Descrição do Produto:
O Pó de Proteína de Caldo de Osso de Gado Alimentado com Capim é uma revolução no mundo da nutrição saudável. Este produto, feito a partir de caldo de osso de gado criado a pasto, é uma fonte pura e natural de proteína, sem sabor, que se destaca pela sua composição rica em colágeno natural e glucosamina. A escolha de gado alimentado com capim garante que os ingredientes sejam de alta qualidade e provenientes de práticas sustentáveis, refletindo um compromisso com a saúde do consumidor e do meio ambiente.
Este pó de proteína é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma alternativa nutritiva e saudável, especialmente para quem tem preocupações com a saúde intestinal. Com uma formulação que evita aditivos desnecessários, como carboidratos e açúcares, o produto é perfeito para dietas com baixo teor de carboidratos. Além disso, a ausência de agentes espessantes, como gomas guar ou gomas xantana, torna-o uma opção amigável ao intestino, evitando desconfortos estomacais.
O Pó de Proteína de Caldo de Osso é embalado em um frasco de 80 oz, contendo 32 oz de produto, medidos por peso. Essa prática é padrão na indústria para evitar que o pó escape durante o enchimento. Para garantir a melhor experiência de consumo, recomenda-se misturar o pó em um liquidificador na configuração “baixa” ou diretamente em água quente, garantindo que o produto se dissolva completamente.
Fabricado em uma instalação que segue as boas práticas de fabricação (GMP), cada lote do nosso pó de proteína é produzido com um processo de baixa temperatura e demorado, preservando os nutrientes essenciais e a qualidade do produto final.
1. Alta qualidade: Fonte de proteína pura e natural, proveniente de gado alimentado com capim.
2. Ingredientes simples: Formulação limpa que promove a saúde intestinal, sem aditivos desnecessários.
3. Sem carboidratos ou açúcares: Ideal para dietas com baixo teor de carboidratos, ajudando a manter o controle de peso.
4. Processo de fabricação cuidadoso: Preserva os nutrientes essenciais, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade.
5. Apoio à saúde intestinal: Amigável ao intestino, evitando desconfortos e promovendo uma digestão saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture 1 colher de sopa do Pó de Proteína de Caldo de Osso em 8 oz de água quente ou em um líquido de sua preferência. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se o consumo diário como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. Este produto é uma excelente adição a smoothies, sopas ou até mesmo como um enriquecedor de receitas, proporcionando benefícios nutricionais sem alterar o sabor dos pratos.
KH –
This is the only bone broth powder I’ve tried, so I have no basis of comparison. I have, however, gone through every protein-based gluten-free powder imaginable, and there’s a reason i’ve landed on this unflavored one.
Who knew how hard it is to find a protein powder without fake stuff in it? Or just extra stuff that doesn’t need to be there? That, that I’m allergic to most other protein bases, and the fact that it’s gluten-free, is why I turned to this protein. I have reactions to so many things, and this is just very basic, dense protein. It’s a plus that I don’t have any reactions to it. I have found no disturbance of gut or allergies.
Given that, it tastes like basic, dense protein. It has a marrowy flavor that I find best masked in a stronger flavor like coffee or chocolate. It’s not a bad flavor, but it is ureic, persistent, and hard to augment if you’re someone who needs variety.
This powder WILL NOT dissolve in cool or cold liquid, so forget adding it to smoothies or cool juices. It dissolves best with a small immersion or bar blender, in hot liguid. However, if it’s TOO HOT, it will turn into a rubber ball that could take out your garbage disposal. Even with the right temperature, it has a tendency to form tiny clumps that will dissolve as it sits (unlike some powders that never dissolve). When it dissolves under the perfect circumstances, the consistency is smooth and thick, but not gummy. It seems to blend best with a small amount of liquid at first, then once blended fill with the desired amount of liquid.
All considered, I can’t use this protein continuously. I’m not sold on the flavor or smell, and I do like variety. I want to be able to have cold protein shakes. But for now this is the only protein powder I’ve used that didn’t have adverse health affects. I’ve not used it long enough to say that it promotes my health in any particular way.
Relle –
I was looking for an easy way to bump up my protein in savory dishes, so decided to give this a shot. Taste-wise, it’s great! There is almost no added flavor at all. It does have a bit of a meaty smell to it though, and the powder is weirdly sticky and doesn’t blend easily. But, I like to add it to water when I’m cooking rice, lentils, couscous, quinoa, etc. It gives these foods an extra boost of protein without much effort. I have also added it to scrambled eggs!
Luisa Noriega –
He probado todas las marcas y esta no es mi favorita. El exceso de espuma es incómodo y se desperdicia producto. No se deshace con agua caliente por lo cual hay que hacerlo con batidora o licuadora 🙁 no es práctico. Sí es insaboro, por eso no lo califico más bajo.
Jon Doe –
I’ve used this product the past few years.
Works great for shakes, mixes into oats and yogurt.
Easy to digest and tastes good.
TD –
I have been using this for several months and notice a huge difference in my knee pain and more and my favorite thing is there are no additives at all, it is strictly bone broth. I put it in my smoothies; blend my yogurt, fresh fruit and then add cinnamon with a scoop of protein powder and blend again, it blends perfect, no taste, no clumps.
I always research companies before ordering products and I am very pleased.
Cassie –
I’m so grateful a friend turned me onto this product! I needed a savory option to sneak more protein into some of my kids foods, since it is so hard to get them to eat things other than high sugar & carb stuff. The quality is amazing, & I love that it is specifically grass fed too!
Whatever size you get get a size bigger than you would normally get. The hoodies run small –
Good product, definitely works well and the flavor is decent, it won’t blow your socks off but it’s not bad by any means
Ashia H. –
The one problem I have with this product was minute, and didn’t deserve a star knock down.
Sum of my findings:
Taste: Good, not chalky.
Ingredients: Protein to Calorie ratio is awesome. Only has 5 ingredients; amazing for a protein powder!
Blending: It doesn’t dissolve right away with a blender bottle, but if you read their description it recommends a BLENDER, which I do not use.
Digestive Level: Lactose turns me into a gassy beast, I’ve had no issues with this product.
Full Review:
Taste: The vanilla is more present than the chocolate in my mixture, neither is potent enough to ruin my shake. Once blended it is smooth, not chalky. Don’t let the title fool you! It doesn’t taste anything like the broth you put in soups.
Ingredients: The protein to Calorie ratio is the best I’ve seen so far in my hunts. There’s only 2.7 grams that isn’t protein! Most powders I’ve seen range from 8 to 15 gram difference (you should really avoid the ones that have more than a 10 gram difference, they’re complete garbage at that point). If you’re not getting a protein powder for the protein… what’s the point? There’s only five ingredients in this mix and you can pronounce each one. The more ingredients in a powder, the poorer the quality of product. Chances are if you can’t pronounce the ingredients, you probably shouldn’t be ingesting them. Most end up being man-made preservative garbage.
Blending: I only use blender bottles, so I am sure it mixes far better in the recommended blender idea, but I found when I make my drink, give it a good shake, throw it into the fridge for 10-20mins, give it a good shake, it works just fine. By that time, the powder will have smoothly blended in with the rest of my shake.
Taste: In my case, I like mixing this with almond milk, and coffee. The powder gives it the perfect amount of sweetness. The vanilla flavor is more present and the chocolate one is more mellow, but I haven’t found this product to be over powering. It also mixes well with my other protein powder.
Digestive Level: This product doesn’t upset my stomach or disrupt my natural body functions. I am slightly lactose intolerant and wasn’t sure how this protein powder would play out. Ingesting anything with lactose tends to make me gassy (as if a fart has ever stopped me from enjoying dairy), but this powder didn’t react negatively in any way.
I’ve been using this product along side Hydro Whey for the past two months. I love my Hydro Whey, but this is a better product. If you’re looking for a good quality protein powder with a great protein to calorie ratio and something that won’t upset your digestive system, I definitely recommend this product.