantidade significativa de proteínas, essencial para a construção e recuperação muscular.
2. Fácil Digestão: Os grãos germinados são mais fáceis de digerir, reduzindo o desconforto gastrointestinal comum em outras fontes de proteína.
3. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de baunilha natural proporciona uma experiência deliciosa, tornando o consumo mais prazeroso.
4. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser utilizado em diversas receitas, desde shakes até pratos salgados, facilitando a inclusão na dieta diária.
5. Livre de Aditivos: Produto 100% natural, sem glúten e lactose, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação limpa e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 30 gramas (aproximadamente 2 colheres de sopa) da Sprouted Protein – Vanilla em 200-300 ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. A proteína pode ser consumida antes ou após o treino, ou ainda como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Para receitas, adicione a quantidade desejada à massa de bolos, panquecas ou smoothies, ajustando a consistência conforme necessário. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
archboy –
I guess sprouted protein is better. Probably less chemicals put into the body as you are trying to get healthy and build muscles is always a good thing. Doesn’t mix very well when with the ball shaker (with water). Natural Vanilla sounds great in theory but in practice it doesn’t taste very good. It is certainly drinkable but I think it has to taste better to be able to keep at it. I kinda cringe every time I have to take a sip.
Cameron –
Hi Yall, I am a bit bias when it comes to this protein. When I went through an IBS phase of my life and couldn’t stomach whey, I was on the search for the best quality vegan protein out on the market. Now what I didn’t realize is oftentimes, vegan protein powders go for pea protein because it is relatively easy, cheap, has good texture, and can hold a flavor.
However, to my weak a$$ stomach, pea protein was still hard to digest. You will find that ORGAIN’s vegan protein has toxic levels of cancer-causing pesticides in it too. Google search: Protein Powder Pesticides and you will find info there.
I digress. This protein is for you if you like high quality, good tasting, easy digesting, vegan protein. I was surprised when I found it on Amazon recently as it’s not usually sold in the USA. Pleasantly surprised that I have found my old friend. Back to the grind my friend.
If you are looking for easy to digest high-quality whey alternatives:
Levels Casein Protien (has lactose)
Vital Performance Whey Isolate Protein
Prime addict –
I read the reviews on the Vanilla and I thought… How bad can it be?? Well it’s pretty bad. Tastes like some kind of prep you do before an operation. I added banana, strawberry and berry flavored Collagen. Still no good. It has a super thick consistency and a strange barium enema taste. Unless you are ok with spending $47.00 for nothing. Excuse while I figure out what concoction I can mix this with to make it palatable.
Amazon Customer –
Great for smoothies! I can’t take pea, and most powders use pea protein … so delighted to find this one.
J. Hill –
Tasted *much* better than I expected. I’ve been putting this in coconut milk and adding a small scoop of Amazing Grass greens powder so the result is a bit thick but still very palatable. And I hate coconut milk! An immersion blender would be handy but not required.
Frank Andrews –
As I’m somewhat older, I need the extra protein after my workouts. The IronVegan powder provides me with a great boost with great taste. My wife, who is a health professional, read the ingredient label and says it’s better nutrition than most whey protein powders. I like the taste (vanilla) and how easy it is for my body to absorb it. This is the only protein powder I’ll ever use.
Lucille P –
I do like the taste and the quality of Ironvegan sprouted protein. I should note that it can be a bit gritty. This being said, if you mix it with more than water (e.g. add fruit), it does improve the texture.
fiorella –
I really like it. My nutritionist recommended it and every smoothie that I have I add it. Love it
Amazon Customer –
This product saved me from too much anti-nutrients like phytic acid from seeds nuts and grains from my diet. This product has little to no amounts of that! Anti-nutrients cause teeth demineralization.