ICONIC Protein Powder, Baunilha – Sem Açúcar, Baixo Carboidrato – Sem Lactose, Sem Glúten, Não-OGM – 20g Whey de Pasto
O ICONIC Protein Powder, Baunilha é uma escolha excepcional para aqueles que buscam uma fonte de proteína de alta qualidade, sem compromissos. Com 20g de proteína por porção, este pó é elaborado a partir de soro de leite de vacas alimentadas com capim, garantindo uma proteína pura e nutritiva. A combinação de proteína de soro de leite e caseína proporciona uma digestão equilibrada, oferecendo saciedade prolongada e suporte ideal para a construção muscular e recuperação pós-treino.
Com uma fórmula limpa e simples, o ICONIC Protein Powder é feito com apenas quatro ingredientes naturais: isolado de proteína de leite, sabor natural de baunilha, extrato de monkfruit e sal marinho. Isso significa que você pode desfrutar de um sabor delicioso sem a adição de ingredientes artificiais ou conservantes. A proteína é proveniente de vacas criadas em pastagens, que são alimentadas com capim nutritivo, garantindo que você consuma um produto livre de hormônios, pesticidas e antibióticos.
Este pó de proteína é ideal para quem busca uma opção com baixas calorias e baixo teor de carboidratos, sendo adoçado naturalmente com monkfruit. Com 0g de açúcar, o ICONIC Protein Powder fornece todos os aminoácidos essenciais e BCAAs, tornando-se uma escolha perfeita para quem deseja manter uma dieta equilibrada e saudável. Além disso, é livre de OGM, lactose, glúten e soja, e é kosher, atendendo a diversas necessidades alimentares.
Versátil e prático, o ICONIC Protein Powder pode ser misturado com 240ml de água ou leite para uma bebida proteica saborosa. Também pode ser utilizado como um creme de café com baixo teor de carboidratos ou incorporado em diversas receitas, como smoothies e bolos, ampliando suas opções de consumo.
- 20g de proteína completa por porção, essencial para o ganho de massa muscular.
- Ingredientes simples e sabor delicioso, sem adição de ingredientes artificiais.
- Proteína proveniente de vacas criadas em pastagens, garantindo qualidade e sustentabilidade.
- Baixas calorias e baixo teor de carboidratos, ideal para dietas de controle de peso.
- Versatilidade de uso: pode ser misturado com água, leite ou utilizado como creme de café.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção (30g) do ICONIC Protein Powder com 240ml de água, leite ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem ou misture até obter uma consistência homogênea. Consuma imediatamente após o preparo para garantir a máxima frescura e eficácia. Este produto pode ser facilmente integrado a uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável, proporcionando a proteína necessária para apoiar suas metas de fitness e bem-estar.
Pocos –
This powder is sweetened only with monk fruit, is grass fed and mixes easily in a blender. It is very fine powder, but I don’t find it difficult to manage.
M –
I was really bummed when my local store stopped carrying this product and so happy I found it in stock on Amazon.
This protein is not your average protein because it is finely milled like flour. It can make a mess so just know that when you purchase it and be careful when opening. I use a clean fork to find the scoop. The slight mess it makes sometimes is minor because it blends so well because of the fine milling. have tried both vanilla and chocolate and both are equally delicious. The ingredients are minimal and no added junk. I have been supplementing my diet with protein for over 20 years and have yet to find one that taste and mixes as good as Iconic. I don’t suffer any gastro effects from this brand either while some whey proteins make me bloated. If you are in the market for a clean protein that actually taste good I would give it a try!
Team Schroeder –
Iconic is the best tasting, easiest to mix, and super smooth. My only “issue” is with the bag design I get the powder everywhere! Lots of protein and low sugar. Low fiber and sweetened with monk fruit only. The best option for my IBS and hypoglycemia. *I am NOT a medical professional so be sure to always consult your doctor. I do wish there were other flavors like strawberry.
Scout –
The product itself is very good. Mixes very easily. Tastes good (I use the vanilla). Does not bother my stomach so I suppose you could say easy to digest. And very few ingredients so clean. BUT.. and this is important. The reason it mixes so well is due in part to the fact that it is milled very fine and is the consistency of flour. As anyone knows, dealing with flour is messy and this is no exception. The packaging is also terrible and other reviewers have talked about this as well. The product ends up into the very top of the envelope type package, so when you cut it open – the product goes everywhere. Then, you have to dig out the scoop and there is no way to do that without making a mess and wasting product. And then because the product goes everywhere, the zip lock top does not lock because it gets powder in it. I even tried transferring it from the original packaging into a Tupperware container and yes…you guessed it. A mess and more wasted product. So – you will have to decide for yourself if buying a good quality product that makes a mess and gets wasted is worth it.
revbnc –
Got this And immediately opening it up, put a small spoon full in a big cup of milk. It was so overpoweringly sweet I can’t stand to finish the cup. My wife tried it who eats more sweet things than I do and said it was awful also.
I don’t think the chocolate flavor is awful. It’s the overpowering amount of monk fruit they put in it. Monk fruit is super concentrated and a little goes a long way.
My wife also didn’t realize it was non-returnable. Trying to come up with someone who might be able to tolerate it so we don’t waste $40.
If you are used to extremely sweet tasting things, you might be OK, But if you are keto or carnivore, stay away.
Chris Harmon –
I’ve been buying iconic for several years and it’s one of the best on the market. Pricey but it’s clean ingredients make it well worth it. It also tastes great.
revbnc –
The way this is packaged (in a resealable bag) and shipped made for a messy opening. It basically flew everywhere when I opened it. It gets everywhere. The scooper is hard to get out and again product gets all over your hands and is super clumpy. The taste is good and like the lactose free option👍🏻
Dilli Gaf –
I absolutely love this protein powder! It mixes easily and has natural and very few ingredients so not overly processed. Love the taste, too!