O Pó de Proteína de Clara de Ovo de 227g é uma solução inovadora e prática para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma saudável e versátil. Pasteurizado e livre de aditivos, este produto é uma fonte pura e natural de proteína de alta qualidade, oferecendo 25g de proteína e 0g de gordura por porção. Através do processo de remoção das gemas e liofilização das claras, obtemos uma albumina que é naturalmente livre de soja e glúten, além de ser baixa em carboidratos, tornando-se uma excelente opção para dietas restritivas.
Com sua característica sem sabor, o pó de clara de ovo se destaca pela versatilidade em diversas receitas. Seja para assar merengues, preparar suflês ou enriquecer shakes de proteína, ele proporciona estrutura e estabilidade, permitindo que você explore infinitas possibilidades na cozinha. Além disso, a praticidade do produto se reflete em sua estabilidade em prateleira, eliminando preocupações com a frescura e armazenamento dos ovos. A embalagem com zíper à prova de pó garante que o produto permaneça fresco por mais de um ano, evitando desperdícios e facilitando o uso diário.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fonte pura de proteína de alta qualidade
- Baixo teor de carboidratos e livre de soja e glúten
- Estabilidade e vida útil prolongada em comparação com ovos frescos
- Versatilidade para uso em diversas receitas
- Embalagem com zíper à prova de pó para manter a frescura
- Aumento da ingestão de proteínas, essencial para a construção muscular e recuperação pós-treino.
- Opção saudável e prática para quem segue dietas restritivas, como low carb ou sem glúten.
- Eliminação da necessidade de armazenamento de ovos frescos, garantindo praticidade no dia a dia.
- Versatilidade que permite a inclusão do produto em uma ampla gama de receitas, desde doces até pratos salgados.
- Embalagem que preserva a frescura do produto, evitando desperdícios e garantindo qualidade a longo prazo.
Misture 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 15g) de pó de clara de ovo com 150ml de água ou líquido de sua preferência. Mexa bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O produto pode ser consumido imediatamente ou utilizado na receita desejada, proporcionando uma adição rica em proteínas e sem sabor indesejado. Experimente em shakes, panquecas ou como base para suas criações culinárias.
KC –
I’ve been going to gym and trying to gain more muscle. I use the egg white protein powder when I make pancakes, banana bread, or other goodies. My food tastes great and I’m able to hit my daily protein goals. Best of all, I have seen results in the gym and physique.
RiK –
Egg whites have been my favorite source of protein, going way back to my powerlifting days. It’s clean, doesn’t taste funky like, and doesn’t mess with my digestive system like soy.
I look for three things when buying egg white powder: Made in the US, pure powder, and a good value compared to similar quality products. Talcufon has all three. It’s made in the US, so subject to FDA oversight. It’s also pure egg whites, with no additives. And at $14/8oz at the time of this review it’s an excellent value.
That Guy Over There –
Just basic freeze dried egg white powder – nothing special about it that I can find. Each “serving” works out to the same protein total as six or so actual fresh egg whites. Has an bit of an off putting taste to it when mixed in to a shake as extra protein so you may just want to use it as an egg replacement or protein booster in baked goods as that would cover up the flavor a bit more.
Power Adapter –
My plan with this was to add it to scrambled eggs made at home to add some extra protein. Before doing that, I made a little test batch, using the included scoop to measure things out. I’m glad I did, because this isn’t the same as powdered egg whites I’ve used before.
The smell was off, kind of sour, and this is a difficult thing to describe but the texture of the powder was off…it seemed to move differently like it was a different density and stuck to itself differently than other egg white powders. Nevertheless, I mixed it up and added a fresh egg to see how it would work.
Texture-wise, it was pretty okay, but the taste was weird. An off taste with some kind of artificial/chemical tones. I didn’t feel comfortable having more of it.
Unfortunately this isn’t going to be added to my pantry. Unsure if I got a bad batch or if this simply isn’t as advertised, but uncomfortable using it either way.
HoneyK –
This is an effective extra boost of protein that can easily be blended into my shakes. I like the fact that it is unflavored and easy to consume. In terms of value, the package is fairly small and I have to add 2 scoops to get the full 25 grams of protein, which means I’ll be going through this bag very quickly.
Emily King –
We got this powder to add protein to our smoothies and it is working great for that. We just add a spoonful and blend away and then enjoy having more protein in our diet. I like that this is pure egg white powder with nothing else added and it doesn’t expire for almost three years. It comes in a nice, freestanding resealable pouch to keep it fresh between uses.
Chameleon Eleven –
I read other reviews and was surprised to see so many positive comments. I tried this Talcufon Egg White Protein Powder and found it to be very unpleasant tasting. It had an odd sweetness to me that was unexpected and almost soured tasting. It also did not smell good in the pack, not that I was expecting powdered egg white to smell like much of anything, but I also wasn’t expecting it to smell gross, yet it did. I mixed it up exactly as it was on the instructions, but this stuff cooked weird and got chunky yet watery. If you are hiding it in a smoothie maybe it’s not bad but two scoops is a lot of powder. Based on the calories and protein I’m guessing it’s the equivalent of 6-7 egg whites, but the package doesn’t say that. If that’s not the case, then I’m not sure what else is driving those numbers up. I’m glad to see it worked out for others, but this is not something I would want to use again. I did not like it at all.
ShareTheLove –
One thing that annoys me about liquid egg whites is they have a limited shelf life upon opening. I like the idea of this powder simply because it doesn’t expire upon opening. It’s a little more work but I intend to use it more for baking and smoothies for a tasteless boost of protein vs to beef up omelettes.